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Acronym Game

Sorry! I was originally going to make it I Missed You Too And I Love You So Much, Oh And By The Way You Are A Great Boyfriend And You Are Super Perfect. But I thought it was too hard XD

I Have The Best Girlfriend Ever! :)

Yours are pretty extremely not hard, too! XD

That MAY have been too hard XD Probably XD
And dangit, I thought it would have stumped you because there was no R XD


And I Have The Best Boyfriend Ever, I Love You Jakey

Right? :D

XD Yes you are so correct!!

Okay, ummm this is a toughie. XD You say that and you sounded super cute on the phone when you said it XD

Great Women Are The Coolest Cats Ever

I have no idea. Like, at all. My telepathy had a defect!

Did I say toughie on the phone? When did I say toughie? XD

And not even close XD

I Had A Telepathy Defect!

When I asked you that question about having a super power! You were like "Ooohh that's a toughie..." And then proceeded in your answer XD Butyou sound even MORE adorable when to say for realziez!!! Ahh like you have no idea you are so perfect, Jakey!

And what was it? XD I was totally lost.

And I am lost again! Ah you made these all hard! XD

I Will Perfect My Reeni's Family?
The only thing I got correct was the My Reeni part, I think.

These Are Too Hard, Jakey!

You got "i Will" and "My Reeni" right XD

I can't tell you! It's a secret ;)

Wait, was that one I Will PLease My Reeni Forever?

And gah you are so telepathic it is perfect!

I Am So Tired England
That made no sense. I am not good at this

Close! Please wasn't the word I was thinking of...but that's true too :D XD

Oh this one stumps me XD

I Am Jakey's Obvious Yearning...Too Soon

I don't know! XD Hush! XD

PROTECT! I Will Protect My Reeni Forever!! :D Right? You're so sweet, thank you :)

And I forgot what it was. XD

Okay um

Reeni's Brain Is Uncool
I have no idea... XD

Yes, you got it, it was protect XD

I forgot what it was, but it wasn't that XD
I can't tell you :)

I Am Super Cool, Jakey!

Yes you are, Reeni. Now stop bragging ;D XD XD XD

XD I don't remember what my real acronym was

I Don't Want To Go To Bed

XD I don't remember what I said... Again! XD

Reeni I Love You Mucho Today Tina Opened Little Taco Machines
I have no idea XD

Good luck, Jakey! XD
Oh crap XD

I Am So Totally Bored I Want To Totally Text My Jakey

I dunno, it was my best shot XD

Ah that was good, but you only got " I Am So" and "My Jakey" correct. But great guess!

I Want To Make My Reeni Super?
I know I got the last word wrong XD

Well what was it? D:

And yes, actually you only got "I Want To", and "My Reeni" right XD

My Jakey Is Better Than Augustus Waters
Okay, okay >.> XD

It was "I Am So Tired But I Want To Talk To My Jakey" XD

And what was yours?

You're Perfectly Super Sweet When Sleeping Tonight

I don't know XD

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