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Answer A Question With A Question

Why would anybody like Kirby in the first place?

EDIT: I was Ninja'd.

But still: Why would anybody like Kirby in the first place?
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Am I seriously the only person on TCoD who grew up with pure SEGA and not a drop of Nintendo?

(Seriously, I got a Mega Drive II/Mega CD II Combi in the mid-90's! It wasn't until, like, November 2000 when I bought a GameBoy Colour and Pokémon Blue Version, before I went to see Pokémon: The Movie 2000!)
What is with your Avatar, are they Traps?

(Sonic WAS awesome, since the Dreamcast, it's been terrible! Blame Nintendo! It really IS their fault, cuz that's when they got their grubby little mitts on it and started making "games" that featured Sonic, such as "Mario And Sonic At The Olympics"!)
*Does it look it?*

(And to continue the Mario and Sonic discussion, I agree with Yami, "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" was the stupidest thing ever, as Nintendo and Sega are corporate enemies, so why would they collaborate? Also, I love Mario about 300 times more than Sonic, but Sonic is still cool. ESPECIALLY SONIC HEROES FOR THE XBOX! (<----- That is like the best game ever, other that Super Mario Bros.)
Did they really have to include Pirates of the Carribean in Kingdem Hearts II, especially seeing as the proper cast were too busy filming Dead Man's Chest, so we wound up with a Jonny Depp wannabe, someone who barely sounds like Orlando Bloom, I'm not sure if that actually is Geoffery Rush, and she sounds NOTHING like Keira Knightly, but instead they were the cast of the game which nobody wanted, cuz all games based on movies are terrible beyond belief?

(They can't seem to make a good game based on a movie, and movies based on games tend to be so bad it defies belief, take the 2 Tomb Raiders for example! And Sonic Heroes, from what I've seen is questionable at best and Dr. Robotnik seems to have disappeared from the Sonic 'verse altogether! And sorry, I can kinda go on a bit of a rant sometimes, especially as I've cleared Port Royal on my recent run-through, and I forgot how bad it was...)
Why do you think all games based on movies are so horrible?

(I haven't ever heard of movies based on games. And Dr. Robotnik is still in Sonic, but they renamed him to Dr. Eggman.)
Have you ever played them, seriously?

(I'm a lot more versed with the Sonic universe, trust me: There is NO Dr. Eggman, he's a myth! That's actually ONE JOKE from Sonic Adventure that Nintendo being Nintendo took too far by changing his name and expecting everyone to jus accept it! Well I don't, either he's Dr. Robotnik, or Sonic no longer has a villain, it's that simple!)
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