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Open Rift in the Dimensions

((Whoa, whoa >_>))
Vai looked up sharply and charged Dialga with her daggers at her sides. Quickly drawing the Haste symbol for herself and Valkyrie, she jumped three times the height she normally would be able to and tried to stab Dialga in the eye. Great, his or her eyes had fused too..
Valkyrie nodded to herself as Vai's string of characters in the Speech, (whether she knew it was the Speech or not) made her move faster. Writing her own symbols, she pulled the accelerator out of the air and used its remaining five or six shots left. She tossed it aside, and it dissolved in the air. Valkyrie scribbled another few symbols in the air, and looked up at the version of the Power in this world. Could an avatar be overshadowed..? No matter. She opened the manual and looked through for offensive spells.
"Time to be reckless," Cirrus growled, quickly using Body Slam right on Dialga's eye.

((Think of it as a powerful Take Down.))
Ravage's flames caught Dialga in the side. He stumbled, and then leaped forward...only to be caught by a massive figure by his tail. Dialga's front claws became metallic as he tore the Elemental's arm off with a slash. He was still struggling to get the furry thing off his face and to ward off the Elemental, who even missing an arm was slowing him down, and this gave Vai the perfect opportunity to strike...

As Cirrus and Vai's attacks struck Dialga straight in the eye, he let out a great, fierce roar that pulled at the very fabric of the reality around them. Energy waves pulsed out with great intensity, spreading though the air and along the ground.

"WOAH!" Tails yelled as the shockwaves caused him to lose his aerial momentum and plummet towards the ground. He caught himself just before he hit the ground. Sonic, who was running forward, was knocked backwards by the blast.
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Barrolk had been standing stunned. "Sorry, Cirrus!" He flinched, covering his tiny ears with golden-scaled hands. He dropped his sword, on the flat side of which he stepped with one of his feet. He didn't want to lose his only physical weapon.
Vai grinned, landed on her feet and rolled to get rid of the momentum. The energy waves from Dialga's attack knocked her back almost to where Valkyrie was, and she jumped up again.
"Do you have anything yet," she mumbled.
"Nope, not aside from the accelerator.. aha." Valkyrie started to read from her manual, and the air in front of Valkyrie and Vai went solid. Vai took a step and the air moved with her, and she nodded.
"Thanks," she said, and ran at Dialga again, pushing Haste to the max, and stabbing Dialga at least nine times with her daggers.
The suspended boulder fell to the ground and shattered uselessly as Obi-Wan was knocked backwards. Dazed, Obi-Wan shook his head, and focused back onto Dialga. He couldn't draw his lightsaber. He could end up killing Dialga, which could result in many bad things. Such as time being still for all enternity. Sometimes, it was hard to have a weapon that cuts and burns as easily as a lightsaber.

Sly, on the other hand, was on the ground, frantically grabbing at his hat. It had fallen off in the commotion, and he loved his hat almost as much as his cane. Finally, he was able to grab it and slide it snugly onto his head. He looked back at Dialga... And Vai was stabbing him. It's always stab, stab, stab with her. Can't she do anything other than stab things? He searched the rest of the area. Oooookay, time to think of an idea. THINK, THINK, THINK!!!! He banged his head on a pillar for each time he thought 'think'.
((I missed quite a bit..))
Surprisingly, now that they were here Link wasn't frightened at all. Drawing his sword, he charged Dialga and jumped up to slash multiple times at it's side, then dropped to the ground and attacked with a second Din's Fire. A ball of flames exploded in the huge Pokemon's face.
Meanwhile, Chell shrank away from everyone, terrified by Dialga and hoping to not be seen in the confusion. She had no way to attack this thing, didn't want to, and wouldn't know how too. Whatever this thing was.. she hoped it would go away soon.
Kirby gathered up a pile of sharp debris, and quickly inhaled all of them. Floating up to, ahem, eye-level ((hah hah)), Kirby fired out the assorted shards and pieces of pillars and rock straight at the Temporal Pokémon's eye.
Geralt and Taunos leapt behind adjacent pillars as Dialga's surreal roar rang out, sending shockwaves out as well. The totem Taunos planted was shut down, causing the earth elemental to crumble back into a pile of rock and dirt. As they hid, time seemed to stretch itself out, then speed up before returning to it's normal pace. Sound slowly returned.
"Got any tricks against that?!", Geralt shouted at Taunos.
"Against a sound-based attack?!", Taunos shouted back before hearing fully returned to him, "None."
The pillar behind Taunos crumbled from the attack. Taunos managed to catch it and drop it aside. He then looked at Dialga.
"Look,", Taunos said, "Dialga seems to have... stopped?"
"It looks tired, possibly from that attack.", Geralt observed.
"Well it did seem to distort the flow of time.", Taunos remarked, "What do we do now?"
Axii won't work..., Geralt thought.

((At least, I hope it's resting. Otherwise it's quite the hax roar of time. <.<))
Dialga was temporarily immobilized by his own attack, doing little but breathing and standing in place.

Plink! Plinkplinkplinkplinkplinkplink! went Vai's lightning-fast daggers as eight of the nine blows clashed against his armored skin, scratching it deeply. The ninth managed to get one of her daggers stuck about an inch into his haunch, where it hung fast. Link's blows did much of the same, and the Din's Fire blasted Dialga in the face, but still, he did little but flinch lightly.

Sonic and Tails had regained their balance after the fierce attack. Sonic turned to Tails.

"You have them?" Sonic asked. Tails understood what he meant.

"Yeah," Tails answered, "We had stockpiled about two weeks' worth."

"Awesome..." with that, Tails reached into his bag and pulled out a glowing ring of energy. He tossed it at Sonic as he caught it and felt his body flood with power. With a smirk, he held it high, as it flashed a brilliant gold.

"It's on!" Sonic said, feeling fully confident. He revved to his full speed and rushed at Dialga, leaping high in the air and rolling into a ball at the last moment, his blingingly fast blows hit Dialga all over.

Kirby's shards hit Dialga in the eye again, which seemed to rouse him. Rearing up, Dialga slammed the ground with his front legs, causing a small shockwave and causing large rocks to float in midair. The rocks soon shot out in every direction.

((I can use SatAM continuity if I want to. Shut up. >: Also, Dialga used Ancientpower!))
Ravage started to leap back, but had only taken a few steps before Dialga's massive roar shockwave struck him straight on. The metal cat was sent flying back several yards, and hit the ground. Hard.

"RAVAGE!" Bonecrusher yelled in shock. He knew Ravage wasn't terminated- he'd seen him get hit by worse attacks -but he was out of commission for now while his system completed internal repairs. Bonecrusher was on his own.

Not noticing that the blue fleshling was charging in to attack, nor caring about the rocks that pelted his chassis, the Constructicon speed-skated at Dialga, then swung around and lashed out with his claw.
Taunos quickly gathered up his earth totem as he plotted his next move. However, he saw rocks levitating in the air. He threw the totem down, and it radiated a stoneskin effect. Taunos caught a boulder with his shoulder, but the impact was dampened by the stoneskin totem's aura.
Geralt was also hit by a boulder as he leapt out of the cover of the pillar. He was tossed back, but got up and walked it off.
"Your little magic ward there?", Geralt asked of Taunos.
"A shamanistic spell bound to a totem.", Taunos explained, "Still no ideas on how to disable Dialga?"
"I'm... working on that.", Geralt replied, "More to the point, I have a feeling we should convene with the others on what to do. As of now, I don't think there's much cohesion here."
"I can slow the beast down,", Taunos told Geralt, "but there's little space to hide here."
"Beating it to within an inch of it's life doesn't seem to be working.", Geralt said, a bit of panic in his voice.
Cirrus was thrown off of Dialga's head at the roar, crouched at Barrolk's feet. She was nearly hit by the sword but rolled out of the way. "I think... I've still got magic. Let's try again."

She aimed a Dragon Slash (claw) right at Dialga's eye.
Barrolk yelled over the commotion, "THIS IS THE PROBLEM WITH BEING SO LARGE!" Now that the roar was over, he picked up his sword and did a usual agile flip. He could feel his throat begin to get hot. After being struck by a rock in the arm, he opened his beak and let loose a stream of blazing fire that, if his scout's description was correct, "blew scorching breath at all enemies." As the breath spewed from his mouth, he hoped Cirrus would be unhurt.
((Dialga time-backup powers ACTIVATE))
"Oh, snap..." Blaze and Taiko said at the same time.
((Regular time powers ACTIVATE AGAIN))
How can I help...? I'm sure jumping on him wouldn't work... As she was thinking this, Taiko let loose a Flamethrower.
Obi-Wan grunted as a rock pelted him in the stomach. Being a farely large rock, it threw Obi-Wan back several meters. He had had worse, but that didn't mean he wasn't winded. He coughed a few times, then pulled himself to his feet. Ah... Can't kill it... can't do much else though... So what do we DO?!

Meanwhile, Sly still struggled with a plan. He was knocked back by another shock wave. Cursing himself for not building more head-on fighting skills, he pulled himself up and crouched behand a much larger pillar.
Vai yelled as she hung on to her dagger, stuck in Dialga. As it reared up, she kept a tight hold, unfolding her wings to try to keep balanced. She pushed against its or his or her leg, and pulled her dagger out.
"Shit, I'll have to sharpen that," Vai muttered. "Damn it Valkyrie, if you're such a useful wizard, do something!"
Valkyrie glared up at Vai.
"You're not the one who has to use all her energy," she muttered. With a look at Vai's daggers, she said nine words and coaxed them back to their original, sharper than razors shape. Then saying another twelve words, a piece of rowan wood fell from the air, glowing a light silver. Valkyrie grinned, and ran towards Dialga, jumping just over the shockwaves. She slashed out with the rowan, and a moonfire whip lashed across Dialga's diamond thing. Ouch.
Link was not so lucky. Thrown backwards by the shockwave, he ended up half-buried under several large rocks. Dizzy, but mostly unhurt. He kicked them aside easily, getting up.
New plan..
After a moment of regaining his balance, he ran full-speed at Dialga and jumped, aiming for it's head. In midair, he was suddenly surrounded with a sort of blue, diamond shaped force field. It smashed into it's head with a loud crash and shattered into thousands of what appeared to be glass shards, which flew towards Dialga's face and eyes. Link dropped to the ground by it's feet, momentarily stunned. He got up dizzily and darted away again, drawing his bow.
Hope I still have some bomb arrows..
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