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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Valkyrie looked around at all the other people who had.. appeared.

"Well, I met Vai on my first worldgating, and had my.. uh.. test in her world. So yeah, we know each other. And Vai, have you been annoying people again?"

Vai snorted. "What else would I be doing here? Aside from... never mind." Valkyrie grinned, and flicked through her manual again. Most of the species weren't known to the manual.. so they must be from more than a couple universes over. Wow.
((Dammit Dragon, you need to post in The Exiled as well, I can't post there until you reply to my latest one! :< ))
((Kirby, you come here right now and post something negative about Galacta Knight! >:3))
((Not necessarily, though. Kirby's only fought Galacta Knight in The True Arena, and therefore knows very little about him, since the only other time he's fought is in Meta Knightmare Ultra mode. And, of course, Meta Knight ain't here. And if he were, wouldn't he be played by the resident fangirl~? (Oh and THAAAANK YOOUUUU for not calling him Galaxia Knight. 'Galaxia' is the name of Meta Knight's sword, fools. >>)

Also, you wouldn't happen to be a Kirby fan, would you? If so, fwee!, because this forum needs more Kirbylove. (According to my spell checker 'Kirbylove' is a word)))
((I don't want to RP as 154 anymore so he's just gonna make like a tree and get the hell out of there))

Giygas looked around once again, this time turning to the newly arrived Galacta Knight. Unlike Quentin, who had a murderous aura around him,this guy felt mighty, just looking at him was like seeing into a volcano. He looked back and saw Quentin slowly walking away. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" He yelled at him, which made the white-haired man turn around and say: "I'm going to find a way to my own world, I have no business with you guys or saving the worlds" This made Giygas angry, "You're not saving your own world by going back to it!"

"I have no intentions to save my own world. It's a place of madness, and I'm going back to kill the creator of this madness, my creator. Hades' creator, Poseidon's creator, Zeus' creature, and the rest of the 150 before us" Quentin answered, much to Giygas confusion. "Hades? Poseidon? Zeus? Your creator? What are you talking about?"

Quentin took out his handgun at aimed it at his own stomach, and pulled the trigger. A loud boom was heard as the bullet went through Quentin's body, and exited it with several trails of blood following it. But all the Quentin did was taking a step back to gain balance. "You see that?" He said, sounding like he was in pain, "A normal being dies from that, but I'm not even close to dying. I'm not normal, I'm a weapon created for killing, the weapon number 154" He then turned around again and walked away as slowly as ever, stumbling a bit from the shot. Giygas looked stunned as he walked away. "Now that I think of it, the feeling I got from him wasn't completely murderous and sadistic, it was also kind of.. sad"

((The thing with Giygas getting strange vibes from people have to do with his PSI by the way. And 154 can survive taking a shot from a Shotgun at blank-point-range in the game he comes from if you didn't know))
Sonic and Tails gaped at what Quentin had just done and were completely speechless. After a few momeents, they somewhat regained their composure.

"W-well...." Sonic stuttered, "A-at least we-we won't have to see that again...."
What an odd being... Galacta Knight thought as he watched Quentin stumble away in pain, completely unfazed. No matter. I must obtain more information on this "decay". But these creatures have limited knowledge. Galacta Knight turned around and studied the diverse creatures surrounding him. I suppose I have no choice. If they wish to find the source of the decay, it would be in my best interests to follow them.

Chikorita and Torchic found the rock Link and Taunos were sitting at and decided to join them. Things were getting pretty boring. Like waiting for an appointment at the dentist, only instead of having to deal with a toothache in the meantime, they were waiting for someone to help fix the universe's decay.
Geralt took out a bottle of wine from his bag, pulled out the cork, and took a drink.
"A weapon. Made for killing.", Geralt said after the other white-haired figure walked off, "You know, I'm not too far off from that description. We witchers aren't anything but monster hunters for hire. Made to ingest mutagens as a child and trained in swordfighting and the signs. But... I suppose that's a tale for another time, unless anyone really is that interested."
He sighed, and took another drink from the bottle before corking it and putting it back.

Taunos found Link reading a book. He sat down next to him and reflected.
"Crazy times, huh?", he remarked.
((Actually, my sister adores Kirby, and I'm a minor fan. Whoops, final bell, now to take honors Social Studies test! >:3 (now my fave smiley)))
"A weapon for killing, eh?" Sand said quietly, looking at his feet. Bara stared as the strange limb-less person went away.

Trying to get 154, who had by now disappeared out of sight, out of his head, Giygas turned to Galacta Knight, looking at him in respective manner. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch it before, who're you again? I can tell there's something mighty about you"
Valkyrie looked towards the humanoid, possibly a human, with an odd look.
"Uh. Going to go try to kill the One..? Good luck with that," she muttered, as he went.
Vai rolled her eyes. "Incomprehensible as ever," she muttered.
"But our wizards aren't as thickheaded as yours," Valkyrie shot back. "Actually, most wizards aren't as thickheaded as yours."
"Our wizards specialize."
"Riiight," Valkyrie closed her manual, and slipped it back into her claudication.
((Jumping into the RP in the best way I can think of))

A lone minesweeper truck drove through the dimensional plains. Those who saw it might think of it as odd, that an ordinary human vehicle was here, and if they had done a closer examination, they would have found it even stranger that the drivers seat was empty; the vehicle was driving itself.

However, this was no ordinary human vehicle. In fact, there was nothing at all about it that could be called "human".

"Your paranoia is for nothing. There are no vehicles for you to blend in with. If anything, this shape is making you stand out."

"Call it a precautionary, Ravage. Who knows when we could be returned back to that place."

"Just switch to normal. You have no idea what it feels like being cramped up in here."

"You said the protoform was worse." The mechanical mind paused for a moment, and said, "But I'll still switch back. Who knows what sort of threats are here."

The other being who called itself Ravage was about to thank its master when the change began. Gears and tires shifted, the crane claw shifted back to form a tail, the cockpit moved up to form a torso, and within seconds, a large, tan colored robot stood up. Seconds after, its back opened up and a mechanical cat creature jumped out.

"Much better," Ravage said, "I can finally move my legs after all these hours." Before its master could give a sharp retort, it said "We should get moving. Who knows how long it will be before we see others.
Surprised, Link dropped the book at the sound of the gunshot. He didn't try to pick it up.
What just happened?
He sighed.
"If by "crazy" you mean chaotic, surreal and confusing to the point that I'm very frightened.. yes. Very much so."
Meanwhile, Chell walked up behind him and stood there silently for a minute before talking.
"Hi, elf."
He yelped and whipped around, reaching for his sword, then broke into nervous laughter and turned back around to face Taunos, relaxing.
"Case in point.."
Taunos laughed a little, "Hmm yes.", he replied to Link, "Yes, the unfamiliarity can drive one mad. And, sometimes at least, I want to just go home as much as you probably do. In fact, probably more, because I think I'm starting to get old. But we've seen what goes on with all this madness. Sometimes, I suppose you have to be a hero no matter how much you want to just sit at home all day. And you really do look like an elf, even if you aren't."
Geralt finally found Taunos, who was sitting with two others.
He caught part of the conversation, "Heroes? Hardly any true heroes in this world. Plenty of monsters, sure, but hardly a hero.", he told them, "And your ears are certainly long like an elf's. You'd hear no end to it where I came from."
"Hm.. that's the only kind of hero there is, really. Nobody seems to decide to be one. They just.. have to."
He froze when Geralt said the word "elf", and looked ready to start breaking things.
"I hear no end to it here. What is so special about elves-"
Chell interrupted.
"Yes you are. Get over it."
"Would you shut up already?!"
"How very perceptive of you. I am Galacta Knight." he reintroduced himself. "Was it merely instinct, or are you some form of psychic? You have made me curious."

Somehow, Chikorita had managed to nod off again. How does she do that? Torchic thought to herself, To her, it's like the outside world doesn't exist. We shoot through a pond on back of a non-Water-type legendary Pokemon and travel to another dimension, someone shoots themselves in the stomach and survives, and we're sitting next to a talking bull and an elf in green who apparently isn't an elf, and yet she always finds time to fall asleep.
"What's so special about elves?", Geralt repeated, "I'm not so sure either. But the humans of the Northern Kingdoms persecute them along with dwarves and gnomes. The elves formed guerilla sections that violently resist from the forests. You'd probably get strung up for being an armed elf where I came from."
"That's funny.", Taunos replied to Geralt, "Where I come from, elves, dwarves, and gnomes are humanity's greatest allies. Things like that cause a lovely culture shock in this group."
"Enough of this talk of races, though," Geralt said, "How much longer do we have to wait here?"
"That, I do not know.", Taunos replied.
Kirby, yawning loudly, looked around for something to do. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of pink and white.

Galacta Knight! he thought, dashing towards the warrior.

Scowling heavily, Kirby pointed at Galacta and said rather loudly, "What you doing here, Galacta!?"
Galacta Knight turned around. "... Oh. What do you want? Obviously I am doing here nothing that you are not." Then, he added, "And I would prefer it if you called me Galacta Knight." Sighing, he turned back to Giygas. The sight of that pink puffball scowling at him like that was irritating. He should be the one scowling.
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