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At last, an antidepressant that works.


Gone with the wind, perhaps to a happier place.

Screw medication, I have this stuff. Yeah, it now my official depression and other stressful stuff cure. I recommend you check it out, its rather touching, for those of you people that post in the Coughing Cupboard..

But yeah, that's about it. Enjoy the hope.
..i've had tears welling up in my eyes from some of them.

...i have no clue what happened to that weird emotionless loser from before, but it's probably this and the school year coming to an end doing it. *sigh* D8
This is absolutely beautiful. It makes me really emotional to read these, but they're just beautiful.

Some of these things are the most bloody beautiful things I've ever read. My personal favourite:
"My best friend died in a car accident on his way to deliver me soup for my cold.
Found in the car was also a bouquet of flowers and a card that read:
'We've been best friends for the last 5 years. Now, let's be lovers for the next 50.'"
I am 15. Today, a 4 year old boy approached me.

He told me I was the most beautiful "lady" he had ever seen. He then asked me to marry him.

I said yes and am now wearing a ring pop.

Being an Ace Attorney fan adds so much to this. (only on a comedic level but still)
Aaah...stuff like this is so refreshing when you work in an environment where people will throw fits over being asked to donate a dollar to a childrens' hospital.

My grandma has been suffering from a long battle with Alzheimers.

She hasn't said my name in years and she barely speaks anymore. But every time I see her, she reaches for me, pulls me to her and kisses me 5 times, just as she's always done.

The fact that love remains even as the memory goes GMH.

*sniff* awwww....

Though I'm really not fond of the "The doctors said that this couple was going to have a defected baby but they were HEROIC and didn't abort the pregnancy, and now here I am!" stories. They're way too underhandedly pro-life. Especially considering that this attitude so often gets women killed during childbirth. Not to mention that one could easily end up with another Juliana Wetmore by trying to be a hero (Juliana Wetmore was a child literally born without bones in her face. Her mother was warned about the defect, yet continued the pregnancy anyway. Now, every day for Juliana is a misery of life support and surgery, and the bills for keeping her alive have gone up into the millions)

But that's depressing. Here, have more hope.

A few days ago, a broken friend of mine announced she was suicidal and couldn't turn to her parents for help.

Yesterday, over our school's PA system, students spent first period listing reasons why we love her, and why she shouldn't kill herself. She is now getting help.

Our school's love GMH.
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Yeah, the "I WASN'T ABORTED AND I'M AWESOME" stories are a little bit annoying. I really love GMH though. Some bits made me come over all emotional. :(
Though I'm really not fond of the "The doctors said that this couple was going to have a defected baby but they were HEROIC and didn't abort the pregnancy, and now here I am!" stories. They're way too underhandedly pro-life..

You know, I was reading through this site the other day and thinking exactly this.

But yeah, I can practically feel myself becoming less misanthropic as I read this site and that's cool. :']
About a year before my dog died, he started to go blind.

When my cat realized this, she began helping him find his way by rubbing against his legs, running ahead of him, and meowing loudly so he could follow the sound of her voice.

When I was a child I had just been yelled at by my parents, and went down to cry beside my pet rat's cage.

When she noticed I was crying, she walked to her food bowl, grabbed a cracker, and handed it to me through the bars.


I used to be best friends with this girl, then through our sophmore year we faded apart.

Yesterday I got a text saying she had a feeling she was being called by God to talk to me. 20 minutes later I had a seizure in the middle of the mall. I'm 16, and that calling let me know God was watching over me.

...the fuck
GMH is great :D However LGMH doesn't really give me hope so much as makes me feel worse about my nonexistent love.
I love this site <3 Save for the occasional undercurrent of pro-life, and occasionall 'womg god is watchin me!1!", I adore it. A personal favorite:

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend of four years in a nice restaurant. When she said yes, the entire restaurant stood up and applauded. We're both women.

Understanding of true love GMH.
^I've been to both. LGMH lifts me up to know that others love so much but 6BS kinda brings me down.
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