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'Humans are interesting.'
I've been all frisky (tinie tempah reference) and shifty over the few weeks I've been on TCOD Forums. Thanks to Everglider for heping me admit this, but...
Phew. It's all over now.
Happy you're comfortable here enough to say so.

This really does not need its own thread. If anyone else feels like publicly announcing their true age, or anything else personal, please do so in this thread, "All is Revealed".
I'm 15, I'm Alex, I'm gay, I'm an atheist, I'm currently watching QI, I like Doritos, and I enjoy video game music!
Not really revealing much, but I'm only a year older, Luxray.
Uh, that's nice... so anyone want to come on and confess they're really 43 and live in Ohio? Anyone?
Uh, that's nice... so anyone want to come on and confess they're really 43 and live in Ohio? Anyone?

I don't think I've ever met someone who'd hide the fact that they're from Ohio. Dislike it, maybe, but not enough to try and hide it.
I live in Indiana. That's close enough.

But I'm only 16, not 43.

I'm bi. And a half ginger.
I would like to reveal that I am actually a 42 year old man. I know I had all of you fooled, but that's how it works. I am sorry for misleading you.
Uh, cool? No offence but it's hardly a revelation when you've only been on the forum for less than a month. Seriously guys, it really does not matter how old you are. If you can handle a PG13-oriented forum, it really isn't important. Also please don't play around with the text colours, they tend to look awful on various forum styles.

This really does not need its own thread. If anyone else feels like publicly announcing their true age, or anything else personal, please do so in this thread, "All is Revealed".
it would be neat if you could refrain from telling people what to do until you've got a sparkly mod's badge like mine! that's my job! :D or, y'know. just hit the report button instead.
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