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Answer A Question With A Question

Maybe The Ugg Man didn't for no reason?

(Sorry about the double negative! I don't know how I can make that more grammatically correct!)
Can't I think out loud any more?

(Bad enough I keep getting woken up early, thanks to my neighbours leaving their dog tied up in their garden... And it's only a puppy... Fun times!)
Why wouldn't you be able to?

(Oh dear! I hope that puppy learns to quiet down a little so you can sleep peacefully! :))
Isn't it the only way to get a sane conversation?

(Or in my case the only way to get a conversation with anyone who truely understands me! And I can dream! I can dream... Though I'm still left wondering why people who are incapable of properly taking care of a dog even have one! And that goes for people who deliberately get vicious dogs and walk around with them like they're a weapon! You know the yobs I mean!)
Who told you that?

(It just hurts me to see people just keep their dog outside :( I love animals! I didn't know people actually just walked their aggressive dogs to show them of!!)

(And yeah, there are yobs who do that! I was going to call them something else, but that would've meant swearing and, online at least, I'm much too English for that!)
Since when were you an expert fangirl?

(And that is sooo horrible! And yes, I can't imagine you, a nice English Ugg Man, swear! XD)
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