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Attacks and Abilities Guide

By my scale, Explosion and Selfdestruct are attacks just like any other, and thus, they cost what a normal attack would. Not really any reason to charge something different from them, specially since, as Brock noted, using either one of these butchers the user out of health.

As for the Baltoy issue, Leer requires eye contact; I'm pretty sure that means it will be affected unless it averts seeing the Leer user, and thus, it has to either avoid pointing its eyesight toward the user or blind itself (and if it sees just fine with "eyes closed", then that doesn't count as blinding itself). Then again, that's just what I would think.
It is necessary to track the energy used by selfdestruct/explosion in a battle where health/energy totals affect the outcome--contests or my Battle Arena field, for example, or something similar.

Baltoy's "eyes" might appear closed, but it is apparently otherwise able to interpret visual signals in one way or another. It would probably "notice" the leer somehow, even if it doesn't have functional eyes (though it very well may; cyndaquil's eyes look closed but aren't really, after all).
Regarding Rollout, do you have to keep using it until it misses, or is it possible to stop halfway?
You can stop rollout whenever you want.

does energy usage of psych up vary, and how?
It does not vary.

Would Leer work on a Baltoy? It's eyes look sort of closed so I'm not really sure.
Leer works fine on baltoy unless it has been specifically told to avoid the attack somehow.

How much energy would a Pokémon need to successfully use Selfdestruct or Explosion?
The same as for any other attack with their base power.
I'm confused by the description of Rollout, actually: if the text is to be believed, you can stop Rollouting at will, although that doesn't seem to be the case.

In addition, what happens if you're Tormented during a Rollout? Assuming you're locked into the move, I'd imagine it would be tough to stop, Torment or no.

EDIT: It appears you can quit out of a Rollout... but I still don't get how you can be Tormented while you're rolling in a ball.
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Does Double Team take energy to maintain, or just to set up?

See, Pentimento insists that I'll need to use 4% energy per round to keep my clones going.
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would teleport + physical move (an elemental punch, in case it matters) be valid for "pop in behind and whack it"?

I vaguely remember a battle where the Teleport + Swift combo was successfully pulled off. Not sure if it applies to punches as well, but...
Kam weren't you in a tag battle where a Ralts did a Tele+ThunderPunch? It was Eldencia that did it IIRC.
I Teleported in a tree. Don't recall combining Teleport with anything.

What I do recall is, however, a Ralts pulling (or at least attempting to pull) a Teleport... Ice Punch combo, was it? Between Blastoise and Zora, iirc. Whether it went off or not is something I don't remember.
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