Prettzel: Hookbill [M]
Ability: Blaze
Status: Mild Paralysis, -25% Accuracy, Mud -4 Speed, x1/2 to all Fire moves
Mood: Eager to get clean
Facade/Sunny Day/Mirror Move~Heat Wave/Sunny Day/Mirror Move~Overheat/Sunny Day/Mirror Move
Animorph: Sparky [M]
Ability: Static
Status: Burned -3% per round, -3 Speed
Mood: Disgusted
Thunder~Shock Wave~Protect
Round 6
A lot has happened within the past six rounds including my unexpected absence in search of a Halloween pumpkin! This happens to be the end of midpoint for these battlers so it's time to take thoughtful action! Time is running out and your Pokemon are relying on you. From our previous round we watched as the very determined Sparky managed to do some damage to Hookbill. They both are struggling with the mud due to lack of movement but their tactics have so far made up for it. With Hookbill starting us off, may the final round for the Combusken and Electrike begin!
Hookbill was raising his legs feeling a though they were melting into the mud and concentrated happy to be paralyzed-or not. During his attempt to move he screeched and looked down at his paralyzed legs in disappointment. Sparky let out a triumphant howl again before thrusting his head upwards to summon another bolt of electricity though this one would be different. As it fell from the sky it practically broke sound itself with its own booming roar. The jet of yellow lights came down on its immobile target causing another screech to emit from the fowl though its sound was lost to the attack itself. The force threw the Combusken onto its side caking his clearing feathers with some more wet dirt. Sparky wasn't the happiest at his own condition sinking and feeling the burn irritate his side more and more.
The Combusken stood shakily spitting the mud out from it beak. He was irritated, dirty and demanding of his power to get back at the green mutt. Clasping both hands of steels claws together, he bowed his head and concentrated on an inner force of warmth-of heat! From nowhere in particular came a very warm wave of wind. Not as blistering as hoped due to the rain, it still managed to shake up the burned Electrike. Sparky cursed under his breath wondering why on Earth he had left his burnt side most vulnerable. This was midpoint for the two so Sparky had to make the best of it. Cringing from the heated gust, the small dog raised his head again but this time the source of the electric would come directly from him. From his green fur came a growing static that soon shot off of him in a sudden burst that spiraled hastily towards its target. Holding his arms out in front of himself, Hookbill prepared for the worst.
The last action and most meaningful for the second of three set matches, it was pressure time. Hookbill eyed his surprisingly talented friend with obvious admiration for his efforts and waited to see what attack would be used. From Animorph came the words
Protect. This signaled a change in weather. The pup yawned and shook himself free of the water before sitting down in a moist patch of grass where a dazzling barrier of green and yellow shielded its caster. The Combusken sighed feeling the tension in his muscles lack of reaction to movement before raising his long and dirt arms to the sky as if questioning its actions. Almost routinely, the sky made one last crack of thunder before the heavy clouds began to part and the dull gray became a gentle blue allowing the sun to continue its summer gaze down upon its victims. The crowd was in another uproar as they watched the Pokemon be withdrawn. Throwing their umbrellas at the hesitant judge who began calculating points, they squirmed, as did the battlers to hear how they had done.
Prettzel: Hookbill [M]
Ability: Blaze
Status: Mild Paralysis, -25% Accuracy, Mud -4 Speed
Mood: Not as pissed
Animorph: Sparky [M]
Ability: Static
Status: Burned -3% per round, Mud -4 Speed
Mood: Satisfied
Current Accumulated Points
Prettzel|Hookbill|Combusken [M]
Health: 52 + Energy: 75 = 127 - 10 for Paralysis = 117 total points
Animorph|Sparky|Electrike [M]
Health: 61 + Energy: 70 = 131 - 10 for Burn = 121 total points
KQ's Reff Notes...
-Hookbill used Facade: PARALYZED [-5 Speed, no movement and fall, DECREASE MAX, additional 2% energy for physical attacks]
-Sparky used Thunder: 12%->-1 due to evolu. modifier, +3 due to STAB [-2 Speed, no movement]
->Hookbill used Heat Wave: 10%->x1/2 due to rain
->Sparky used Shock Wave: 6%->-1 due to evolu. modifier, +1 due STAB [-2 Speed, no movement]
-Hookbill used Sunny Day: Cleared the rain, reduces the power of water attacks to half their normal effectiveness while increasing fire attacks to 1.5x their normal strength. Thunder's accuracy is reduced to 30%, and it becomes easier for pokémon to thaw after being frozen, while the freeze condition may not be induced afresh. Moonlight and morning sun restore up to 66% health instead of up to 50%.
-Sparky used Protect: Prevented further harm
Terrain: The humididty in the air is rapidly evaporating and the muddy ground is beginning to dry up. The grass is still lush and damp but poses lessof a threat to battlers. The sun is noticeably bright out and supplies grass type Pokemon with a more luxurious atmosphere. Aquatic type will squirm under such conditions.
->Prettzel sends out
->Animorph sends out and attacks
-Prettzel attacks
-I reff ^<