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Acronym Game

Er, can't tell you THAT one either XD
And this one was Your Phone Should Start Working So We Can Text

I think you left out letters XD Even though yours is totally true ;D

Oh gosh, it's so short but I don't even know XD

Jake's Yawns Are Perfect!

I really don't know XD

XD It was supposed to be Jakey You Are Perfect XD Though you have a super adorable yawn that isn't even weird like mine! XD

And um...

No May Is Actually With Netherlands

Obviously I have no idea XD

My yawn is not adorable! XD But it's nice of you to say so, anyway :) But yours are, so hush! Not even weird!

I don't remember it either XD

I May Uphold So Much, Jake

I don't even know XD

Oh oops, that was a typo. XD The U was supposed to me a Y. XD

And ummm...
Today Bankers Talk With Owls, Monkeys, Lemurs.
That made no sense, I have no idea XD

It was I Missed You So Much Jakey! HUZZAH! XD

Anyway, I forgot, sorry XD

I Love My Jakey
? :D

*high fives my Jakey* Yes sir! XD I made my acronym super easy because I couldn't think of anything! XD

And gah my telepathicness is failing me!

Well I Treat Little Miss Reeni Mainly

I don't know... XD

Jakey, why is it that you can read my thoughts perfectly, but my telepathy is failing me! XD

Reeni Is So Good At This Game

I thought my last acronym was hard! XD

I Am Talking At My Girl
I don't know XD

XD I don't remember what it was supposed to be, Sorry! XP

I Will Marry Reeni Someday?


Good luck :)
Oh gosh, that looks tough XD

I Will Marry Jakey Someday, And It Will Be ..So Purple?
I got lost XD

Close! It was So Perfect! XD

Oh Friends Do Wilt Because Arizona Takes Money
I have no idea

My Reeni Is So Beautiful
:D Thank you :) Gah I am just crying right now, for realziez! You make me so happy :)

Aww ^_^

My Jakey Makes Me Cry, I Always Get Worried?
That made it sound awful, the way I tried to interpret it XD Gosh XD
I HOPE I got that wrong XD

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