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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Barrolk nodded and made an expert circle with his sword. "Right behind you." And he stepped into the dark, swirling space.

His talons touched cold, hard ground and he noticed extremely large creatures. Answering Cirrus's hypothetically hypothetical question, he said, "They're bigger than a dragonlord..."
Kirby flew out of the portal, land nimbly on his feet. Glancing around, he spotted a few large, fallen pillars on the ground. He dashed over to the fallen supports and swallowed one.

Turning his now-bloated body towards the big violet draggony-thing, Kirby aimed and fired the large pillar at the flank of Dialga, and quickly looked around for more ammunition.
Dialga flinched as a chunk of rock smacked him in his ribcage. Turning towards the group with pure fury in his eye, he bellowed a fearsome cry that contianed an odd force that blew Sonic and Tails back a few inches.

"Here we go!" Sonic yelled as he jumped at the monster, leg outstretched to try and kick it in the face. Tails had taken to the air and pulled out of his bag a Chu Chu Bomb and instead of setting it down, just chucked it.
"They kind of look like dragonlords to me," Cirrus replied in a flat tone. "Especially the one in the middle."

She noticed the one called Sonic begin to attack the blue one, apparently named Dialga. "Looks like we should fight," she replied. "I'll back you up. They're like dragons, and with Dragon Slash, I can deal heavy damage to them. But... what if they have Metal Body?

"Or maybe they're Incarni," the purple rabbit continued, "But they look like dragons to me. Here I go." She shifted her rear paws, and then leaped, using her horn to deliver a Dragon Slash to Dialga's right shoulder.
Ravage was the first to open fire, unleashing two plasma blasts from his cannon at the beast. Bonecrusher followed with a salvo of pure energy from his weapon.

"It's like nothing I've ever seen before," Bonecrusher said, "Not even The Fallen was said to look as feral as this creature."
Dialga was knocked back a few steps by the combined blows from Sonic, Tails, Ravage, Bonecrusher, and Cirrus, but came back lunging and flailing forward, slamming Sonic and causing him to fly backwards.

Tails swooped in and grabbed him before he hit the ground. Sonic smiled up at his friend, then nodded as Tails used the momentum from his spinning tails to whirl himself and Sonic around, finally flinging Sonic, who curled into a ball and rammed at incredible speed.
Sly skillfully crawled up pillars. He had found an unseen pthawy, or at least it was a pathway to him. He reached for his pocket when he was relativly high up, and pulled out a smoke bomb. He tapped a small button on the compact ball, and threw it at Dialga's single eye.

Obi-Wan put his hand in front of him, and called upon the force. One of the fallen pillars rose into the air, and Obi-Wan rasied it higher, higher... Once Obi-Wan was sure it was above Dialga, he simply let Gravtity do the work.
Ravage charged in closer and closer. Once he was about two yards away from the beast, he retracted his back cannon and revealed a new cannon in his front-right shoulder, out of which he launched two missiles.

Bonecrusher, meanwhile, took aim at Dialga once more, this time to provide cover fire for Ravage.
The pillar Obi Wan had risen crashed down on Dialga's head...and broke in half, shattering into many pieces as it hit the ground. He seemed unscathed until Sly's Smoke Bomb caught him straight in his eye. He roared again and thrashed about, running wildly in every direction. One of Ravage's missiles grazed his shoulder and Sonic flew right over his head, slamming into Palkia. Picking himself up, he looked up and was about to apologize, only...

"Oh, no..."

Both Palkia and Giratina were frozen where they stood, surrounded by a flickering blue aura. Sonic was relieved to see that their eyes were not fused together in any way, though it wasn't much of a relief.

"We're...we're on our own, aren't we?" Tails asked himself.

((To make that clearer, Dialga has frozen Giratina and Palkia in time. We're on our own. >:3))
"Looks like our fight now has a twofold outcome: We free those creatures from whatever that thing did to them, and then we'll figure out some way to heal this one."

"If there is a way," Ravage said, activating his missiles once more, "the others would be more likely to know it."

Bonecrusher said nothing, he simply fired off another blast of pure energy.
Sly grunted in triumph, glad tht he had thought of Smoke Bombs to the eye. He leaped down, landing on all fours, and ran behind another pillar. He would stay here until he could think of something to surprise Dialga.

Obi-Wan backed away slowly as Dialga rampaged around. He overheard Tails, and grimly picked his lightsaber from his belt. He held the hilt tightly in his hand, and waited. For now, the blade would remain hidden. When the moment was right, he would strike out.
Geralt and Taunos leapt through the portal. The landscape itself was hellish in a way. The others began their fighting.
"No temporal manipulation," Taunos said, "it would seem for now. I will stay back and support everyone with totems."
"And I'll take point," Geralt replied, "as usual."
Geralt ran in undaunted, despite Dialga standing almost three times taller than him, and two and a half times taller than Taunos.
Taunos pulled out an earth totem and planted it as a strength of earth totem.
Geralt noticed this, and began to feel not only stronger, but a bit quicker on his feet as well. He ran up to one of Dialga's legs and slashed strongly, the argentia oil glowing brightly as it struck flesh, hoping to hamper the great beast's mobility until they could figure a way to take it out non-leathally, if they could.

((Big fight scene same day Platinum comes out in North America. Decisions, decisions...))
"Come on, Barrolk!" Cirrus cried. "Now, what else will affect it better... how about I lower its defence to 1 with a tongue lashing?" She leaped at Dialga, attempting to land on his head and lick his face.

((No, this is not godmoding; you can actually do it in DQMJ. But sometimes it doesn't work.))
((Lawl, you're right. :o

I was debating on whether to buy it now that I actually have money, but decided to hold off until the next two weeks, where I'll have even more money))

Dialga pulled his leg off the ground, hobbling as the oil burned his flesh and recoiled as energy bolts slammed his haunches. He flipped around, lashing his tail at Taunos and Geralt. As Dialga did this, something rather furry landed on his face. He shook his head violently, trying to get Cirrus off him.
((D: Big boss fight just as I'm about to play Platinum! Oh well, this RP comes first.))

Emerging from the portal, Torchic gasped when she saw Dialga. "Y-yikes! W-what happened to Dialga?!" Sighing, Chikorita shot a few Razor Leaves at it. Torchic quickly caught on. Leaping up in the air, she spat several Embers at Dialga's feet.

So... which is the one we must defeat? Galacta Knight glanced up at the gargantuan creatures engaged in combat. He then saw the others focus their attacks on the violet colored, steel quadruped and followed suit. Flying at it with surprising speed, Galacta Knight readied his lance and struck at the diamond on Dialga's chest.
Sly peeked out from behind the Pillar. He could always turn invisisble, but that used up his energy faster than any other technique. Shaking his head, he crouched behind the pillar again, thinking of a new strategy.

Sighing in relief, Obi-Wan lowered his lightsaber when he saw Cirrus on Dialga's face. "Let's get started." Obi-Wan mumbled as he picked a piece of pillar from the ground. Obi-Wan nearly hurled it at Dialga, but remembered Cirrus. So, the boulder sat in midair as Obi-Wan tried to figure out what to do next.
Ravage jumped in even closer, and even as his missile launcher retracted back into his shoulder, he opened his mouth and spewed out white-hot flames at the beast.

Bonecrusher aimed with his cannon once more. The Flamethrower was one of the most devastating weapons Ravage had, but to use it he would have to be near point-blank range of the enemy. That left him completely open to this monster's next move.
Geralt managed to jump and grab onto Dialga's tail, and quickly climbed up it's back. He quickly cast an igni sign at the beast's neck, sending a wave of flames at it before Geralt was thrown off. He hit the ground and rolled before running away from the enraged beast.
Taunos was swept away by Dialga's tail. He was thrown back with a grunt. Taunos gathered himself after a moment and recalled his strength of earth totem, some of the mana returning. He then used his earth totem again, but this time it caused a mass of the land itself to rise up into a large humanoid mass, an earth elemental, standing about 15 feet. The earth elemental then tried to grab Dialga and throw him to the ground. Taunos stood much further back.
((We're fighting Dialga, and Cirrus is on his face. And Dialga's eyes have fused together. Also, Giratina and Palkia are forzen in time.))
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