Ether's Bane
future Singaporean
- Pronoun
- he
Major Leaderboards:
Overall Rankings
Trainers Ranked: 20
1. This is based on the average ranking from both the Points and Percentage rankings. This is the main chart.
2. You need to be ranked on both tables to be ranked on the main table.
3. Ties will be broken by highest individual ranking on either table.
Points Rankings
Trainers Ranked: 53
1. 3 points for a win, 2 for a DQ win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss, and -1 for a DQ loss.
2. You need to have completed at least one (1) battle to be ranked.
3. Ties will be broken as such:
a) Number of battles completed. Whoever has completed more battles will be ranked lower. This is reversed for ties on negative point totals.
b) Number of wins (regular and DQ combined).
c) Number of DQ losses. Whoever has fewer will be ranked higher.
d) Differential of Pokemon knocked out.
e) Damage differential.
Percentage Rankings
Trainers Ranked: 20
1. This is based on the percentage of points that you could have gotten. For instance, if you get 9 points from 6 battles, you have 9 of 18 possible points, so your percentage is .500.
2. You need to have completed at least five (5) battles to be ranked so as not to skew the percentages.
3. Ties will be broken as such:
a) Number of points.
b) Number of wins (regular and DQ combined).
c) Number of DQ losses. Whoever has fewer will be ranked higher.
d) Differential of Pokemon knocked out.
e) Damage differential.
Minor Leaderboards:
Dominance Rankings
Trainers Ranked: 53
1. This is based on the average ranking from both the Knockout and Damage Differential rankings.
2. Ties will be broken by highest individual ranking on either table.
Total Pokemon Knocked Out
Trainers Ranked: 53
1. This is based on the number of Pokemon you have knocked out ever since the restarting of ASB.
2. You need to have completed at least one (1) battle to be ranked.
3. Ties will be broken as such:
a) Number of your own Pokemon knocked out. Whoever has fewer will be ranked higher.
b) Damage differential.
Damage Differential
Trainers Ranked: 53
1. This is based on the amount of damage you have dealt in all completed battles minus the amount of damage you have received in all completed battles. Only damage dealt completed battles since the restarting of ASB will be counted.
2. You need to have completed at least one (1) battle to be ranked.
3. Ties will be broken as such:
a) Number of Pokemon you have knocked out.
b) Amount of damage you have dealt.
Honor Roll:
All leaderboards will be updated every Monday.
Overall Rankings
Trainers Ranked: 20
1. This is based on the average ranking from both the Points and Percentage rankings. This is the main chart.
2. You need to be ranked on both tables to be ranked on the main table.
3. Ties will be broken by highest individual ranking on either table.
1. Eifie
2. Sangfroidish
3. TruetoCheese
4. Keldeo
5. Vipera Magnifica
6. Totodile
7. Music Dragon
8. pathos
9. Dragon
10. Meursault
11. Metallica Fanboy
12. Lord of the Fireflies
13. Lilycolo
14. Zhorken
15. ultraviolet
16. Wargle
17. The Omskivar
18. Coloursfall
19. Ether's Bane
20. Noctowl
2. Sangfroidish
3. TruetoCheese
4. Keldeo
5. Vipera Magnifica
6. Totodile
7. Music Dragon
8. pathos
9. Dragon
10. Meursault
11. Metallica Fanboy
12. Lord of the Fireflies
13. Lilycolo
14. Zhorken
15. ultraviolet
16. Wargle
17. The Omskivar
18. Coloursfall
19. Ether's Bane
20. Noctowl
Points Rankings
Trainers Ranked: 53
1. 3 points for a win, 2 for a DQ win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss, and -1 for a DQ loss.
2. You need to have completed at least one (1) battle to be ranked.
3. Ties will be broken as such:
a) Number of battles completed. Whoever has completed more battles will be ranked lower. This is reversed for ties on negative point totals.
b) Number of wins (regular and DQ combined).
c) Number of DQ losses. Whoever has fewer will be ranked higher.
d) Differential of Pokemon knocked out.
e) Damage differential.
1. Eifie (21)
2. Keldeo (19)
3. Sangfroidish (17)
4. Vipera Magnifica (17)
5. Totodile (13)
6. Eta Carinae (12)
7. pathos (12)
8. TruetoCheese (11)
9. Music Dragon (11)
10. Dragon (9)
11. Meursault (9)
12. Lord of the Fireflies (9)
13. I liek Squirtles (8)
14. Metallica Fanboy (8)
15. Zero Moment (7)
16. Lilycolo (7)
17. Zhorken (7)
18. ultraviolet (7)
19. Wargle (7)
20. Superbird (6)
21. Byrus (5)
22. Grass King (5)
23. Sylph (4)
24. RespectTheBlade (4)
25. Mawile (4)
26. The Omskivar (4)
27. Coloursfall (4)
28. Murkrow (3)
29. Negrek (3)
30. Floette (3)
31. Crazy Linoone (3)
32. Bluberry Bat (3)
33. Ether's Bane (3)
34. Gevaisa (2)
35. Zexion (2)
36. Emperor_Evulz (2)
37. bulbasaur (1)
38. Munchkin (1)
39. Zora of Termina (1)
40. Arylett Charnoa (1)
41. DarkAura (1)
42. Noctowl (1)
43. Orchestra (0)
44. Kratos Aurion (0)
45. JackPK (0)
46. Dazel (0)
47. Aletheia (0)
48. surskitty (0)
49. Whirlpool (-1)
50. Knuddeluff (-1)
51. Dar (-1)
52. hopeandjoy (-2)
53. Flareth (-2)
2. Keldeo (19)
3. Sangfroidish (17)
4. Vipera Magnifica (17)
5. Totodile (13)
6. Eta Carinae (12)
7. pathos (12)
8. TruetoCheese (11)
9. Music Dragon (11)
10. Dragon (9)
11. Meursault (9)
12. Lord of the Fireflies (9)
13. I liek Squirtles (8)
14. Metallica Fanboy (8)
15. Zero Moment (7)
16. Lilycolo (7)
17. Zhorken (7)
18. ultraviolet (7)
19. Wargle (7)
20. Superbird (6)
21. Byrus (5)
22. Grass King (5)
23. Sylph (4)
24. RespectTheBlade (4)
25. Mawile (4)
26. The Omskivar (4)
27. Coloursfall (4)
28. Murkrow (3)
29. Negrek (3)
30. Floette (3)
31. Crazy Linoone (3)
32. Bluberry Bat (3)
33. Ether's Bane (3)
34. Gevaisa (2)
35. Zexion (2)
36. Emperor_Evulz (2)
37. bulbasaur (1)
38. Munchkin (1)
39. Zora of Termina (1)
40. Arylett Charnoa (1)
41. DarkAura (1)
42. Noctowl (1)
43. Orchestra (0)
44. Kratos Aurion (0)
45. JackPK (0)
46. Dazel (0)
47. Aletheia (0)
48. surskitty (0)
49. Whirlpool (-1)
50. Knuddeluff (-1)
51. Dar (-1)
52. hopeandjoy (-2)
53. Flareth (-2)
Percentage Rankings
Trainers Ranked: 20
1. This is based on the percentage of points that you could have gotten. For instance, if you get 9 points from 6 battles, you have 9 of 18 possible points, so your percentage is .500.
2. You need to have completed at least five (5) battles to be ranked so as not to skew the percentages.
3. Ties will be broken as such:
a) Number of points.
b) Number of wins (regular and DQ combined).
c) Number of DQ losses. Whoever has fewer will be ranked higher.
d) Differential of Pokemon knocked out.
e) Damage differential.
1. Sangfroidish (.809)
2. Eta Carinae (.800)
3. Eifie (.778)
4. Music Dragon (.733)
5. Totodile (.722)
6. Vipera Magnfiica (.708)
7. Keldeo (.703)
8. pathos (.571)
9. Metallica Fanboy (.533)
10. Dragon (.500)
11. Meursault (.500)
12. Lord of the Fireflies (.500)
13. Lilycolo (.467)
14. Zhorken (.467)
15. ultraviolet (.389)
16. Wargle (.389)
17. The Omskivar (.222)
18. Coloursfall (.190)
19. Ether's Bane (.167)
20. Noctowl (.067)
2. Eta Carinae (.800)
3. Eifie (.778)
4. Music Dragon (.733)
5. Totodile (.722)
6. Vipera Magnfiica (.708)
7. Keldeo (.703)
8. pathos (.571)
9. Metallica Fanboy (.533)
10. Dragon (.500)
11. Meursault (.500)
12. Lord of the Fireflies (.500)
13. Lilycolo (.467)
14. Zhorken (.467)
15. ultraviolet (.389)
16. Wargle (.389)
17. The Omskivar (.222)
18. Coloursfall (.190)
19. Ether's Bane (.167)
20. Noctowl (.067)
Minor Leaderboards:
Dominance Rankings
Trainers Ranked: 53
1. This is based on the average ranking from both the Knockout and Damage Differential rankings.
2. Ties will be broken by highest individual ranking on either table.
1. Eifie
2. Keldeo
3. Vipera Magnifica
4. Eta Carinae
5. Totodile
6. TruetoCheese
7. Sangfroidish
8. Zhorken
9. pathos
10. Zero Moment
11. Murkrow
12. Byrus
13. I liek Squirtles
14. Music Dragon
15. Coloursfall
16. Zora of Termina
17. Mawile
18. Meursault
19. Dragon
20. Lilycolo
21. ultraviolet
22. Negrek
23. Grass King
24. Noctowl
25. Floette
26. Lord of the Fireflies
27. Wargle
28. DarkAura
29. hopeandjoy
30. Bluberry Bat
31. Metallica Fanboy
32. Ether's Bane
33. Crazy Linoone
34. surskitty
35. The Omskivar
36. bulbasaur
37. Superbird
38. Arylett Charnoa
39. Sylph
40. Munchkin
41. Orchestra
42. JackPK
43. Gevaisa
44. Knuddeluff
45. Whirlpool
46. Kratos Aurion
47. Flareth
48. Zexion
49. RespectTheBlade
50. Emperor_Evulz
51. Dar
52. Aletheia
53. Dazel
2. Keldeo
3. Vipera Magnifica
4. Eta Carinae
5. Totodile
6. TruetoCheese
7. Sangfroidish
8. Zhorken
9. pathos
10. Zero Moment
11. Murkrow
12. Byrus
13. I liek Squirtles
14. Music Dragon
15. Coloursfall
16. Zora of Termina
17. Mawile
18. Meursault
19. Dragon
20. Lilycolo
21. ultraviolet
22. Negrek
23. Grass King
24. Noctowl
25. Floette
26. Lord of the Fireflies
27. Wargle
28. DarkAura
29. hopeandjoy
30. Bluberry Bat
31. Metallica Fanboy
32. Ether's Bane
33. Crazy Linoone
34. surskitty
35. The Omskivar
36. bulbasaur
37. Superbird
38. Arylett Charnoa
39. Sylph
40. Munchkin
41. Orchestra
42. JackPK
43. Gevaisa
44. Knuddeluff
45. Whirlpool
46. Kratos Aurion
47. Flareth
48. Zexion
49. RespectTheBlade
50. Emperor_Evulz
51. Dar
52. Aletheia
53. Dazel
Total Pokemon Knocked Out
Trainers Ranked: 53
1. This is based on the number of Pokemon you have knocked out ever since the restarting of ASB.
2. You need to have completed at least one (1) battle to be ranked.
3. Ties will be broken as such:
a) Number of your own Pokemon knocked out. Whoever has fewer will be ranked higher.
b) Damage differential.
1. pathos (10)
2. Eifie (9)
3. Keldeo (8)
4. Sangfroidish (8)
5. Lord of the Fireflies (8)
6. Vipera Magnifica (7)
7. Totodile (7)
8. Eta Carinae (5)
9. TruetoCheese (5)
10. Zhorken (4)
11. Ether's Bane (4)
12. Zero Moment (3)
13. Mawile (3)
14. ultraviolet (3)
15. Wargle (3)
16. Meursault (3)
17. The Omskivar (3)
18. I liek Squirtles (2)
19. hopeandjoy (2)
20. Murkrow (2)
21. Music Dragon (2)
22. Zora of Termina (2)
23. Byrus (2)
24. Metallica Fanboy (2)
25. Coloursfall (2)
26. Munchkin (2)
27. Dragon (2)
28. Noctowl (2)
29. Negrek (1)
30. Sylph (1)
31. Lilycolo (1)
32. Grass King (1)
33. Floette (1)
34. Bluberry Bat (1)
35. Crazy Linoone (1)
36. Arylett Charnoa (1)
37. Knuddeluff (1)
38. Flareth (1)
39. Superbird (1)
40. JackPK (1)
41. Whirlpool (1)
42. RespectTheBlade (1)
43. Emperor_Evulz (1)
44. DarkAura (0)
45. surskitty (0)
46. bulbasaur (0)
47. Orchestra (0)
48. Gevaisa (0)
49. Dar (0)
50. Kratos Aurion (0)
51. Zexion (0)
52. Aletheia (0)
53. Dazel (0)
2. Eifie (9)
3. Keldeo (8)
4. Sangfroidish (8)
5. Lord of the Fireflies (8)
6. Vipera Magnifica (7)
7. Totodile (7)
8. Eta Carinae (5)
9. TruetoCheese (5)
10. Zhorken (4)
11. Ether's Bane (4)
12. Zero Moment (3)
13. Mawile (3)
14. ultraviolet (3)
15. Wargle (3)
16. Meursault (3)
17. The Omskivar (3)
18. I liek Squirtles (2)
19. hopeandjoy (2)
20. Murkrow (2)
21. Music Dragon (2)
22. Zora of Termina (2)
23. Byrus (2)
24. Metallica Fanboy (2)
25. Coloursfall (2)
26. Munchkin (2)
27. Dragon (2)
28. Noctowl (2)
29. Negrek (1)
30. Sylph (1)
31. Lilycolo (1)
32. Grass King (1)
33. Floette (1)
34. Bluberry Bat (1)
35. Crazy Linoone (1)
36. Arylett Charnoa (1)
37. Knuddeluff (1)
38. Flareth (1)
39. Superbird (1)
40. JackPK (1)
41. Whirlpool (1)
42. RespectTheBlade (1)
43. Emperor_Evulz (1)
44. DarkAura (0)
45. surskitty (0)
46. bulbasaur (0)
47. Orchestra (0)
48. Gevaisa (0)
49. Dar (0)
50. Kratos Aurion (0)
51. Zexion (0)
52. Aletheia (0)
53. Dazel (0)
Damage Differential
Trainers Ranked: 53
1. This is based on the amount of damage you have dealt in all completed battles minus the amount of damage you have received in all completed battles. Only damage dealt completed battles since the restarting of ASB will be counted.
2. You need to have completed at least one (1) battle to be ranked.
3. Ties will be broken as such:
a) Number of Pokemon you have knocked out.
b) Amount of damage you have dealt.
1. Eifie (+320)
2. Keldeo (+259)
3. Eta Carinae (+200)
4. Vipera Magnifica (+186)
5. TruetoCheese (+162)
6. Totodile (+149)
7. Byrus (+148)
8. Zhorken (+144)
9. Murkrow (+90)
10. Coloursfall (+81)
11. Music Dragon (+61)
12. Lilycolo (+55)
13. I liek Squirtles (+53)
14. Sangfroidish (+52)
15. Dragon (+52)
16. Zero Moment (+44)
17. DarkAura (+33)
18. Zora of Termina (+19)
19. pathos (+15)
20. surskitty (+10)
21. Grass King (+5)
22. Negrek (+4)
23. bulbasaur (+3)
24. Floette (+1)
25. Meursault (0)
26. Noctowl (-2)
27. Bluberry Bat (-10)
28. Mawile (-12)
29. Crazy Linoone (-16)
30. Orchestra (-21)
31. Gevaisa (-23)
32. Superbird (-31)
33. Kratos Aurion (-35)
34. Zexion (-36)
35. Arylett Charnoa (-43)
36. ultraviolet (-45)
37. JackPK (-47)
38. Whirlpool (-48)
39. Metallica Fanboy (-55)
40. hopeandjoy (-55)
41. Knuddeluff (-55)
42. Dar (-56)
43. Sylph (-59)
44. Wargle (-62)
45. Flareth (-79)
46. RespectTheBlade (-93)
47. Emperor_Evulz (-94)
48. Aletheia (-115)
49. Munchkin (-117)
50. Dazel (-126)
51. The Omskivar (-156)
52. Lord of the Fireflies (-198)
53. Ether's Bane (-201)
2. Keldeo (+259)
3. Eta Carinae (+200)
4. Vipera Magnifica (+186)
5. TruetoCheese (+162)
6. Totodile (+149)
7. Byrus (+148)
8. Zhorken (+144)
9. Murkrow (+90)
10. Coloursfall (+81)
11. Music Dragon (+61)
12. Lilycolo (+55)
13. I liek Squirtles (+53)
14. Sangfroidish (+52)
15. Dragon (+52)
16. Zero Moment (+44)
17. DarkAura (+33)
18. Zora of Termina (+19)
19. pathos (+15)
20. surskitty (+10)
21. Grass King (+5)
22. Negrek (+4)
23. bulbasaur (+3)
24. Floette (+1)
25. Meursault (0)
26. Noctowl (-2)
27. Bluberry Bat (-10)
28. Mawile (-12)
29. Crazy Linoone (-16)
30. Orchestra (-21)
31. Gevaisa (-23)
32. Superbird (-31)
33. Kratos Aurion (-35)
34. Zexion (-36)
35. Arylett Charnoa (-43)
36. ultraviolet (-45)
37. JackPK (-47)
38. Whirlpool (-48)
39. Metallica Fanboy (-55)
40. hopeandjoy (-55)
41. Knuddeluff (-55)
42. Dar (-56)
43. Sylph (-59)
44. Wargle (-62)
45. Flareth (-79)
46. RespectTheBlade (-93)
47. Emperor_Evulz (-94)
48. Aletheia (-115)
49. Munchkin (-117)
50. Dazel (-126)
51. The Omskivar (-156)
52. Lord of the Fireflies (-198)
53. Ether's Bane (-201)
Honor Roll:
Overall No. 1 Ranked Trainers:
Keldeo: 30/3/2015 - 21/4/2015 (3 weeks)
Sangfroidish: 21/4/2015 - incumbent
Eifie: 1/6/2015 - incumbent
No. 1 Ranked Trainers in Points:
blazheirio889: 2/2/2015 - 9/2/2015 (1 week)
ultraviolet: 9/2/2015 - 2/3/2015 (3 weeks)
Eifie: 2/3/2015 - 9/3/2015 (1 week)
Keldeo: 9/3/2015 - 21/4/2015 (6 weeks)
Sangfroidish: 21/4/2015 - 4/5/2015 (2 weeks)
Keldeo: 4/5/2015 - incumbent
No. 1 Ranked Trainers in Percentage:
Keldeo: 30/3/2015 - 21/4/2015 (3 weeks)
Sangfroidish: 21/4/2015 - incumbent
Most Dominant Trainer:
Eifie: 30/3/2015 - incumbent
Keldeo: 7/4/2015 - 21/4/2015 (2 weeks)
No. 1 Ranked Trainers in Knockouts:
blazheirio889: 2/2/2015 - 2/3/2015 (4 weeks)
Keldeo: 2/3/2015 - 21/4/2015 (7 weeks)
Sangfroidish: 21/4/2015 - 11/5/2015 (3 weeks)
pathos: 11/5/2015 - incumbent
No. 1 Ranked Trainers in Damage Differential:
blazheirio889: 2/2/2015 - 9/2/2015 (1 week)
Zhorken: 9/2/2015 - 16/2/2015 (1 week)
Byrus: 16/2/2015 - 2/3/2015 (2 weeks)
Eifie: 2/3/2015 - 9/3/2015 (1 week)
Keldeo: 9/3/2015 - 18/3/2015 (1 week)
Eifie: 18/3/2015 - 23/3/2015 (1 week)
Ampharos: 23/3/2015 - 30/3/2015 (1 week)
Eifie: 30/3/2015 - incumbent
Keldeo: 30/3/2015 - 21/4/2015 (3 weeks)
Sangfroidish: 21/4/2015 - incumbent
Eifie: 1/6/2015 - incumbent
No. 1 Ranked Trainers in Points:
blazheirio889: 2/2/2015 - 9/2/2015 (1 week)
ultraviolet: 9/2/2015 - 2/3/2015 (3 weeks)
Eifie: 2/3/2015 - 9/3/2015 (1 week)
Keldeo: 9/3/2015 - 21/4/2015 (6 weeks)
Sangfroidish: 21/4/2015 - 4/5/2015 (2 weeks)
Keldeo: 4/5/2015 - incumbent
No. 1 Ranked Trainers in Percentage:
Keldeo: 30/3/2015 - 21/4/2015 (3 weeks)
Sangfroidish: 21/4/2015 - incumbent
Most Dominant Trainer:
Eifie: 30/3/2015 - incumbent
Keldeo: 7/4/2015 - 21/4/2015 (2 weeks)
No. 1 Ranked Trainers in Knockouts:
blazheirio889: 2/2/2015 - 2/3/2015 (4 weeks)
Keldeo: 2/3/2015 - 21/4/2015 (7 weeks)
Sangfroidish: 21/4/2015 - 11/5/2015 (3 weeks)
pathos: 11/5/2015 - incumbent
No. 1 Ranked Trainers in Damage Differential:
blazheirio889: 2/2/2015 - 9/2/2015 (1 week)
Zhorken: 9/2/2015 - 16/2/2015 (1 week)
Byrus: 16/2/2015 - 2/3/2015 (2 weeks)
Eifie: 2/3/2015 - 9/3/2015 (1 week)
Keldeo: 9/3/2015 - 18/3/2015 (1 week)
Eifie: 18/3/2015 - 23/3/2015 (1 week)
Ampharos: 23/3/2015 - 30/3/2015 (1 week)
Eifie: 30/3/2015 - incumbent
All leaderboards will be updated every Monday.
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