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Answer A Question With A Question

Can you actually tell which one is worse?

(They're both jus as bad as each other in my experience... Tomb Raider springs to mind! And not jus Cradle of Life: Both films! Though the only real difference is that we don't actually want them to make games based on films, but the only reason they do is cuz they're looking to cash in, and seem to think a second rate product is jus what we want! You want an example of THAT: Transformers: The Game, based on the one with Shia LeBeouf or however you spell it, I don't care!)
You really want them to do that, don't you?

(The problem with Games based on films is that we don't want them, and with films based on games, they jus don't do a good job of them!)
Doesn't everybody do that?

(Also, I know this is kind of late, but in Sonic Heroes, Dr. Robotnik was actually named Dr. Eggman, and in Sonic Colors, he was named Dr. Eggman, and pretty much all of the Sonic games within the last few years, he was named Dr. Eggman. I think.)
But I thought nobody did that?

(the only time Eggman refers to himself as Dr. Robotnik in the games is in Sonic Adventure, by the way)
So, I'm seriously the only one?

(Nintendo have had Sonic since then, that's why! They're killing the Sonic franchise! In fact it IS dead, Nintendo are jus abusing it to make money!)
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