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Open Rift in the Dimensions

"To be honest, I don't know if it's instincts or psychic abilities" Giygas answered Galacta Knight. "I wake up one day not knowing where, who and what I am. And then I'm thrown into saving the worlds, isn't life just wonderful?"
Drawcia looked around her, there was grass, and some crystals, but they were the less of her concern. She floated away, trying to see if there was something or someone else in the area.

"Yes, isn't it..." he replied sarcastically. "If it is any consolation, I doubt if arriving here had anything to do with your amnesia. Otherwise, we would have all lost our memories." Then, pausing for a moment, he added, "And some cases of amnesia are worse than others. Full recovery is possible. Do you remember... anything?"

((This is probably Giygas' cue to tell him his name.))
"To be honest I didn't remember anything exact when I regained my consciousness" Giygas answered. "But the name Giygas seemed familiar, so I came to the conclusion it's my name, and I'd suppose you'd call me that if you ever have the interest of starting another conversation with me"
"Seriously, what's up with this plain?" Drawcia thought as she continued flying around the plains. "It seems pretty endless"
She began spinning around, looking to see if there was any detail she had missed before, but she didn't see much else then green. She let out a sigh and continued flying, going of in a random direction.
"Giygas..." Galacta Knight thought out loud. He began to feel that he might be getting a bit too familiar with this mortal. But, if he was to stay with this group for any time, he may as well. He simply didn't want to appear too interested.
Link shook his head absently, staring at the two giant cyber..somethings as they appeared and started talking to Sonic and Tails. Well, everyone seemed relatively nonchalant about that. Meanwhile, Chell hid behind Taunos, looking ready to run away at a moment's notice.
"Holy. Crap." Sand said, staring at the giant robots. "I thought this only happened in animé..." Bara started poking all over the robot that had spoken to them.

I wonder if they can melt... she wondered to herself as she started to poke at its 'face'.
"Bonecrusher," Ravage said as one of the beings began to examine it, "This Fleshling is going to damage something important if it doesn't get off me. Can I kill it?"

"Judging by what I've seen from these beings, they don't look hostile. I don't want to turn their circuits around because of your impulsiveness. So the Answer's no.

Ravage swore in an obscure language he'd found in his translation programming. "Then how do I get this fleshling off of me?"

"How should I know?" Bonecrusher shot back, "Why don't you just ask the thing?!"

Switching back to English, Ravage growled: "Excuse me, fleshling. I would appreciate it if you stopped tampering with my visual receptor casing."
Blaze noticed the arrival of robots - specifically a robot cat. She walked up to the mechanical feline and introduced herself. "Hi, my name is Blaze. it is nice to meet you." she held out her hand for a handshake.

((Also, for Taiko to disappear since I'm done with him, can Palkia, like, take him to his tribe when the Pokemon world is stabilized?))
Bara glared at Ravage. "Who are you calling 'fleshling'?" she asked floating back and glaring at the robot. "I am made out of ectoplasm, not cells, thank you very much!"
"And what, may I inquire is ectoplasm?" Ravage said, "On Cybertron, metal is the only notable material; the only reason Bonecrusher know about that flesh stuff is because we were on some planet infested with creatures called 'humans' who were composed of flesh."

"Thank you for the science lesson," Bonecrusher said sarcastically, "Now why don't you ask them about this place?"
((No, I'm gonna drop sixty tons of molten steel on everyone! >:3

Nah. Something is going to happen, though I'm not saying what.))

Tails heard Ravage's rather angry tone about being touched, so he continued to examine the two robots, though was extra careful not to touch them.

Sonic sighed. "This is gonna take a while...I'm going for a run..." And with that, he ran off, dust and debris flying out from under his feet. Soon after he started running, he ran into an odd figure. She was obviously female despite her heavy robes and hat that obscured much of her face.

"Oh!" Sonic exclaimed, being careful to stop without hitting her, "Hello!"

((That's Drawcia's cue, Male Gardevoir. :3))
((We should totally split off from the main group.))

"So, who wants to come with me and meet the strange newcomers?", Taunos asked.
"I'll stay, thanks.", Geralt replied, "Rather not get mixed up in anything. And they don't, ah, look my type."
Geralt looked around, but still only saw the golden grass around them, "I could use a campfire right about now.", he sighed, then he looked at the others and told them, "I just realized I haven't gotten your names yet. Care to tell me?"

((Too many new people. >_<))
((Actually, since signups have slowed down, after DarkArmour shows up, I'm gonna start the next phase.))
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((Could someone please catch me up? I've been busy lately with fanfics for Deviantart, and, uh... Yeah, I'm confused.))
((A shitload of characters appeared, just go look at the list of characters))

"I'm Giygas" Giygas answered to Geralt, before pointing at Galacta Knight "And this guy over here Galacta Knight"
Drawcia looked surprised at the blue hedgehog that had, as far as she saw, pretty much come from nowhere. "Uh, hi?" She said, and looked around again, "Could you tell me where we are? I'm not sure myself"
((Yup, I knew this was gonna happen. That's why I set aside this time.

And I know this group's gotten really big, but I'm kind of hesitant about splitting it up after the disaster that was the Villains' game...))

Sonic scratched the back of his head. Oh boy...guess I gotta take this one back with me, too...

"This place is called the Endless Plains," Sonic said, "Chances are you just kind of ended up here like the rest of us, right?"
"Pretty much" Drawcia said, and looked away with her one visible eye. "I suppose you could say I was "minding my own business" when I was attacked by a pink ball, who happened to be able to defeat me even without any limbs. And then I ended up here after losing consciousness. What do you mean with "the rest of us" anyway?"

((I did a reference to the final battle in Kirby: Canvas Curse if you didn't know that))
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