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I would be really excited if life on other planets was discovered within my lifetime. It's interesting enough learning about how life began and has evolved on our own planet; getting to learn about how similarly/differently things went down on another planet would be awesome, and it'd probably help us learn more about Earth too.

If we ever encounter something intelligent, of course I hope we'd be able to keep everything peaceful. It'd be pretty stupid to go out into space with the attitude that we're better than everything else, but unfortunately humans have a tendency to do just that. :( It'd also be nice, if there were something out there with superior technology, that they would find peace groovy and not want to blow us up.
It's plain out ignorant to believe that out of the vastness of the universe, out of the billions of galaxies in existence, and the countless planets and such within those billions of galaxies, that we are on the only planet that can sustain life.

If there is other life out there, though, it's not likely advanced enough to reach us. There's no way they'd be able to make it to earth, unless they're immortal or can at least live a couple trillion years (which is bull), or they can travel however many times faster than light (also bull). So that kinda rules out UFOs and all that.
life in places other than earth very nearly absolutely exists. I say "very nearly" because it's likely that we will never ever know.

Wondering whether or not we'll contact it, though, is like wondering if two specific ants that live on different sides of the earth will ever meet. The chances are so ridiculously slim that it would only happen if it were for some gigantic right-place-at-the-right-time series of accidents. Even if one of the ants is actively looking for the other one, they are just so unfathomably far apart that the chances are still incredibly small.
life on mars is seeming more and more likely, to say nothing of the entire universe.
only because david bowie sung about it and he is cool right plus THE MOON LANDING WAS ALL A HOAX AMIRITE
Life happening on other planets is unlikely. I mean, think of what Earth had to go through to get organic compounds, let alone complex life forms. However, there is the small possibility, especially since there's tons of stars out there.
I agree that:

small possibility of life forming + all the livable planets = a good chance of some form of life existing at least somewhere out there

On a related note, I'm bothered by how we're always looking at Earth-like planets for life. Why can't something form on an oxygen-less planet? I'm sure life would somehow figure out another way.
Please. Dear god theres got to be more to life than just this. We can't be it.
i don't know but raising your hands to the sky pleading for mercy isn't gonna make aliens pop into existence out of nowhere
If there is one thing I'd like to happen in my lifetime, it would be the discovery of extraterrstials. I mean, I want world peace as much as the next time, but that could happen, say, the day after I die, and I'd be happy.

Anyway, it doesn't even have to be intellagent. It would be nice if it was intellagent, but, meh, who cares? Although it would be nice if there was something like Pokemon out there.
Although it would be nice if there was something like Pokemon out there.

There's Digimon. Yu-Gi-Oh is kind of similar too.
I think it would be hugely arrogant to think that we are the only living beings in the entire universe. The universe itself is larger than what we can possibly comprehend, after all.

Whether we will ever find life anywhere else, I don't know. To be honest I'm not sure that I want us to find it - we're already raping Earth of its resources.
Yes, bloody yes.

Most of the people who say aliens don't exist THAT'S FINAL are usually people who'd imagine any other life to be similar to life on this planet. Green reptilian things. Or for the more imaginative idiot, some sort of mammal. How do we know there isn't another class of life that we haven't actually discovered yet?

That's why complete morons who like to pretend they've been abducted by aliens completely fall flat every time. None of them are actually imaginative enough to come up with anything but large space ships. No, that's what our ships would look like. That's how we'd build them.

How do we know there aren't aliens who CAN survive in planets such as Jupiter because they are actually made of gas? Or maybe aliens that survive on acid, rather than water... aliens that are so small we would never detect them even if we did find their planet... aliens that might completely defy everything we know about life.

That's probably a little far-fetched and I'm not that good at seeming intelligent, so, then, what about planets outside of our solar system? Perhaps there's a solar system where, somehow, every single planet can sustain the same sort of life that can be sustained here.
the problem is conditions on things like Jupiter are insane not just because of the pressure but also of the silly amount of radiation you have to withstand, you'd need some seriously seriously seriously SERIOUSLY strong organisms to withstand that. they could use another method, but nothing survives that radiation, not if you're a lead robot even.

No matter how small the odds, put against infinity any chance will happen.

And also, what's to say that they won't make contact with us? I mean, it is mostly wishful thinking, but isn't it arrogant to assume we're the most advanced life form in the universe?
aliens that are so small we would never detect them even if we did find their planet...

this one is unlikely (assuming you mean intelligent aliens), for purely physical reasons.
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