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After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

Re: After the End

"Yeah, that's a better idea," Cal said, nodding over and Beryl "How many ice-types do we have? The five Spheal, Calydon, Lapras... and I suppose, again, Pablo could Sketch some Ice-type moves."

((EDIT: I'm going on holiday starting tomorrow and won't be back 'til next Friday. If Cal or his Pokémon are needed at some point while I'm gone, Alliniere can take control of them.))
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Re: After the End

"Oh, uh, not to mention Swirl and Claw," said Thorn, licking the noodle off her lip. "They can use Ice Beam."
Re: After the End

"Okay, good plan. We'll want to pack something to sit on, then, because freezing ourselves to an iceblock in the middle of a poisoned ocean is a pretty bad idea. We'll stop in Olivine before we leave, for sure. When do we want to get going?"

(So, Meririn is away, so is Castform. That still leaves us three.)

Scizor awoke. the blob was still on his head. Still partly asleep, he felt dizzy, and flashed back, for a moment, to the deaths he had seen.
"Get off of me." He picked up blip in a claw, and threw her away, tuning out her annoyed yells. He jumped off of his brach, and went to find the only person that he thought would understand death as he did. The Kadabra, Staro. He didn't even bother with the usual pleasantry.
"Wake up. The humans are talking about how we're planning to ge tot Sinnoh, but I'd... i'd liek to talk to you."

Blip landed near the lake, and incidentally, the Skarmory.
"Hey! Big Birdy guy! You all better yet! What were you doing in the lake, you TRYING to die? Merry wouldn't be happy of you did that!"
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Re: After the End

((Oh no you don't, you're not dying on me just as I come back!))
Re: After the End

((Oh god that had better not happen...))

Staro leaped upwards when he heard Scizor speaking, but listened as intently as a half-asleep Kadabra could to what he was saying, and tilted his head at the last sentence, slightly confused.

"You want to talk to me? What about?" Silently, he stared at the scarlet insect, waiting for an answer.
Re: After the End

Blip shrugged.
"What were you doing in there then?"

Scizor looked to the sky.
" How is it that you deal with having seen others die, Staro?"
Re: After the End

Staro froze, stunned by the question. Gradually, he partially regained his composure, looking at the trees around him and the mottled sky for inspiration. Finally, he looked at the ground beneath him and settled on telling the truth.
"I...Well, the truth is...I don't really deal with it. I push it to the recesses of my mind, block out the memories, and try to look happy on the outside. I always hope it'll fade away with time; I can't bring myself to face it."
Re: After the End

The Skarmory narrowed her eyes. "I was having a scrap over a piece of food near the lake edge. The other Skarmory shoved me in."
Re: After the End

"Jeez, Little harsh about the food. How long were you in there?"

Scizor frowned.
"How can you just... push it away?"
Re: After the End

The Skarmory narrowed her eyes again, and croaked, "How should I know? I passed out after about five minutes, didn't I?"
Re: After the End

"I...Just try to focus on other things, and keep myself occupied. Back when I was by myself, I had a lot of things to do to fill my mind with.

Also...I sometimes manipulate my mind to suppress the memories, but not erase them. I'd never do that...
" In the back of his mind, Staro wondered why Scizor had com up to him and started asking him about death and coping with it, but didn't voice a question.
Re: After the End

"So it is possible to erase memories." Scizor spoke more to himself than to Staro.
"So, If i were to erase the memories.. only a few... just the worst ones... but would I change? Would what made me, me, be gone? I shall go see Lady Meredith. Goodbye, for now, Staro."

Blip was no longer interested in the Skarmory., it seemed to have nothing fun to say."Okay, Makes sense. Bye birdy. You gonna come with us? We're trying to fix the world!"

Meredith had taken a place against Beryl, her tummy full, she smiled, enjoying the few minutes they would have together before the group tried to leave.
"Beryl... I," She pulled herself up and kissed him on the cheek.
"I hope this turns out alright."
Re: After the End

Beryl smiled and kissed her back. "Me too," he said.

Around him, his Pokemon could sense that they were leaving soon and were gathering together. Parth and Ferien enjoyed berries while Calydon and Jupiter stared each other down and Atalanta began to gather the things that would go into Beryl's bags.
Re: After the End

Meredith got everyone together, which was quite a task, considering how much they had spread out.
"EVERYONE! Time to go!" The clone floated towards them, with only one word of advice before he sent them off. <Get Mountain climbing gear, you'll need it.>
He teleported them to Olivine. They all landed, softly, near the lighthouse. Long ago, you might have smelled the salty sea air, heard crashing waves. Now, an awful smell coated the air.
"Okay, This place has seen better days."
Re: After the End

Even Thorn, who was usually content, wrinkled her nose at the smell. "I was expecting to smell Italian food," she complained.
Blaze looked over. "Why Italian food, of all things?"
"It's olive-vine city, you'd expect to smell pasta."
Re: After the End

"Wow..." Meredith was amazed.
" The place used to be famous for it's towers, the battle tower, and the lighthouse. Now, I'm amazed the Gym is still open. i wasn't expecting it to be so bad. We should go to a pokemon center, rest up, see if we can find anyone who can help us climb those towers."

(i've sent PM's to the 2 people who wanted to join beforehand. I'll give them a chance to join, if they still want to)
Re: After the End

"Agreed," Cal muttered, looking around and holding his nose. Balloon looked especially glum - Cal wondered why, and then remembered - he had found Balloon right here in Olivine all those years ago.

He bent down and picked up his first Spheal. "Don't worry," he said quietly, "We'll fix it soon. Then you can come abck here whenever you like."
Re: After the End

Staro shook his head sadly, sweeping his gaze across the decrepit port, noting the tilting houses with paint peeling off and half-collapsed chimneys, the picture of lack of care.

"It's not going to just be fixed," he sighed, "It's changed too much to just be restored, to just make things as they were. The world's too different now."
Re: After the End

Thorn looked at Staro. "As long we have hope, we can do it," she said. "Hope is just about all that's keeping us going. And we're so close, that there's really no point in giving up."
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