german brothers
- Pronoun
- he/he
If I die I'm taking you with me dammitStryke
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If I die I'm taking you with me dammitStryke
we’re actually two people controlling the same account tbhNow that this has Started I would like to ask some hydra questions! ^^ Basically uhhhh how does it work LOL
Do you have to use the honour system to not just look at each others' PMs?
If an action targets the hydra, does it target the Entire hydra? (e.g. heals, inspections, kills, jails)
If one half of your hydra is a different alignment, do you have to yeet yourself?![]()
to be fair this is the first tcodf game with hydras, I thinkShows how much I know!!! LOL
mfw ninjad by it actually happeningwho wants to place bets on how long its gonna take before a hydra gets ninjad by itself
*frantically looks up character names*inb4 mafia is raymond
raymond is the glasses cat that people put in a maid dress*frantically looks up character names*inb4 mafia is raymond
ftr, each hydra is one character tbh!Hydra reads
i support this headcanonmewtini and rari are Timmy and Tommy