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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Geralt followed Sonic and Tails to the portal.
Taunos looked in his own bag and sighed, finding he was running short on basic health and mana potions. He very well couldn't brew any now.
Taunos walked up to Geralt, "Have any healing potions to spare?"
"Witcher potions would very nearly kill most.", Geralt replied.
"We tauren are made of tough stuff.", Taunos simply replied.
Geralt reluctantly handed him a vial of pale blue fluid, a swallow potion, "I trust your judgement, but be careful in any case."
They both then noticed Bonecrusher underwent some sort of transformation into a khaki colored four-wheeled vehicle of some sort, bulky and metallic.
"What the devil is that?", Geralt asked.
"I'd like to know as well.", Taunos added.
((Alright, I go to work tomorrow at 6 am my time, so that'll give everyone a chance to get here. I'll be home around 2 or 3pm, so I'll be able to pick it up again then. :D))
((Why do you guys have to post over eighteen billions times when I'm offline?))

"Well that's just freaking brilliant" Giygas thought, "We're going to fight gods. That's about as smart as poking yourself under your eyelid with a needle" But he followed into the portal, hoping he'd survive with at least one limb left.
Since no one had asked her to introduce herself, Drawcia had remained quiet, even after this being called Giratina had appeared. She didn't need to answer any questions either, as all them was answered shortly after she was asking them in her mind. She took a look at the people in the group, there was a blue guy with big ears, a bull-guy, robots, a pink ball, a purple feline, a pair of small red and green critters. Then she realized that she just said "pink ball" which began bouncing through her head as a rubber ball in a box. She took a look just to make sure she saw right, and much to her own despair, she had. Drawcia's face twisted in fear, and it was good for her that her scarf was hiding in, or else someone would notice. Although it wouldn't stop Kirby from seeing her.
"Wait!" Bara called. "But won't defeating Dalgia cause space-time to collapse in our world?" Sand who was about to go through the portal yelled at her.

"Bara we don't have time for this! Just go!"

"NO! I won't go until I know that we won't destroy our home!"
Giygas turned around, looking at Bara. "I'm sure that time will be fine unless we kill him" he said, "but we have no intentions to do so, right?"
Sly thought this was a suicide mission. He was used to fighting normal people, such as big muscle-bound idiots like Mugshot, old guys who still have more speed than anyone Sly's ever met, and occasionally, things like the Mask of Dark Earth, which had magic in them and tried find the most powerful being possible. But Gods were out of his league. Nonetheless, he followed Sonic.

Obi-Wan shook his head. Droids are easy. They don't think creativly. Gods think very creativly and have much more power to be creative with. Especially a god of Time. But what could Obi-Wan do except follow behind?
((I didn't have much else to do last night and felt like maintaining my title of second most posts in this RP. Since Skymin didn't explicitly say that Sonic and Tails went through the portal, I assumed they, well, didn't. Thusly, my characters are also standing near the portal, but haven't gone through yet.))

Taunos tried to think of a way to fight Dialga, apparently a ruler of time.
"Nozdormu," Taunos said, "the Dragon Aspect of Time in Azeroth, is said to look into the corridors of time and repeat events if they do not progress as he feels they should. Thusly, he is extremely difficult to defeat. If Dialga is capable of this time correction, then we've got a real fight on our hands."
"You said it...", Geralt replied, "If the foe can simply reverse the outcomes of any event, then I don't see any way of actually getting anywhere in such a fight. Let's hope this Dialga isn't nearly as empowered."
He then heard Bara, a human ghost, began crying out about the ramifications of killing Dialga, "We aren't killing it? I don't know if that would make it harder or easier.", he remarked.
Taunos then said to Bara, "An interesting question. Whereas in Azeroth the bronze dragonflight could continue to police the timelines in the unlikely event of Nozdormu's passing, if Dialga has no such group behind him, then the timelines of your world would be free to whomever desires to interlope with them."
Barrolk turned his head towards the portal. It was a strange sight for him, but at the same time oddly familiar; it looked almost exactly like the cursed sky of Infern Isle.

"So we're going to go through the portal and settle this battle?"
Cirrus stomped her feet and jumped into the air excitedly. "I'm ready for anything!" Her horn glinted as it swung through the air. Her purple ears now stood up. The spiked hare fixed her eyes on Barrolk. "Maybe, we could work as a team from now on? I know what you are, and you know me. I have a feeling it would benefit us both."
"Oh..." Torchic moaned. "W-well, at least we've had to fight Dialga before, b-but..." Before Torchic could think further about it, Chikorita stepped forward and eyed the portal cautiously. Should she go in? Probably not until someone else did first... Chikorita looked around to see if anyone made a move.

After hearing the news, Galacta Knight stared up at the sky thoughtfully. What an interesting prospect. Two gods at war, and 'we' must stop them. This would be a good opportunity to demonstrate my power... He thought as he followed Sonic and Tails.
Link ran after Tail, Taunos and the others. Chell realized people were leaving and followed quickly. They both stopped near the portal and the others.
They were going to go fight a god of time.. Link thought about that for a moment. He hoped this Dialga was nothing like the Hylian goddess of time, Nayru, because then they'd all be vaporized instantly and probably end up somewhere very bad in the afterlife. Oh, joy.
He pulled a glass bottle out of his pack and drank about half of the contents, choking slightly from the taste.
Gods help us, we're all doomed. Lovely. Well, I had been wanting a fight soon..
Kirby tottered toward the portal, stopped, and on a hunch looked around.

Drawcia was standing right there!

Ah, well, they were about to go and fight a big metal time dragon, so there wasn't much he could do for now. Stepping up to the portal, Kirby nevertheless kept his gaze on Drawcia.

(([KIDDING]Stop having major plot-things while I'm not online, please.[/KIDDING]))
((Yay I'm back! :D))

Sonic and Tails leaped through the portal...

The landed on a massive stone platform, bordered by crumbling pillars and small staircases. And in the center were three massive figures.

One was Giratina, darting about firing spheres of energy from her mouth. Another was a pearl-colored behemoth who was tackling the third figure frantically. The third was Dialga, whos normally blue skin had turned a deep violet.

Dialga stomped the ground in a fury, roaring and lashing out against Palkia and Giratina. As Sonic looked on, he could see Dialga's eyes. They were completely fused.

"But the decay hadn't reached here yet, had it?!" Sonic yelled amidst the confusion.

"He must have stayed too close to it for too long!" Tails yelled back.

But the time for talk was over. Sonic and Tails ran full-tilt towards the rampaging beast, ready to fight.
Ravage leaped through the portal and vanished, Bonecrusher driving not far behind. When the two reappeared, Bonecrusher took one look at the quadruped behemoth and shifted back to robot form.

"I retract my previous statement. Speed isn't going to help us take this thing down at all."

"And you think shear power will? Demolisher looked easier to fight, and he's on our side!"

"We'll think of something," Bonecrusher said, "And if we don't our new allies will."
Sly leaped into the portal clutching his cane tightly. Obi-Wan followed suit, and they both found themselves in front of the battle. Sly's eyes widened. This is crazy! He thought. I don't even fight that much, and what can I do here? Climb up stupid pillars, but that's it! Sly wanted to kill himself for being an idiot, but he knew it was a little late by now.

Obi-Wan slid off his cloak and set it aside. Hopefully, he could get it after all this if he lived. It looks like the Aklay from the Geonosis Battle Arena. It probably has some of the same weak points. He tucked the information away in his head, and began to gather the Force. Hopefully, he wouln't have to use his lightsaber.
Cirrus glanced at Barrolk. "Ready, friend?" And with that, she hopped through the portal.

Landing on the stone, she looked up at the massive creatures. Letting out a squeal, she cried, "What are those?!"
Bonecrusher's left arm shifted a few times before revealing a cannon. Ravage's back opened up to allow room for a cannon that was almost half his length.

"Something tells me we can't terminate this beast. We're going to see if we can help temporarily knock it out so they can heal it."

"Hopefully they know something about this creature's anatomy," Ravage replied, "But we wouldn't be able to help in that area."
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