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Acronym Game

A Singing, Dancing Fairy Gets Highly Joking, King Lucas. Queen Wendy Eats Rain.

That made perfect sense XD

It's fine, I got over it XD

Jakey Will Try Hard Helping Reeni Feel Better
I feel like I got one of the words mixed up or something XD

Weird, I can't remember.. XD

Jakey, I Loathe You
How mean! D: Just kidding, I know it was love ;)

You are so cute! XD

Reeni I Love You More Than The Ocean Loves The Moon


Good luck XD
I was surprised you go-OH GOD I'LL BE HERE ALL NIGHT D:

I Totally Only Think It Thinks We Idolize Trees, I Love You But It Thinks That I Try Your Love More Times

You HAVE to tell me what that was suppsoed to mean XD

Oh Jakey XD It was If There's One Truth In The World It's That I Love You, But If There's Two, It's That You Love Me Too

But I just realized, I messed up, it is supposed to be There's Only One Truth, oops!

Reeni Makes A Really Lame Pizza, It Tastes All Gross

XD I don't know XD

Oh! Gosh I'm so dumb, how did I not get that?! XD Bad telepathy, you broke! XD
It was Reeni Made a Really Long Post In The Acronym Game XD

I Love...Doodling At My Jakey?
Am I off my game tonight, or something? XD

Kidding, of course XD

Obviously I Have No Idea
Really? XD You're going to make an acronym out of what you JUST said? XD


Bet you can't guess it >:D
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