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Aqua Land (Text adventure-ish)

Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Would you be interested in a Crobat?

Aqua Balls: 1
Pokémon: surskit (F, shiny), squirtle (M), golduck (F), samurott (M), crawdaunt (F), dragonite (F).
Items: Mystic Water, Splash Plate, Wave Incense
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $33


You throw an AQUA BALL at the dragon. Once caught, you put it in your OVERCOAT. You unheed her warning, and try to grab a GRACIDEA. A FLOATZEL slaps your hand.

Your OVERCOAT is evolving!

Congratualtions! Your OVERCOAT is a MANCOAT!


Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 6
Pokémon: sealeo (F), medicham (F), cryogonal (-), jynx (F), piloswine (F).
Items: Aspear Berry
Owe: $16


You climb up the STAIRS, careful to not slip. After a couple of close calls, you make it to the top. It seems this MYSTERY DUNGEON is unique since this is the next floor. You are on RIGHT CREVASSE TOWER GF (Ground Floor). You feel something warn next to your left foot. It is a SWINUB.

What will you do next?
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 1
Pokémon: surskit (F, shiny), squirtle (M), golduck (F), samurott (M), crawdaunt (F), dragonite (F).
Items: Mystic Water, Splash Plate, Wave Incense
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $33


A GOLDEEN splashes nearby. You use your MANCOAT to block the droplets. Your garment gets wet; you should search for a WAXY SUBSTANCE.

What will you do now?
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)


Then kneeling, taking a knife, skinning the Goldeen, and using its innards as a WAXY SUBSTANCE.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

No killing, maiming, sacrificing, eating, or otherwise harming the wildlife.
Aqua Balls: 1
Pokémon: surskit (F, shiny), squirtle (M), golduck (F), samurott (M), crawdaunt (F), dragonite (F).
Items: Mystic Water, Splash Plate, Wave Incense
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $33


You take out your BUTTER KNIFE from your MANCOAT, but the GOLDEEN quickly notices and swims away. Sighing, you put away your knife, but not before noticing a MARILL walking gleefuly. You are still in need of a WAXY SUBSTANCE; with it, you can swim in the RIVER.

Catch/ignore? What will you do?
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Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 6
Pokémon: sealeo (F), medicham (F), cryogonal (-), jynx (F), piloswine (F).
Items: Aspear Berry
Owe: $16


You search the floor for its STAIRS, and you come upon it after much searching. However, an upside down ICICLE falls on the floor. It is actually an AVALUGG.

Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

CATCH IT. Seriously I'd be happy with any gen 6 ice type, they were all amazing.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 5
Pokémon: sealeo (F), medicham (F), cryogonal (-), jynx (F), piloswine (F), avalugg (M).
Items: Aspear Berry
Owe: $20


You climb to RIGHT CREVASSE TOWER F1. Your AQUA LAND WALKIE TALKIE is buzzing like crazy. You hear something about two more floors before a shadow snatches it away. Once the blur settles, you realize it is a SNEASEL.

Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Catch and take back my dang walkie talkie.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Ignore and continue to the next floor.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Ignoring. Pulling out CONVENIENT WAX from my MANCOAT and covering myself in it.
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Aqua Balls: 1
Pokémon: surskit (F, shiny), squirtle (M), golduck (F), samurott (M), crawdaunt (F), dragonite (F).
Items: Mystic Water, Splash Plate, Wave Incense
Companion: zangoose
Owe: $33


You have no idea why you wanted to kill that GOLDEEN earlier. You forgot you had your CONVENIENT WAX in one of your COAT POCKETS. You slather yourself with i-


Oh no

Not again.

Another PSYDUCK appears! OGLE 2: THE DOUBLE OGLING begins.

Catch/ignore? What will you do?

Aqua Balls: 4
Pokémon: sealeo (F), medicham (F), cryogonal (-), jynx (F), piloswine (F), avalugg (M), sneasel (M).
Items: Aspear Berry
Owe: $22


You climb the final STAIRCASE. You are on top of the ICE CASTLE's RIGHT TOWER. It seems this TOWER sunk into the ground, or is just smaller. The LEFT TOWER towers over you. Thank ARCEUS you didn't choose left at the FORK. You admire the crenelations when a cold BREEZE tickles your back. You turn around, and see a VANILLITE floating there, grinning. Near the corner of the TOWER, there are ICE CLEATS and a ROPE tied to an ICE PICK that is missing its HANDLE. You can also walk atop the RIGHT TOWER WALKWAY to enter the ICY CASTLE's MAIN BUILDING.

Catch/ignore? What will you do?
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)

Ignore, take the gear, and go through the walkway.
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