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Backwards Mafia [D7]

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Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

I haven't been keeping up with Mafia recently, so I don't really know whose playstyle tends more toward lurking versus activity; I suppose I'll have to take your word on that, although usually being lurkyloos in other games doesn't mean that their inactivity is in any way helpful in this one, or any more likely to make me want to keep them around when we have no other leads.

That said, I guess you do make a good point about not voting for Butterfree; it's a small thing, especially considering that they may have just dropped off the radar in general around the time when everyone was voting (only Light has even posted since then, right?), but it's... something in a game where we have nothing else. :/ Eh. I'm not really convinced that's big enough to act on at the moment unless anyone else has anything a bit more concrete.

Regardless, I don't think I'll vote for anyone at this point. I don't like abstaining, but I don't like nominating people without giving them a chance to contribute or at least explain themselves, either. I want to wait and see if anyone else in general has anything to contribute—maybe someone has information and just hasn't had a chance to say something yet—and I want confirmation that Glace, bulbasaur, Flower Doll, Light Yagami and Grass King are still at least paying attention. I've never found playing games with dead weight particularly enjoyable.

EDIT: oh look, 20-minute ninja. Well, since bulbasaur is at least paying attention I am less inclined to lynch him, then. If you're willing to let yourself be lynched then that's... admirable, but I would still rather lose someone who isn't even playing at all if we really have no other leads.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

I'm not really sure about who are the most experienced mafia players, but I am kind of surprised that Kratos is still around, if Butterfree and Twilight Sparkle are gone, yeah. Um... maybe we could lynch someone who posted like once near the beginning of the game, if we don't want to use our abstain? is there anyone that even fits that criteria
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

I don't know; would it really be suspicious of someone not to have voted for Butterfree? I've always seen very little point in voting for someone if ey's already got a lot of votes on em, even if I do support eir lynching. Considering that Butterfree was pretty much doomed due to inspection, I'd think that if anything the mafia would vote for her to try and give themselves some cover.

I'm not really sure about who are the most experienced mafia players, but I am kind of surprised that Kratos is still around, if Butterfree and Twilight Sparkle are gone, yeah. Um... maybe we could lynch someone who posted like once near the beginning of the game, if we don't want to use our abstain? is there anyone that even fits that criteria

Well, we don't actually know who died today (or yesterday, even, although Kratos did say that it wasn't her). I'm still not really expecting Kratos to die during the night if she's innocent, though, now that people have been wondering about the fact that she's alive in the thread. (Also, Butterfree isn't gone because the mafia targeted her; she's gone because we lynched her.)

Glace has only posted once, to vote for Butterfree. I think it's usually his style to post pretty much only to vote, not that that's very helpful to the town, but I could be remembering someone else; I haven't really played many games on this forum recently.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

Maybe inactive lynching isn't the way to go.

I know that when I'm mafia I tend to post, A LOT. The only reason I've posted so much this game is because I was inspector and had REALLY lucky inpections right off the bat, and now that I'm 'dead' I don't fear dying.... funny how death does that.

What if we lynch someone who's being active? Just a thought, you don't have to listen to me, I'm dead.

EDIT: Also I am really surprised Kratos is still around. Usually mafia goes for mods first... I'm sorry Kratos but I'm getting a hunch... just a feeling that means nothing. But I've been lucky so far with hunches.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

Ok another idea here. This is an experimental mafia right? What if the GM picked people who he knew would be active. It might be a set up, meaning the mods are after us.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

Active players are just as likely to be mafia as inactive players based on start-of-game role randomization (and no, I don't think Negrek would rig the roles to favor active players—if only the active players were mafia then this game would be obscenely unbalanced in the mafia's favor, and also absolutely no challenge or any fun at all), so going after inactives "because lurking means they must be mafia" or whatever really isn't the right mindset. If they're not moving the game along then I, at least, don't really appreciate their lack of participation—obviously we hope they're mafia and we don't want to lynch innocents if we don't have to, but in a game with no leads and limited abstains you're better off removing dead weight than doing nothing. Also, as you pointed out it's possible that we might end up lynching someone who's already dead—maybe they died and simply haven't bothered telling us because they're barely paying attention anyway. Lynching a dead inactive would be the next best thing after lynching an inactive mafioso.

As for lynching an active player, that can work, but since active players are, well, active and are contributing to moving the game along, you have to balance the chance that that player could be mafia with the chance that you're losing a helpful innocent. You can't just lynch an active player "because they're active" as a result of that. You need a reason to make the risk worth it. If someone has a reason then I'm happy to listen to it, but nothing of the sort has been given so far.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

Ok another idea here. This is an experimental mafia right? What if the GM picked people who he knew would be active. It might be a set up, meaning the mods are after us.

Considering butterfree is apparently mafia and surskitty was apparently alien, and I am someone negrek has probably never heard of and a vanilla townsperson, I'm an itty bit suspicious the roles weren't RNG'ed.

I can assure you that the roles were randomized.

I'm not as interested in this game because I have a powerless role, and posts seem to be much longer on average in this game than a typical current mafia game, so I get bored going through all of it; this is the only mafia game I've been in where I have not read every word posted (though I've read most). I like to try stuff and gamble a gambit wherever it occurs to me, but in my situation in this game I have no idea how I would. Also, right there I voted for Butterfree, although I don't think whether someone did or not really means much if anything.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

That isn't a vote. I nominate Light Yagami though it doesn't count as a vote, I suggest you living people jump on that.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

Ok another idea here. This is an experimental mafia right? What if the GM picked people who he knew would be active. It might be a set up, meaning the mods are after us.
Okay, this is the last time I'm going to say this---the roles in this game were randomized.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

What you gonna do? Lynch me? I'm dead and everyone knows it. Now, kindly attempt to roleclaim if you can, or if you're dead, tell us.

You've claimed vanilla, which is useless, so killing you won't do much. And a vanilla is dead, so we might be doing the exorcist's job in getting rid of you. We need to start separating the dead from living anyways.

Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

Actually figuring out who's dead and who's not might really help. It will narrow down options... Now for inactives... instead of just lynching inactives one at a time until the mafia kills everyone, the exorcist removes them as well. Once they are told they're dead they might be less inclined to participate in the game.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

A civilian is dead, but it's not me. If I was I would simply say so and stop posting.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

And there's no need to be defending yourself, I'm dead. My vote doesn't matter.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

Oookay, so. It's getting late (or is already late, whatever) and there aren't any votes that are likely to count, so we have to do something if we don't want to use up our last abstain. Here's the deal: we can either go with Phantom and vote for Light Yagami, take bulbasaur up on his offer and lynch him, go for an inactive who still hasn't posted or someone can actually try to contribute another useful alternative. While I don't find Light as suspicious as Phantom seems to, if he's really not interested in playing anymore (being dead is no reason to stop posting in and of itself, after all) then he isn't doing any good by hanging around; bulbasaur says he's okay with being lynched but hasn't expressed any particular desire to stop playing, so I'm not really comfortable lynching him unless we really have no other choice (perhaps if we get desperate later after our abstains are gone, but ideally it shouldn't come to that!).

As such, unless someone has another lead I think it's between Light or an inactive at this point; for now I guess I'll go with Glace because he hasn't even attempted to defend himself or prove he still wants to play (Light says he's not that interested but isn't willing to let himself be lynched? and I'm sort of inclined to believe him when he says he's a civilian whereas Glace is still a total unknown, so...), but I can be convinced to change my mind if someone else has something to say.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

Yes, we're past the voting limit and there seems to be no clear consensus on what to do. Once again, you have twenty-four hours (until 10:00 PM EST October 3rd) to make some sort of vote, or either Glace or Light Yagami will die based, again, on who doing the nominating/voting is actually alive.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

I'm willing to let myself be lynched if you guys have good reason to suspect me, but feel it worthwhile to defend myself because if I am not lynched I have a better chance of winning, which I am still interested in doing. If you guys decide you want to lynch me, I'll even vote for myself.

(Not voting for Glace on the off chance Kratos is actually dead. If both he and Phantom are dead, is it a no-lynch or randylynch?)
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

You've claimed vanilla, which is useless, so killing you won't do much. And a vanilla is dead, so we might be doing the exorcist's job in getting rid of you. We need to start separating the dead from living anyways.

Actually figuring out who's dead and who's not might really help. It will narrow down options... Now for inactives... instead of just lynching inactives one at a time until the mafia kills everyone, the exorcist removes them as well. Once they are told they're dead they might be less inclined to participate in the game.

Wait, why do we actively want to go after the dead? All the ghosts we've got right now are (almost definitely) innocent-aligned and they can still help out the town by contributing to discussion. I guess it means we have to choose from more players when deciding on a lynch, as you say, but ghosts are allowed to claim to be dead and they could also be userful as lynch fodder later on (we've only got one abstain left, after all). I think that balances out that small downside of having a larger pool of lynch candidates to consider.

(Not voting for Glace on the off chance Kratos is actually dead. If both he and Phantom are dead, is it a no-lynch or randylynch?)

Yesterday, Negrek said that if Phantom's was the only vote and she was dead, the town would abstain. I would guess that the same would happen today if both of the votes were made by ghosts. I'd really rather not run the risk of using up our last abstain and it seems like Glace would be the smallest loss to us, so I guess that's where my vote goes.
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