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Backwards Mafia [D7]

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Re: Backwards Mafia [D1]

Paranoid is the always-gets-mafia sanity, just for future reference, but considering the point of this game is to test the backwards mechanic only I doubt Negrek would bother with cop sanities.

No reason not to believe Phantom from where I'm standing. I suppose it's possible she's lying, but if Butterfree turns up innocent then we can either ignore Phantom or just lynch her for being sneaky lying mafia who lies. If Butterfree is mafia, well, kudos on the awesome last move there, Phantom.

Butterfree it is.

Busy and distracted atm so not going to comment on RK's claim, if indeed there is anything to say on the matter. Urgh, projects.

(Ooh, that reminds me. Are we still getting player alignments revealed on exorcism/lynch?)
Re: Backwards Mafia [D1]

I wouldn`t know; no one died night 0 and I thought I sent in my night action but I didn't in Night 1.

Also we can`t lynch phantom because she's dead.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D1]

@ RK-10: Technically we can, it would just have no effect. Assuming she wasn't fake!claiming, in which case it probably would.

Anyways, lynching Butterfree since Phantom's the only one we can go off of
Re: Backwards Mafia [D1]


If you really are the exorcist, WHY?

Other inspector (if there is one) kick his ass and inspect him.

EDIT: (Also I proved myself because I helped save us from potentially lynching an alien or at least having an active alien)
Re: Backwards Mafia [D1]

Question was directed at Negrek, RK, not at you. Sorry.

Lynching dead players does have an effect—it removes their chance to offer input from beyond the grave. Since we all know Butterfree is (most likely) mafia then we have no reason to listen to what she says post-mortem anyway, unless for some reason she feels like selling out the rest of her faction, but if a mafia member was to die and we didn't know who it was, they could still pretend to be innocent and alive and thus lead the town astray. Moot point for now, I guess, but not in the future.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D1]

(Ooh, that reminds me. Are we still getting player alignments revealed on exorcism/lynch?)
When a player is lynched, their alignment, but not their role, is revealed. This happens even if the player was already dead; you get informed of the player's alignment at their time of death, as well as the fact that they were, in fact, dead.

When a player is exorcised, neither their (former) alignment nor role is revealed.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D1]

Do what job? You mean stopping a mafioso from continuing to confuse us? Sure, but that's only if they know that they're exorcising a mafioso. RK could get rid of Butterfree after we lynch her, but that's not necessary because we already know not to trust her thanks to Phantom. If all we get is "a mafioso has died" and we had no leads before that, though, then the exorcist wouldn't have any better idea who to go for than we would and so wouldn't be of any especial help there.

So I wasn't really talking about intentionally lynching a dead player we know is mafia; I was speaking more generally about it not "having no effect".

...I'm not really sure I know what you're asking that about, actually.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D1]

If you're lynched, you're out permanently. So an exorcist couldn't get rid of Butterfree later if you lynch her; she'll be out of the game entirely. Sorry if that wasn't clear; I don't want you guys getting hung up on a rules misunderstanding.

For reference, players will only have their names struck from the list at the top of the thread when they are eliminated from play, either by lynching or by being exorcised when a ghost. Any of the non-struckthrough players can still post during the day, but may be either alive or dead.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D1]

Butterfree is mafia...

Considering butterfree is apparently mafia and surskitty was apparently alien, and I am someone negrek has probably never heard of and a vanilla townsperson, I'm an itty bit suspicious the roles weren't RNG'ed.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D1]


But I'm innocent I tell you!
Re: Backwards Mafia [D1]

Butterfree seems to be the only lead that we have at the moment.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D1]


But I'm innocent I tell you!

Care to claim? We'll most likely lynch you anyway, but.

Anyway, while I'm extremely frustrated with RK-10's claim I suppose he's most likely innocent; he tends to roleclaim quite often (and unnecessarily) from previous experience.

Shaddap I'm the Exorcist and I do what I want :D

Anyways; healer/bg on me?

There's no bodyguard; only a doctor. Please don't exorcise Phantom unless Butterfree turns up not mafia.
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Re: Backwards Mafia [D1]

Okay. Mostly roleclaiming because DOCTORS DOCTORS DOCTORs.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D1]

September 9th, 2011

I'd forgotten how sudden it can be. I was walking home from the station, not thinking of anything in particular, when voices that had been only whispers rose to screams. I almost stumbled and had to lean against a storefront until I could see again and hear over the din of the spirits' command.

Of course, by the time I could make any sense of their words, they were roaring that I was letting their target get away. They sent me staggering through the crowd, bouncing off shoulders and deaf to the curses and epithets that filled my wake. I followed the spirits' directions blindly until I was able to figure out who it was they wanted me to see.

It was a woman, tall and dark-haired and probably on her way home from work as well. Her high heels clacked against the pavement, and both her briefcase and her earrings swayed with the rhythm of her brisk walk. When I looked at her, the baying of the spirits was so loud I thought the force of their wrath might force my eyes from their sockets.

She was walking so quickly, I thought she was absorbed in her own thoughts and had no chance of noticing me. I had little thought for caution, as it was hard to concentrate on anything with the clamor in my skull. She left the main street, and I followed her through back alleys and past crumbling old buildings.

But she was not oblivious, and at last turned on me, demanding to know who I was and why I was following her. I was too startled to reply, and the resurgence of the voices was enough to drown out any half-formed thoughts. I blundered forward, reaching for her blindly. I was propelled by nothing but the urge to quiet the spirits, driven by their anger and call for retribution. She was too surprised by the suddenness of my attack to put up a proper defense, and our struggle was brief. I managed to pull her briefcase away from her, and a lucky blow to her jaw stunned her for long enough for me to knock her down. I smashed her head in with the briefcase until she stopped moving, and probably would have continued even past that point if the sudden departure of the voices hadn't caused me to drop it.

When I searched the body, I found that the spirits had not been groundlessly provoked. In one of her pockets she kept their symbol, the cross and the blinded eye, on a long chain. I left it when I fled. Let the police know what sort of person she was.

I should have gone back and burned the body. I do not remember how I escaped from the alley or returned to my apartment; I was simply there, several hours later, exhausted and in silence, inside and out. By then it was too late, and I could not remember the way back.

She was going into the darker side of town, and so probably to one of their meetings. If I had been thinking straight, if I had been more cautious, I might have followed her straight into the rats' nest itself. Perhaps I could have ended it all today, then and there.

I'll see to it that she burns. I'll have access to the body later. She should burn. They should all burn. Fire is the only thing that can truly scour their presence from this world. They will all burn. I'll see to it. I'll burn them all.

No sleep tonight.

Butterfree is dead. She was mafia.

Forty-eight hours for night actions.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D2]

September 11th, 2011

I've been trying to lie low ever since the woman's body was discovered. Surely Inspector Bittern suspects, but she also needs me. It is only by her grace that I'm here and not locked up in an institution somewhere, after all.

I try not to think about my slip. If there's one thing one can say for having one's mind invaded by ghosts, it is that it leaves little opportunity for introspection. No doubt there are more crimes in my future, but there is nothing I can do to prevent them. I do my best to concentrate on the now, on not simply surviving this terror but working to end it.

Today, that meant joining the investigation of the latest death. He didn't go quietly, which was probably the only reason his body was discovered so soon; the neighbors reported the noise. A loner, no known associates, living by himself in a dingy apartment--but a brilliant exorcist for his age, completely devoted to his trade.

The police have poked suspiciously through his possessions, flipping through books written in languages long dead and turning over icons and exotic implements, the tools of his trade. To them, he probably looks just as suspicious as any in the faction that killed him, save for the fact that much of his apartment has been redecorated in messages scrawled in blood from his broken remains.

The translation of these was a simple matter. It was little more than what I expected. "You may have killed one of our own, but we know who you are. We are coming for you, and when we find you, you will wish we had been kind enough to simply kill you."

Let them come. At least it will end this suspense, following their gruesome trail of corpses and jumping at every shadow. My life is already a nightmare; I am too exhausted to fear their threats and insinuations any longer.

An exorcist has died. Forty-eight hours for discussion.

I guess I forgot to press the night phase button or somehow last time? Anyway, I apologize if my hitting it twice to get it back to day now hits you with a bunch of notifications or anything.
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