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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Chell practically ran up to Giratina, completely in awe. GLaDOS had nothing on this... whatever it was. Link, on the other hand, was more hesitant to approach. He really wanted to try and attack, as stupid as it would be.
Heh, well, that's what happens when you run around killing giant dragon.. whatevers.
Kirby puffed himself up into the air and hiccuped in midair, losing Giygas's powers in the process. Landing next to the fire-chicken and the plant-thingy, Kirby looked around and waited for something to happen.
((You know, I think I will use my second character, previously thought by my bad self to be too chaotic evil for the good guys. And, of course, cause trouble.))

Taunos ambled over to Giratina. He thought, I can't help but wonder if anybody else will join us on the plains...
Karg'Thal fell. He didn't fall more than 3 feet before hitting the ground with a grunt. That was how demons tended to displace one. After gathering himself, Karg stood up, and looked around. The plain resembled central and southern Kalimdor. It was desolate. He had, however, landed near a series of crystals. They seemed to reflect unfamiliar, and familiar, worlds.
"Where... am I...?", he asked.
Somewhere, little orc. Somewhere... I think they called it... the Endless Plains. Your investigation begins here., a pit lord cried out in his mind.
Karg looked around again. This time, though, he spotted a human.
"Human. Looks weak.", he said to himself.
Then go ahead. Kill her. Harvest her soul, for you are unfortunately short on soul shards., the pit lord replied.
Karg obliged. He muttered a curse in Eredun, and aimed the curse of agony at the girl, which would cause pain that increased over time until the curse ran out of steam.
Obi-Wan walked closer to Giratina. Hm... It smells like Bantha here... He thought as he gathered his cloak around him.

Sly creeped up behind Vai, resisting the temptation to wack her on the head with his cane, and settled with making very small slurping noises just loud enough for her alone to hear.
As Sonic and Tails edged closer to Giratina, she smirked.

<<EVERYONE READY?>> She closed her eyes and concentrated as best she could. She didn't know just where this place was, but if it was anything like entering her own world...

A dark, smoky aura surrounded the group and slowly lifted them off the ground as Giratina spread her wings wide and took off into the sky. The group was not left behind, instead hovering right beside her as she aimed and shot straight down into a pool of water, leaving no ripples behind.

Gently hovering to the ground of the Plains, Giratina loosened the aura's grip on the group, allowing them to land gently. She looked around to make sure everyone was present.
"Whoa! That was fast!" Torchic gasped. Chikorita looked around. It was no wonder this place was called the Endless Plains - they seemed to stretch on forever. "Are you alright, Chikorita?" Torchic turned to her friend. Chikorita nodded.

((Yeah, I haven't got much these days.))
Vai grinned, and simply flipped the bird at Sly. "Don't be rude around the giant dragon, she'll rip your head off," she almost sang, and blinked. In the split second, they had moved to the Endless Plains. Wow, Giratina had a lot of power..
Valkyrie felt the twitch in the back of her mind that meant life was present, and let out a small sigh. For a while, it was just the grass (not that there was anything wrong with that, of course), but now there was something else. She turned, and saw the.. alien? Not anything she could name, but that was obvious. There were a thousand billion homeworlds, and the Senior for Earth likely even couldn't name them all..

"I am on erra-" A weak feeling of pain interrupted her, and she clenched her fists. A form of the Speech? The.. being had said something, with a feel of power around it, like the working Speech. Valkyrie grimaced as the pain got worse, and looked it in the eye. Powers, she always wanted to say this.

"In Life's name, and for Its sake, I advise you that I am here on the business of the Powers That Be! Your actions toward me, and through me, toward Them, will determine the revocation or continuation of your present status. Be warned by me, and desist!" Valkyrie grinned slightly, feeling the pain get worse. Well, she warned it... and another twitch of life went off in the back of her mind. She faced the source, and saw.. a motley group standing around a big shadowy dragon.. maybe an avatar of a Power in one of these worlds..?
"Desist? Nobody stops the Burning Legion, gor'om haguul!", Karg replied.
He channeled another spell, and fired a black-purple shadow bolt at the human girl.
Taunos' vision came back into focus after they arrived at the plains. He looked around and saw the same desolate scene. However, he heard noises. Taunos then saw a robed figure and another human girl.
Taunos carefully approached, then recognized the robed figure, "An orc?", he said.
Then, noticing the spell being channeled by the orc, he ran over, shouting, "Look out!".
Valkyrie grimaced, but grinned inwardly. With a thought, the air hardened around her and the bolt of shadow bounced off, strengthened and flew back.

"Your decision," she muttered, and flicked her manual to the page where the accelerator spell was, and thought the Speech. A bolt formed in the air, and she grabbed it out. Taking aim, Valkyrie fired a burst of super charged light, no, particles charged a bit faster than light (this being magic), and blasted. And.. what looked like a bull-man from legends ran over from the group of.. beings around the Power's avatar.

"Why? I can handle some.." What was it? She flicked through the manual again, almost forgetting the attacking thing or whatever. Her shield would hold..
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"Cool!" Taiko yelled as he was lifted off the ground, went in a pool of water without getting hurt, and landing in what seemed to be the Endless Plains.
The bolt of light struck Karg. He almost fell back, but maintained his balance. He then turned to where the voice came from. It turned out to be a tauren.
"Gah! More who intend to impede the inevitable!", Karg shouted again.
However, he couldn't act or anything. Any will to do so was seized by the pit lord who controlled him from far away on another plane.
"More mortals?", the pit lord spoke out through Karg'Thal, "So, it would seem the mortal races have wised up to it as well. That their worlds are being consumed by... something. Hmph, you, little tauren, are fortunate, that something strange is afoot in the Twisting Nether, and that the Burning Legion fights it as well."
Taunos replied, "And what does that mean?"
"That perhaps it isn't in your best interests to kill this little orc.", the pit lord replied, "That maybe this once, we can set aside our differences for a little bit. Wouldn't that be in our best interests?"
"Hmph," Taunos snorted, "And how can I trust a demon?"
"Simple. One little orc means nothing. We can send more. We can send real demons.", the demon replied, "We could tear the world you stand in apart. Perhaps now, you see the sincerity of this."
"We'll see.", Taunos said.
He then returned to the group, "I trust you understand what just happened?", he asked everyone.

((Hmmm we're only allowed two characters, and I'm all unsure about who I want. <.<))
"Funny." Sly grinned at Vai's finger held to him. "May I have another?" He asked cheerily as they landed on the plains.
Obi-Wan, however, scanned the area. Plains... Plains... Grass... Grass... A fight? He sighed to himself. Why is it that it's always just, 'Hey, look, a person, time to kill them'? Nobody can ever go about their buisness without someone shooting at them...
Vai shook her head, and grinned. "No, I'm saving the other one for later." She ran over to Taunos, to go see what was happening. "Uh, kind of.." She went over to the girl, who turned around at her steps. "Holy crap, Valkyrie?"
Valkyrie looked up from her reading at the sound of footsteps, and saw.. Vai? Vai, from her first worldgating trip, when she went a few dimensions over from Earth. And ended up doing an intervention.. But how was she here now? The fight seemed to be over, so she dropped the shield.
"Vai? What are you.." Well, the group of people definitely weren't all from the same world, or from some very messed up dimension. The manual was being unhelpful, so she'd have to find out herself...
Snad, scared and sick to his stomcic, dropped to his knees. "I think I'm going to be sick... And, yes, I know that that's a cliche," he complaned.

"So you know this girl, Vai?" Bara asked Vai. She looked over the new girl that was being attacked. "Would she be of any help?" Sand stared at Bara.

"You're asking if she'll be of any help when she being atacked? Do you have any sense of politeness?"
"Does she have to same anger issues as you?" Sly popped upnext to Vai, gesturing to the other girl. "Because I might have to start calling you and her Mephistophilies."
((I probably spelled that last word wrong, but I tried.))
Ming, still trying to get her barrings from the trip glance over to the random battle taking place. She sighs, shaking her head at the scene.

"And why...are there beings fighting here...?"

She knew the answer would be either simple or complicated. Either someone owed the other money or it was a long going fight.
Link was slightly relieved that they were back at the Plains. It was a bit more familiar, and looked a bit like Hyrule Field. A bit. And what sort of looked like a Moblin was attacking s human, but they apparently had that under control. Probably. He didn't get half of what had been happening all day.
Chell looked around curiously, ignoring everyone else.
"Ooh, where are we? Outside?"
(('Kay guys I'm going to begin RPing as my second character now as well))

Giygas looked around in the Endless Plains, there was grass, and grass and even more grass everywhere. And a fight that stopped before he managed to realize what it was about. He looked around the plains again, still pondering on how to use the thunder ball attack Kirby used earlier. Then something caught his attention. "Hey guys? What's that over there?" he said, pointing at something white far away.
The white haired, limbless Project 154 walked around in the plains, which really seemed endless. "Alright, seriously. What the hell is this place? It feels to real to be a dream. And there's no way System Corp would be responsible for this" He looked under his coat, where he had a gun hidden in his inner-pocket. Well, "I can say I'm safe, at least" He looked up again, this time seeing something else then green, he did, in fact, see a lot of colours. "Great, there might be someone over there who can tell me where I am, or I can do it the hard way and force it out of them" He walked, as calmly as usual, against what he thought was the group of people, his left hand twitched, it was itching to pull down the trigger on the gun in his pocket.
It'd have to wait for a while.
I guess now it is time... to get help... I can't do this alone...
Blaze was sitting on a rock, contemplating the destruction of the dimensions. Sonic... he can help... Suddenly, a portal appeared in frint of her. Maybe... it's a sign? I'm goin' in. she stepped through the portal.

Moments later, she was in looked like plains as long as the eye could see. Wait, who was that in the distance? No, it was a group of people. She started running toward them. She skimmed the crowd and recognized two people.
Sonic. And Tails.

((Make Sonic all surprized Skymin because, if you haven't played the game,
They go to their own worlds and promise each other they'll see each other again.
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