@ Dezzu (becauase quoting other quotes is impossible to accomplish. D=)
I was just putting those down in case, I guess in two years, he's allowed to play M games, he might be interested in those. They're all pretty good games. I still don't see how that makes all my suggestions suck, though.
Yeah >.> Especially since some of them were RPGs, namely Fable and Bioshock...
xD Those are some good reasons the rebuy the game, but I doubt you'll pay +400 dollars for one game, lol. It's up to me to save you from that fate.
Oh, come now, the game only costs $60. Just tack on an extra $10 for it coming all the way from Japan, and another $5 provided a Limited Edition of the game comes out. And PS3's aren't that expensive anymore either, so I just need to buy one that's relatively old, and has a small hard drive, since I have like, 2 external hard drives I could use with it anyways. And keep in mind I also plan on getting Resonance of Fate/End of Eternity when that comes out. And I still wanna play Folklore, and I'll be getting the PS3 version of Eternal Sonata for the same reason I'm getting Vesperia PS3.
YES, the scans for Arc Rise Fantasia look just plain great. That unfortunately, is all I've seen so far of it. But have you heard of White Knight Story/Chronicles? It's a new one being created by Level-5, the people who made Dark Cloud and Rogue Galaxy. It looks awesome. Again, i'm getting excited for games on systems I don't have. :/
It plays quite great too =P It's something to look forward to, since it'll be out stateside by the end of the year. Then I won't have to sit there translating Kanji I don't know and trying and failing miserably at translating all of the dialogue and forming it into a coherent sentence ;_; And yeah, I've heard of White Knight Chronicles. It's been out in Japan for several months now though ;_; I'm interested, but just lemme know when they make an actual Dark Cloud 3, and not Rogue Galaxy. Rogue Galaxy was an awesome game, and I LOVED it to death, just not as much as the original Dark Cloud. I want my town building! >O
@Worst Username Ever: I know you said you're not a fan of FPS or action games, but I really recommend you try out Fallout 3. Sure it's an FPS/action game, but the game has two different modes of play; your standard typical FPS play style, and one that's sort of like an RPG, almost like Wild ARMs 2 in that you have to choose where you want to shoot your targets. I've only played it for a couple of hours on the PS3, but it's very fun, even if you don't really like FPS games. I say this because I don't really like FPSes that much either. System Shock and System Shock 2 don't count >O
But, honestly, out of your interests, I can only say that you should try out any of the above mentioned JRPGs. Try going for Eternal Sonata first, since it's cheap, and easy to find, as opposed to Star Ocean, Infinite Undiscovery, and Tales of Vesperia.