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Open Rift in the Dimensions

The pair of robots did not know how long they'd been traveling. Bonecrusher's internal chronometer seemed to have shut itself down.

Perhaps it is the property of this place, he thought, Time as I know does not exist. Or I just didn't recharge it.

This place intrigues me. Never in my existence have I seen a place so... undertechnological. Even Mixmaster wouldn't be able to find materials here, unless there are others who brought them.

I wonder if there are even others here. For all we know, we could be the only sentient beings in this entire dimension!

He was about to voice that last thought of his when Ravage growled: "I see something- or rather, somethings ahead. We're definitely not alone."

"Good," Bonecrusher said, "Maybe we can get some answers."
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Sonic had to be a little surprised at Kirby actually saying a full sentence. Tails, on the other hand, heard something in the distance. Something mechanical.

"Surprise surprise..." he said, not so surprised anymore after so many newcomers had joined them. Though this onewas definitely not organic...
Valkyrie looked into the distance. Another lifeform? Powers, where do these.. Well, the form wasn't humanoid, or animal. So either more talking trees or cars.

Vai watched Galacta Knight something or other arguing with Kirby... speaking of Kirby, that had to be the first full sentence he'd said around her. Wow.

Ravage walked on ahead of Bonecrusher, and gave a small roar of surprise.

"Most of these things seem to be composed of similar organisms as those 'humans' whom we hid amongst," it said, "None of them appear to be deadly, though there's this one fellow that has a face helmet and strange wings that gives a rather bad impression."

The mechanical cat turned to look at its master. "Not that I don't think we'd be able to handle ourselves if things go nasty. But something in my logic processors tells me that we should try communicating with these fleshlings."

"You do that then," Bonecrusher said, "You're the symbiont who knows how to communicate with anyone that isn't a Constructicon."

"I function to serve." Ravage muttered sarcastically, before leaping ahead.

"Greetings, fleshlings. Do any of you speak Cybertronian?"
Tails tilted his head as he stared at the giant robotic figure and the slightly smaller robotic cat. After all he'd seen, he wasn't surprised, but he was fascinated.

Sonic rolled his eyes. "tails geek-out in three...two...one..."

"Amazing!" Tails said to himself, "I've never seen anything so advanced in my entire..." he then heard the robot speak. "Umm...I'm sorry, I don't understand you..."

((Are we supposed to be able to understand Ravage? If so, I'll adjust my post accordingly))
((No, they are not.))

Ravage titled its head back. "They don't speak our language, Bonecrusher. That might have just destroyed any chance we had of learning what was going on."

"Just use that language software I installed, slag-head."

"Right. The software." Ravage said, cursing itself all the while.

It cycled through several languages in its mind before hearing one that matched what the creature had said.

"How does this sound?" Ravage said in perfect English.
((Doesn't matter for Valkyrie. >:3))
Valkyrie blinked as what the robot thing said twisted itself around and became the Speech in her mind.
"I don't speak your language, but you should be able to understand me, yes?" So it wasn't a talking tree or car, but.. a robot. Giant mecha, hooray. "And you're not alone.. there's another lifeform some space behind you."
((Apparently everything understands the Speech as their native language, so thar. >:3))
"Yes, I can understand now!" Tails said. "So...who are you? You must be from an interesting place to evolve mechanical organisms..."
"We're from a Planet known as Cybertron, though my master- the big one behind me- and I recently crash-landed on another planet when we traveled away from it. Technology such as this is commonplace back home."

Ravage paused and then said. "Perhaps I should introduce myself and my master. My master is known as Bonecrusher, and I, his symbiotic partner, am called Ravage."
"Nice names..." Sonic muttered under his breath, but didn't show any contrary emotions on his face. Oddly enough, it was Tails who made the first steps in the introduction. Must be a geek thing...

"I'm Tails," Tails said, "And that's my best friend Sonic."
Fascinating, Galacta Knight thought as he studied the two newcomers. Never have I seen such advanced technology. Not even on Mekkai. However... I have been cut off from civilization for some time... Galacta Knight made no attempt to join in the conversation, listening intently to what the two mechanical beings had to say.

Torchic glanced over at all the commotion. Wow! Giant robots! I sure wish Chikorita were awake to see this...
((Ninja'd >_>))
Valkyrie shrugged when she heard English.. well, whatever.
"I'm Valkyrie," she introduced herself.

Vai looked over the robot things, and wondered exactly how thick their metal skins were.
"Uh, I'm Vai," she muttered.
Taunos and Geralt turned at the noises coming from the general direction of the others. There stood a very large behemoth and a smaller one. Sonic, Tails, and some of the others were already communicating with them.
"Well," Taunos said, "I suppose things just got a lot more... interesting."

Geralt produced the same bottle of wine and took a drink.
He offered the bottle to Link, "You might need this after seeing that.", he simply said.
"Good to have made your acquaintance," Ravage said.

Turning back to look at Bonecrusher, he said in Cybertronian: "I don't see why you just don't talk to them. They don't look like they'll bite... except maybe the small one in the body armor."

"I told you, I will not talk to them until I understand them better. And even then, I probably won't speak. You're my equivalent to a vocal processor. As far as these beings are concerned, you can tell them that I only speak Cybertronian."

"Fine then," Ravage said, "But I don't know how many of them will believe that."
Valkyrie sighed when the robots, no, Cybertronians if she heard right, say he or she or it wouldn't talk.. That was his choice then.
"So what exactly are we waiting her for, again?" Valkyrie asked Tails.
It could have been his imagination, but for whatever reason, those machines seemed to be eyeing him. He finally gave in to the temptation and spoke. "I am... Galacta Knight. I am fascinated by your advanced technology, but what are you doing here?" Immediately after saying it, he realized what a dumb question that was.
"Giratina said that she was going to retrieve Palkia, and that he would appear here to meet us." Tails answered, "At least, that's the plan...."

'With all this craziness, who knows what might happen?" Sonic added.
Barrolk lowered his sword. "Good. I'd rather not fight right now, I can't do so very well when I feel like I've just been hit by a Baffling Bonk."

((Speaking of Baffling Bonk, I have no idea what's happening right now.))
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