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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
? I'm confused. Can you tell me about your background processing here?"If I can be honest"
? I'm confused. Can you tell me about your background processing here?"If I can be honest"
Let me do that for you now.MP7 I know this seems sus as hell, but I really do want you to look into RSP's claims for reasons
I'm really sorry, I'm trying. I'm going to have to be a dog with a bone for a bit here.I kind of feel like when all the VTs in Snom Mafia were talking about the secret password club thing and I read the posts in question like three times and couldn't figure out at all what was being danced around
depends how many VTs there are in this game tbhWhat are the odds of someone getting VT three games in a row, anyhoo? Asking for a friend
If I can be honest, I may be thrown off this game because I got a role that actually does something for the first time and I'm not sure how to utilise if effectively without telling everyone who I amIt may seem uhhhh derpy to reveal that? But I feel much better about things when I'm being as honest as I can be!
it's a huge gutread as far as those early-60s posts, but i also don't love blu speccing about the nk role and the fact that he softclaimed VT earlierI kind of feel like when all the VTs in Snom Mafia were talking about the secret password club thing and I read the posts in question like three times and couldn't figure out at all what was being danced around
...? Blu, can you talk to me about what was going through your head when you posted this?What are the odds of someone getting VT three games in a row, anyhoo? Asking for a friend
I thought it would be a really funny joke!No it's totally okay, take your time. Communication is a two way street.
...? Blu, can you talk to me about what was going through your head when you posted this?What are the odds of someone getting VT three games in a row, anyhoo? Asking for a friend
If you remember what I'm talking about, is this like... the fake read that I made on Zack's earlygame memes in the 9er, that the topics were like angular / disconnected / wall-throwy?It's like Blu is trying to think of things to say rather than saying what's on his mind.
I'm really sorry, I'm trying. I'm going to have to be a dog with a bone for a bit here.I kind of feel like when all the VTs in Snom Mafia were talking about the secret password club thing and I read the posts in question like three times and couldn't figure out at all what was being danced around
Let me think about another way to explain it.
"If I can be honest" has a strange implication to me as the starting phrase... if I deconstruct that, it reads naturally to me like it doesn't belong there. Why would Blu not be honest? In addition, it reads awkwardly like Blu is over-thinking what to type in his posts. That could be non-alignment indicative, but it doesn't mesh with my personal interpretation of how Blu's mind works when he's town, which is carefree.Huh.If I can be honest, I may be thrown off this game because I got a role that actually does something for the first time and I'm not sure how to utilise if effectively without telling everyone who I amIt may seem uhhhh derpy to reveal that? But I feel much better about things when I'm being as honest as I can be!