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Acronym Game

I don't care if it's cheating >.> HUSH XD

You got it :)

My Jakey Is So So So So Super Attractive

Okay so that was probably another So, but I like the Super :D

No it was Super!! XD I am surprised you go that!!! :D

Reeni Is Too Marvelous Because Gerald Eats?
I know I got that wrong XD

Really? :D Awesome! :D

Gerald does not eat, Reeni. Except maybe electricity XD

I Know I Got The Wow?
You totally do :D XD

You double posted, by the way.

XD Sorry, I couldn't think of anything! XD
And you got yours incorrect, by the way XD

You & I Make Funky Friends


I won't let you two take over the games forum. >.<

Obviously Not Endowed (with) Dicks; Infatuate Really Exploitable Chicks To Instigate Other Nuisances.

XD We aren't trying to take it over! XD Nobody else posts anymore XD

You Only Use Rare Flyers And Catchers, Edward

I agree with Reeni, we're not taking it over XD Anyone else is welcome to play :) Few DO, though XD

Ha Ha, Are You Tall?

Why I Never Turn Everything 'Round, Gosh It Really Lacks Space
That actually sorta makes sense, and I typed it up in like 15 seconds XD

Entranced Newbie Discovers Eternity's Rather Swirly, Gallifrey's Authorities Mysteriously Escape

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