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Aqua Land (Text adventure-ish)

Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Ah, but you see, you can offer your days, not just your body. 9 away from shiny!

Aqua Balls: 4
Pokémon: surskit (F, shiny), squirtle (M), golduck (F)
Items: Mystic Water, Splash Plate, Wave Incense
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $19


You keep walking. The MAGIKARP flops to your destination and trips you again.

Aqua Balls: 9
Pokémon: sealeo (F).
Items: Aspear Berry
Owe: $3


An ABSOL appears before you. Better button your parka; winter may be coming.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Y'all suck.

Aqua Balls: 4
Pokémon: surskit (F, shiny), squirtle (M), golduck (F)
Items: Mystic Water, Splash Plate, Wave Incense
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $19


A GOLDEEN almost skewers you.

Aqua Balls: 9
Pokémon: sealeo (F).
Items: Aspear Berry
Owe: $3


A MEDICHAM is deep in meditation.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)


Never shall such a prepared man be skewered.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Your sacrifices have paid off, it seems.

Aqua Balls: 4
Pokémon: surskit (F, shiny), squirtle (M), golduck (F)
Items: Mystic Water, Splash Plate, Wave Incense
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $19


You harrumph at the GOLDEEN. She splashes into the water and blows a raspberry at you, and you respond with one as well. As she descends into the river, you notice a silhouette. Suddenly, it disappears, and you feel a rush of air next to you. A SAMUROTT almost skewered you! You tighten your OVERCOAT, trying to keep your composure. You are a man's man. You do not cower.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

The ball in my hand seems to grow increasingly slippery. I stare the Samurott in the eye, and it does the same to me. And we just stand there for a while, looking each other down; it is nice, actually, to be speaking with a Pokémon, talking to one another with only our eyes. Then the Samurott shakes his head as though he has had enough of this, and rears on its hind legs, drawing a bone sword. I step back, ready to take whatever it has to throw at me.

I squint my eyes, then whisper, "You shall not be caught by me."

Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

I will begin charging $1 per item from now on. There's a 10% chance of getting one on any given turn, so I believe it's fair. You won't be charged for the ones you have now, however.

Aqua Balls: 3
Pokémon: surskit (F, shiny), squirtle (M), golduck (F), samurott (M).
Items: Mystic Water, Splash Plate, Wave Incense
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $24


A BASCULIN nibbles your heels. It seems surprisingly docile. There is a BRIDGE to your left, and a PATH bordered by a CLIFF to your right.

What will you do?

Aqua Balls: 8
Pokémon: sealeo (F), medicham (F).
Items: Aspear Berry
Owe: $6


A CRYOGONAL sneaks up behind you. The SNOWSTORM has begun, so you adjust your PARKA. The CRYOGONAL came from a nearby CAVE. You can continue trudging on through the SNOWSTORM if you so desire.

What will you do next?
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Catch and continue through the storm.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 7
Pokémon: sealeo (F), medicham (F), cryogonal (-).
Items: Aspear Berry
Owe: $10


You tighten your PARKA; you believe it's time to take out your SNOW GOGGLES, as well. You notice a FEMALE FIGURE swaying in the distance. You close in on it, and to your disappointment, it's just a JYNX. You notice a CREVICE with naturally formed steps leading downward, or you could just keep going through the STORM.

What will you do next?
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Thanks for correcting. Isn't a crevasse a type of crevice, in a way?

Aqua Balls: 6
Pokémon: sealeo (F), medicham (F), cryogonal (-), jynx (F).
Items: Aspear Berry
Owe: $13


In your descent through the CREVASSE, you see the path split in two. However, there is a small room a bit before the fork in the road, where a SNOVER is peacefully sleeping.


Left, right, or exit CREVASSE?
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Ignore and go right.

I don't know what the difference is.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Ignoring, and taking the bridge. Maybe Elsa made it.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

You're in the RIVER. The BRIDGE is wooden.

Qvalador Majora
Aqua Balls: 3
Pokémon: surskit (F, shiny), squirtle (M), golduck (F), samurott (M).
Items: Mystic Water, Splash Plate, Wave Incense
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $24


Your footsteps creak with each step on the BRIDGE. However, you hear more creaks than two feet should make, and some scuttling, too, to boot. You turn around, and a menacing CRAWDAUNT is ogling you. You notice the PSYDUCK in the distance. After the BRIDGE, the PATH ahead forks in two.

Left, right, or go back?

Aqua Balls: 6
Pokémon: sealeo (F), medicham (F), cryogonal (-), jynx (F).
Items: Aspear Berry
Owe: $13


You make your way through the RIGHT CREVASSE PATH (B1). You seem to have made your way into a MYSTERY DUNGEON; however, your AQUA LAND WALKIE TALKIE informs you that it is a short one. After some wandering, you encounter a MEDICHAM doing some ridiculous dance when it's not walking.

You cannot go back; the MYSTERY DUNGEON's CURSE does not allow it. What will you do?
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Ignore. Am I allowed to use the magic of friendship to get out? Otherwise just wander.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Just in case, if I don't tell you where you're going, you're staying on the same path.

what shit are you burning man
can I bum some

Aqua Balls: 2
Pokémon: surskit (F, shiny), squirtle (M), golduck (F), samurott (M), crawdaunt (F).
Items: Mystic Water, Splash Plate, Wave Incense
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $27


You head LEFT. The LEFT BRIDGE PATH has very vibrant fauna and GRACIDEA FLOWERS. A DRAGONITE flies down and tells you you cannot pluck the GRACIDEAs. They are SACRED OFFERINGs, for the HARVEST has begun.


Damn. A steady stream of uncommons only interrupted by a Snover. Nice.

Aqua Balls: 6
Pokémon: sealeo (F), medicham (F), cryogonal (-), jynx (F).
Items: Aspear Berry
Owe: $13


Alas, you only have one of the ELEMENTS OF HARMONY, the ELEMENT OF GENEROSITY. You must acquire the other elements in order to use the MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP. You leave the room where the MEDICHAM was somewhat disturbed. You head down the long tunnel, and turn right. You encounter a MONSTER HOUSE in the adjoining room! However, you take out a FOE-FEAR ORB you keep tucked in your PARKA, sending the occupants feeling. One, however, has resisted the orb's powers, a PILOSWINE. There are CARVED ICE STAIRS similar to ones a certain snow queen can summon.

Climb stairs, or continue wandering?
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