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Aqua Land (Text adventure-ish)

Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 1
Pokémon: surskit (F, shiny), squirtle (M), golduck (F), samurott (M), crawdaunt (F), dragonite (F).
Items: Mystic Water, Splash Plate, Wave Incense
Companion: Rango (zangoose)
Owe: $33


You escape the OGLING by jumping in the RIVER. However, your descent is stopped by a slimy, soft surface. It makes you go higher and higher, until you notice you're on top of a GYARADOS. Thank ARCEUS you didn't notice you have a SNORKEL on you. Unless you would just swim, not dive, then it's perfectly fine.


What will you do?

>Swim in RIVER
>Search for SNORKEL
>Go back to the RIVER BANK.

(Custom gear is free, so you keep the PICK, the CLEATS, and the ROPE at no extra charge! You can even bring them on future expeditions here.)

Aqua Balls: 4
Pokémon: sealeo (F), medicham (F), cryogonal (-), jynx (F), piloswine (F), avalugg (M), sneasel (M).
Items: Aspear Berry, ICE PICK, ICE CLEATS, ROPE
Owe: $22


You enter the MAIN BUILDING. You are in the ICE CASTLE's ENTRANCE HALL's TOP INTERIOR BALCONY. An EEVEE greets you. There is a dull red CARPET with gold trim in the middle of the room that must have been vivid in a time long past. The GATE to the next room is very ornate. Perhaps it leads to the THRONE ROOM? To your right is the STAIRCASE that leads down. The BALCONY stretches around the ENTRANCE HALL; the opposite side has a STAIRCASE, too, and leads to another ROOM. Its GATE is not as nearly as ornate as the first one. Directly opposite that door is another one.


What will you do?

>Put on CLEATS.
>Explore CASTLE.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)


Aqua Balls:1
Pokémon: surskit (F, shiny), squirtle (M), golduck (F), samurott (M), crawdaunt (F), dragonite (F).
Items: Mystic Water, Splash Plate, Wave Incense
Companion: Rango (zangoose)
Owe: $33

You roll onto the BANK to search for the SNORKEL. There might be one washed up somewhere, you think. You're looking at the ground when you notice a peculiar ball with hair on its top. Oh, wait, that's-




What will you do?
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Barely a rare.

Aqua Balls:1
Pokémon: surskit (F, shiny), squirtle (M), golduck (F), samurott (M), crawdaunt (F), dragonite (F).
Items: Mystic Water, Splash Plate, Wave Incense
Companion: Rango (zangoose)
Owe: $33

You roll right back into the RIVER. You see a shadow having spasm. You check it out, and it's a...


Poor Politoed struggling with a SNORKEL!

What will you do?
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aw, that was dirty. You did that just so I caught it, didn't you? Catching, and then checking out, and then going to the Marsh.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

No I didn't. It rolled a 10 (10% chance of finding items), and then you landed a 10 (which is the value for custom items). Don't blame the player, hate the game. You could've just taken the SNORKEL. Will you be taking that with you? You can take it to the MARSH, just as you can take any item you have in your PC

Pokémon: surskit (F, shiny), squirtle (M), golduck (F), samurott (M), crawdaunt (F), dragonite (F), politoed (F). PKMN Total=$31
Extra Balls: 6= $6
Items: Mystic Water, Splash Plate, Wave Incense.
Companion: Rango (zangoose)
Owe: $37
The kid tending the entrance now has a Blastoise and a 3DS. He also has a laptop. He types some things, does a ctrl+p and cuts the printed paper. He hands it to you; it is glossy photo paper. He then hands you a pen to sign his copy of the receipt so it's official. "The MARSH, huh?" he says, screaming the AREA's name for no particular reason. "Here's 10 Aqua Balls. Good hunting!"

Aqua Balls:10
Pokémon: n/a
Items: n/a
Companion: Rango (zangoose)
Owe: $0

You arrive at the MARSH. Each step you take makes a little squish sound. The first POKéMON you see is a...


WHISCASH! He seems quite friendly.

What will you do?

>Make MUD BALLS to throw at POKéMON.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Yep, going to the MARSH.

And I will be taking it with me!
EDIT: "It" being the snorkel. I'll bring Dawn, my Aurorus, as my companion this time.
EDIT PART TWO: Ignoring.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls:10
Pokémon: n/a
Items: n/a
Companion: Rango (zangoose)
Owe: $0

The WHISCASH sinks beneath the waves still looking at you... Was he ogling you? You shake your head and keep walking, only to find a...



What will you do?

>Make MUD BALLS to throw at POKéMON.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Ignoring, taking MUD BALLS (giggles), and going to the QUAGGY SWAMPLANDS. I might regret that, as Quagsire is the worst ogler.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

You lucky son of a DUX.

Aqua Balls:10
Pokémon: n/a
Items: MUD BALLs
Companion: Dawn (aurorus)
Owe: $0

You make a couple of MUD BALLs (minimum amount since you didn't specify anything besides they were more than one). You cross into the QUAGGY SWAMPLANDS. Your right boot almost comes off because it got stuck in the mud. A blur passes by you, and you're knocked flat on your back. You can't get up because of the sticky mud, and you see the perpetrator is a...



What will you do?

[hide=Suggestions]>CATCH/IGNORE (lol) GRENINJA.
>Stay on the ground.
>Get Dawn to help you up./hide]
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Catch. Activating the SPIDER LEGS on my MAN COAT.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 9
Pokémon: greninja (F).
Items: MUD BALLs (x2)
Companion: Dawn (aurorus)
Owe: $5

You throw the AQUA BALL flat on your back. Once the deed is done, you click something in your MANCOAT and various ALL TERRAIN ARACHNID APPENDAGES sprout from a pack on your back. Before you can continue however, you hear the strangely satisfying cry of a...



What will you do?

>Go to the TULGEY WOOD.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Catching! And then skittering about on my ALL TERRAIN ARACHNID APPENDAGES, not going to TULGEY WOOD quite yet.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

wanna trade your extra Dragonite for my Crobat?

Aqua Balls: 8
Pokémon: greninja (F), gastrodon (M).
Items: MUD BALLs (x2)
Companion: Dawn (aurorus)
Owe: $7

You stare at the HYPNOTIC DANCE of the GASTRODON for quite some time before you catch him. This can be of use when you catch other POKéMON later. After walking about on your special APPENDAGES, you come almost squish a...


SLOWPOKE! You meanie! :(

What will you do?

>Apologize to SLOWPOKE.
>Revise TALENTS of POKéMON on hand.
>Go to the TULGEY WOOD.
>Give SLOWPOKE a soothing MUD MASSAGE.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Oh! Yeah. Sure.

Ignoring. I would catch it if it were evolved.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Hot damn.

Aqua Balls: 8
Pokémon: greninja (F), gastrodon (M).
Companion: Dawn (aurorus)
Owe: $7

You keep walking along, the whirr of your APPENDAGES making you drowsy. A lot of POKéMON flee from the strange noise; however, one valiant POKéMON has come to investigate its origin...


A SLOWKING! He's holding BLACK SLUDGE, and seems pained.

What will you do?

>Do both of the above.
>Revise TALENTS of POKéMON on hand.
>Go to the TULGEY WOOD.
>Give any of your POKéMON a MUD MASSAGE (consumed one MUD BALL).
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Wow, speak of the devil...

Catching and taking the Sludge. What do you mean "Revise Talents," and what does a Mud Massage do?
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

TALENTs are extra ABILITIES of your POKéMON. For example, GASTRODON's is HYPNOTIC DANCE, Dawn's is LONG REACH. However, you can only use your companion's TALENT. You can switch companions at any times although you can't switch and use TALENTs in the same turn. MUD MASSAGEs alleviate POKéMON's pains and ailments. You can only use it on POKéMON that are suffering something, like your SLOWKING.

Aqua Balls: 7
Pokémon: greninja (F), gastrodon (M), slowking (M).
Items: MUD BALLs (x2), SNORKEL, MAN COAT, Black Sludge.
Companion: Dawn (aurorus)
Owe: $12

The sound of your APPENDAGES resonates through the QUAGGY SWAMP. From a pond, a nearby face pokes out of the water...


A WHISCASH! He's holding a MUD BALL.

What will you do?

>Do both of the above.
>Revise TALENTS of POKéMON on hand.
>Go to the TULGEY WOOD.
>Give any of your POKéMON a MUD MASSAGE (consumed one MUD BALL).
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Ignoring, Mud Massaging Slowking.

What do Talents do?
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