I liek Squirtles
sobble squad
- Pronoun
- he
Re: Aqua Land (now with Kalos Pokémon!)
Depends. That's why you should revise them. Usually, they help you obtain more 'mons or items. You need to revise a specific 'mon's TALENT.
Aqua Balls: 7
Items: MUD BALLs (x1), SNORKEL, MAN COAT, Black Sludge.
Companion: Dawn (
Owe: $12
SLOWPOKE's POISON is cured. You have one MUD BALL remaining. He's very grateful!
The WHISCASH descends beneath the way, only for a...
Another WHISCASH to appear! She commences THE OGLING 3: OGLEGEDDON.
What will you do?
Depends. That's why you should revise them. Usually, they help you obtain more 'mons or items. You need to revise a specific 'mon's TALENT.
Aqua Balls: 7

Items: MUD BALLs (x1), SNORKEL, MAN COAT, Black Sludge.
Companion: Dawn (

Owe: $12
SLOWPOKE's POISON is cured. You have one MUD BALL remaining. He's very grateful!
The WHISCASH descends beneath the way, only for a...

Another WHISCASH to appear! She commences THE OGLING 3: OGLEGEDDON.
What will you do?
>Revise TALENTS of POKéMON on hand.
>Go to the TULGEY WOOD.
>Give any of your POKéMON a MUD MASSAGE (consumes one MUD BALL).
>Revise TALENTS of POKéMON on hand.
>Go to the TULGEY WOOD.
>Give any of your POKéMON a MUD MASSAGE (consumes one MUD BALL).