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Search results

  1. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    I finally finished Os Maias a couple of days ago and it was boring as hell. 700 pages of 'whine whine whine whine wahey good life woo suicide whine whine INCEST apoplexy'. Portuguese literature classics have kind of let me down so-far. The story itself isn't bad or anything but christ the way...
  2. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence and Lucky by Alice Sebold. Both are good in very different ways, of course, though tbh Sebold's 'edgy' sense of humour and such kind of grind my gears sometimes. It's a very moving book and I feel terrible for her but she is incredibly irritating with how...
  3. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    I recently finished Stephen Fry's The Liar (so much love for this book) and Terry Pratchett's Truckers (very enjoyable as well, shall check out rest of the series). Right now I'm gonna give Jean Genet's Notre-Dame Des Fleurs another spin (started it ages ago and kind of forgot about it) and...
  4. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    I seem to read a bit more when I'm abroad so I got through Of Mice And Men (Steinbeck) and A Room With A View (Forster), which isn't much since they're both short books, really, only about 300 pages in total. Now to finish Huck Finn so I can write my essay and move on to Sons and Lovers and...
  5. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    I should probably get on with Othello but eh fuck it. Thinking of reading a D. H. Lawrence novel but I don't have much time to spare so I'll only read one right now. Has anyone read anything of his? If so, what would you recommend? Thinking of Sons and Lovers but I don't know.
  6. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    Finished Educating Rita (owns), gonna start on Of Mice and Men next probably. And/or Othello.
  7. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    After not reading for ages I got inspired or something and zipped through Amélie Nothomb's Acide Sulfurique, Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy and Michael Moore's Stupid White Men. All were enjoyable.
  8. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    ughhh I wanna read my huge Sherlock Holmes anthology but I can't until I've finished the two other books I have before it. I'VE GOT A TIGHT READING SCHEDULE HERE ):>
  9. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    Finished Stephen Fry's Moab is my Washpot. IT IS SO ENDEARING i want a sequel so bad. I mean he's around fifty now so he's had a lot more going on in his life. Gonna start reading Tribes of Britain after the exams and Medieval Russia (980 - 1584) after that.
  10. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    I finished Lolita last night. It is absolutely fabulous and I've been reccomending it to everyone ever. I have such mixed feelings for Humbert Humbert. I love Nabokov's style. Definitely need to read more of him in the future. Gonna start Moab is my Washpot by Stephen Fry. It can't be anything...
  11. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels. It's alright. I mean I'm only on page 7 but it's cool so-far.
  12. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    Oh, I'll be reading that one soon, good to know it's so enticing. Finished 1984 a couple of days ago (so great) and am now slowly going through Niccolò Machiavelli's The Prince. My history teacher told me to since I want to study history in university and this is apparently a good work to have...
  13. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    I don't really know what to read right now because I bought a lot of books in a short amount of time. I read about three Jeeves stories per day, but I'm trying to pick a longer novel to read inbetween the Jeeveses. I've got 1984 (George Orwell), Room With a View (E.M. Forster), Lolita (Vladimir...
  14. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    Reading my Jeeves & Wooster omnibus by P.G. Wodehouse. Why had I never read this before it is mega-awesome
  15. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    Awesome book alert. I just finished reading A Perfect Waiter and Christ, it's powerful and beautifully written (the bits where Erneste and nearly made me cry) but it's so depressing. Fuck Jakob and Klinger forever. The ending took me completely by surprise, too. It's a beautiful book and I...
  16. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    Okay, I'm nearly done with Talking with Serial Killers and so I'll be able to completly focus on One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest soon. After I'm done with that I'll probably read A Perfect Waiter (Alain Claude Sulzer) and The World of Jeeves (P.G. Wodehouse). I bought both books today. Yes...
  17. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    Finished Duma Key on Friday, it's really cool. I'll efinitely be reading more Stephen King than I have up till now. Bought and finished The Boy in the Dress on Saturday. It was really cute and pretty funny, I liked it. Was expecting worse since it's written by David Walliams :v Trying to finish...
  18. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    Oh, The Nightingale and the Rose is lovely. I think all of Oscar Wilde's children's stories are wonderful, and even as a, well, non-child I love reading them. The Happy Prince and The Remarkable Rocket are nice as well. I have to admit that although I'm a huge Wilde fan I still haven't read Lady...
  19. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    eeee foreign contaminant, i knew you'd like wilde's works. i mean you seem to have good taste and wilde is awesome so yeah Anyway, I finished The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne and it has one of the saddest endings I've read yet. It is very good and I reccomend it and I'll definitely...
  20. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    What are you reading?

    yes, yes and yes most definitely. I'm a huge fan of everything Wilde.
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