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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Barrolk withdrew his sword from its forwards position and tipped it against the ground. He started looking a bit unsure. "Are you against the monster scouts of Domus Isle and would you attack one on sight?"

Under his breath, he muttered "Gah, Neko would be better with words than me..."
((Hmm, wah? Sorry, I fell asleep at 7 yesterday. Because I'm sick. Which is why I'm typing this. Bah. Time back-up!))

"Hi, Taunos. My name is Blaze."
((Okay, back to real time now.))

"So, Sonic, what's this talk about Palkia I hear about? Taiko over here keeps telling me about him."
Indeed, he was. Taiko, off somewhere else, was blabbing to Blaze about Palkia.
"Apparently he's the 'God of Space' or something of his world, and I think there's a few others here from the same place..." Sonic replied

Tails, looking away from where Giratina had just disappeared from, noticed the white-ish figure Giygas was pointing at that he hadn't before. It was holding back...

"Who are you?" Tails asked, edging closer to it.
Project 154 looked at Tails, who was talking to him, he hadn't seen anything like anyone in the group. But he hadn't seen much, so no wonder.

"Me?" He answered, raising his floating hands. "I'm nobody, I'm just one of hundreds of number 154, I'm not important. But I guess you could call me Quentin, that's the name I use in society, calling myself 154 everywhere would cause some trouble in my case"
He took a look at the group again, and looked around him. "Now could you be nice and tell me where I am? I don't recognize this place, to be honest"
"This is the Endless Pains," Tails answered, "And to be honest, none of us are familiar with it. We just kind of ended up here. Anyway, I'm Tails, and that over there is Sonic."

((Last post for a while. See ya after work!))
"No," Taunos told Geralt, "but we're all from disconnected places anyway."

"True enough.", Geralt replied as the two walked back to the group, "So... what sort of, erm, people are also here?"

"All sorts of admittedly strange beings. Some of them are quite, ah, colorful.", Taunos replied.

"Great...", Geralt replied. He added after spotting a white figure, "Like him?"

"Haven't seen him around yet," Taunos said, "Must also be new to this group."
Taunos and Geralt approached the figure, who had stark white hair just like Geralt.
"They call this place the endless plains, and I suppose you can see why.", Taunos told him.
Off in the distance, a lone figure lie limply on the ground. Why is it that, just when I'm enjoying my suspended animation, someone has to wake me up? He then remembered that, since you're unconscious during suspended animation, it feels like you're being woke up every other second rather than, who knows, every other century? Yeah. He began to sit up. Two red eyes seemed to flare up as he fluttered his purple, feathered wings slightly, as if testing them. In each hand he held a pink lance and shield. The two golden horns at the top of his mask seemed to glow in the sunlight.

None of this looks familiar. And what are those creatures I see? Galacta Knight glided off in their direction. Oddly enough, he seemed to be flying with his wings trailing behind him. He was the one doing the floating. Could they have awakened me? Unless by some divine power, they couldn't have done it from here...

"Did any of you mortals summon me? Answer quickly!" He barked at the group.

"I-I didn't do it! Really!" Torchic squeaked. There were plenty of newcomers, but she didn't want trouble with any of them. She headbutted Chikorita awake. "N-neither did she!"

That hurt... Chikorita thought as she saw who Torchic was talking to.
Taunos turned around at the voice. What looked to be an armored head with wings and limbs stood there.
"Well, I certainly didn't," Taunos replied, "I'm no warlock."
"Beats me...", Geralt replied.
"How disappointing. I should have known none of you could possibly be capable. If it is of any use, my name is Galacta Knight." He introduced himself. "I need not any of your names. I merely wish to know where this is, and if possible, what all of you are doing here. Not that I am interested in the lives of mortals."
Quentin looked at Taunos, and since he was around the same height as Tails, he felt short, but this didn't necessarily discourage him, he had seen bigger things, and if necessary, more scary things. Vahl Drieg was kind of freaky after all.
"I'd not say there were many colours where I come from" He said, stating he heard them talking about him. "The primary colours of everything there is black, grey and white. There's also lots of red, especially my flat is coloured red, I took the opportunity to paint it that colour when some guys decided to break in, you see" Even if had no visible mouth, even when he talked, it was obvious Quentin did a very sadistic face right there.
Giygas was now trying to keep as far away from this short, limbless white-haired fellow as possible. Being around him gave Giygas a chilling vibe, there was definitely something twisted about him.
Quentin took his handgun out of his pocket from boredom, and shot in the air. "So, what do you guys do here anyway?" he said, while putting another bullet in the gun to replace the one he just shot. "Why aren't you in your own worlds if you can?"
((Whoops. Sorry about the post ninja, MG.))

"Why am I not in my own universe?" He turned to face Quentin. "That is what I intend on finding out. With that said, I assume you are from this universe?"
Taunos was taken aback by this man's, if he was one, interpretation of his statement.

Geralt remained calm, "To be honest, I can't. I was sent here suddenly. You could say against my will. Something about a... decay?", he replied.

"Ah, yes, a terrible force has spread across our realms.", Taunos added.
((I have become aware of the dangers of having two conversations with the same character at once. :P))

"Sent here against your will? It seems the same has happened to me." He commented, turning to face Geralt and Taunos. "And a decay? A terrible force? Speak!"
"You're quite the demanding one, aren't you?", Geralt remarked, "Some kind of ruler back home? Or just a city guard?"
"Um, yes. A terrible, yet unknown force. It devours worlds, and has unpleasant side effects on the areas surrounding it as well.", Taunos explained, "We've got, well, some sort of lead."

"A lead?", Geralt asked.

"Yes. Some of the most powerful beings of a world I only know as Kanto seem to be out to help us," Taunos replied, "I've yet to see what they can do, but they are revered as gods, so I suspect they'll help a lot."

"Interesting...", remarked Geralt, who was never one for gods and such.
"If you must know," he replied, slightly irritated, "I am revered as the greatest warrior in my galaxy. This... decay... sounds quite ominous. Perhaps it is responsible for my abrupt awakening."

Chikorita decided to join in the conversation, much to Torchic's surprise. "I guess none of you are familiar with Pokemon. The, um, god, we're waiting for, is known as Palkia. He's in charge of our world's spacial properties."

"Perhaps this "Palkia" isn't quite as omnipotent as you thought, if he's already let things get this out of hand..." Galacta Knight thought aloud.
Link sighed and backed away from the group, more than a little disoriented by the noise and sheer number of people and creatures here. This was ridiculous. Everyone else was fine, apparently. Relatively, anyway.
"Oh for the love of Fa- Okay, you know what, somebody tell me when we're leaving to wherever we're going."
He half-ran several yards away, sat down, and started reading a book, trying to ignore everyone else.
Geralt smirked at Galacta Knight, "I myself learned not to trust 'gods' a long time ago.", he said.
Geralt then looked down at what had spoken. It waas a small green creature with a leaf growing out of it's head. Unlike many things Geralt had seen in his life, it didn't seem threatening.
"And I suppose I haven't messed up creating a potion?", Geralt wondered out loud.

Taunos saw Link walk away and told the others, "And I suppose I'll leave you to your thoughts now. Hopefully we can get moving again soon.", and with that, he followed Link.
"Not anymore," Cirrus replied, back on four feet. "After Infern Isle's disaster, everyone was stirred up. But now this. There aren't any sides anymore." The magenta rabbit sighed, shaking her head. "But I have never been with a scout before."
((I leave for three days and.. >_> wut happened?))
((Long story short, after many fillers and second characters, Giratina has brought everyone back to the Endless Plains, and is, I believe, gonna go get Palkia. Yep.))
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