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Backwards Mafia [D7]

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Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

I AM MAKING A STATEMENT! I can attempt to vote if a want! Not like it means anything!

or maybe you forgot you were pretending to be dead

I should really remember that role list wow okay this is the second time I've forgotten about it. I don't have anything else useful to say though; maybe the other exorcist is mafia aligned I dunno.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

Mafia aligned exorcist.... That kind of would make sense, not really though...

If I get exorcised tonight I swear.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

It would make sense, imo (as with Eifie, I would've cast it as a mafia role from the start, not an innocent one, as the benefit to the town ultimately seems small), but I'm pretty sure there can't be one after a look at the role list.

You still haven't said why you're voting for me, Phantom. I'd still like to know that, even if it is just some sort of gut feeling.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

Sorry if it sounded like I didn't trust you, Phantom! I was really just wondering why you suddenly wanted to lynch Kratos. I just have a really weird way of wording things sometimes, haha.

(I'd also like to point out that in a different mafia game, Phantom had a gut feeling about me being mafia and none of the remaining players believed her, but her gut feeling ended up being correct. This probably won't be relevant in this game, but just throwing that out there.)
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

By amending my theory to fit what we know, we end up with:

Originally: Two Fishing Brothers, Two Doctors, One Inspector, Two Exorcists, 1 Mafia Don, 1 Alien and 8 people split between cilivian or minion.

2 Fishing Brothers
2 Doctors
1 Mafia Don
7-x Civilians
x Minions

Like Kratos said, it seems like you've forgotten to actually include the living exorcist in your new list:

2 Fishing Brothers
2 Doctors
1 Exorcist
1 Mafia Don
x Minions
6-x Civilians

I don't think we know for sure that there's a second exorcist out there; as indicated after Tailsy's lynching, "exorcised" in the flavour text doesn't necessary mean "targeted by an exorcist". In this case it seems very likely since there's no evidence of the civilian death being due to healer clash, but. I just want to put that out there anyway because I'm still very confused as to why an exorcist would target RK.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

I don't think we know for sure that there's a second exorcist out there; as indicated after Tailsy's lynching, "exorcised" in the flavour text doesn't necessary mean "targeted by an exorcist".
Is there any other way someone could've been eliminated from the game during the night phase, though? The other exorcist targeting RK doesn't make any sense to me either, but I can't think of any other explanation for it.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

They might have thought he was lying, I suppose, although we haven't had any mafia deaths aside from Butterfree being lynched. If RK was mafia he couldn't possibly be dead, so that'd still be a very strange move.

Puzzling as it is, though, I doubt we'll be hearing from this other exorcist if they do in fact exist. RK was killed shortly after he roleclaimed, and this other exorcist might want to remain hidden. Unless there is some other way he could've been removed from play (and I can't think of one at the moment), I'm not sure worrying about it is going to get us anywhere.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

I am still here. I'd half like the exorcist on me tonight so I can know if I'm still alive. Or are we supposed to get a notification if that (our death) happens?
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

Negrek said she'd tell a player if something happened to them, so you are not our dead civilian. Unless Negrek forgot or something, anyway.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

I am still here. I'd half like the exorcist on me tonight so I can know if I'm still alive. Or are we supposed to get a notification if that (our death) happens?
You will get a notification, and I haven't forgotten any notifications this game.

So, time's up for discussion, but there doesn't appear to be any clear move towards nomination or voting. I'm going to extend the voting period another ~15 hours or so, ending at 1:00 PM tomorrow; if there is no change in voting, Kratos will die because he's the only person with a nomination or vote on him if Phantom is alive; if Phantom is dead, the consensus will instead be taken as "abstain." You have two more abstains to use before someone gets randlynched. If you want to change those outcomes, you have fifteen hours to put more votes or nominations on the table.
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Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

Well! Phantom still hasn't given us a reason for her vote, and I think it'd be pretty silly to just let Kratos die (although of course Phantom is most likely the dead inspector, so we'd probably end up abstaining instead), but reading over the thread, nothing's really stricken me as particularly suspicious. I guess we've got a few other options that I can think of for today if nobody else comes up with anything:

We could use up one of our abstains, but we might want to save those up in case they might be useful later;

We could lynch Phantom, who has already probably lost her role and wouldn't be much of a loss in that sense, but she has been posting, so it would probably be better for us to leave her alive;

Or we could go for an inactive lynch, which would probably result in a pretty insignificant loss, but wouldn't be very fun. :| Glace has only posted once (solely to vote for Butterfree) and that seems to be his usual behaviour. And I noticed that Flower Doll (two posts in this game), who also usually doesn't seem to post, did post early on in the game as the sort-of-first (due to edit ninja) person to speak up against lynching Tailsy. Tailsy turned out to be active alien like Flower Doll predicted. The mafia would've known who they'd targeted the night before and wanted to avoid lynching Tailsy; of course, that's also a thing that any innocent would be wary of as well after a night with no deaths, but it stuck out to me just a tiny bit because Flower Doll just doesn't normally tend to participate. (I think she's said she's been trying, though, so. I don't know; this isn't much of a point, anyway. Just a little tiny thing I wondered about, I guess.)

Umm, I'm sort of half-asleep and don't really have any particular inclination towards any of these courses of action right now, so I'll check back in the morning and hopefully people might have posted things and then I can maybe choose a thing to bold!
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

Probably shouldn't be posting right now (busyyyyy) but I can't even guarantee I'll be awake at one so oh, well, input.

As I said before I'll claim if I absolutely must, but I'd prefer not to paint targets on myself or others unnecessarily so hopefully it won't come to that!

I am going to vote to abstain for now. I don't have any concrete suspicions and don't want to lynch without some sort of reason/without talking it over first, but at the same time I'd rather not get lynched on a technicality if Phantom's not actually dead—I'm inclined to believe her when she says she is, but just to be safe! (And if it turns out she's not dead... well! Then we know who to lynch tomorrow!) I would ultimately like to save our abstains too, of course, so if anything better comes along I'm more than happy to change my vote.

As for actual targets, Glace and Flower Doll would be an okay place to start. I would like to give them a chance to speak up and prove they're participating first, though; then maybe Glace since he's contributed the least, and Flower Doll the next day if she still doesn't check in and we still have no leads?
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

Right, lynching someone today with barely any time left for them to post wouldn't be such a good idea. I guess for now abstaining is all we've got, then; I'm not going to actually add my vote since Kratos's is all we need to balance out Phantom's probably-not-vote and if it turns out to be a tie, I'd like to see what happens. (Also just in case something comes up in the last few hours and we decide we don't want to abstain!)
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

Hmm. Well. If we're going to abstain (which seems to be the general consensus), we might as well prove Phantom's death while we're at it. You seem to have forgotten that bulbasaur as well has only posted twice, although that wasn't really an entire list; I propose we vote off one of the inactives with Phantom (or have Phantom vote off herself) and see what happens. If we abstain, great! (Except for the fact that, you know, an inspector is dead. But that's already something that happened.) If not, we have a target!
Re: Backwards Mafia [D4]

September 21st, 2011

I imagine I would find protective custody relaxing, if it weren't for the anxiety of waiting. All has been quiet for the past several days, within and without. There have been no major hallucinations since that of the police officer, and my hand is healing well.

I keep myself busy, lest my free time provide me with too much time to think and dwell on why I spend my days under the watch of officers the department can scarce afford to part with.

There are two of them that trade shifts on guard, one a woman I remember vaguely from the last days of the previous investigation, and another, a young man who has all the signs of a greenhorn. He seems to resent his assignment and spends his time bored and surly.

The other is usually content enough, and we talk from time to time. Today she told me that she thought she'd seen me before, on television. It's been so long since I'd even thought of such things that I had to smile.

"You were a professor, weren't you? Or still are?" she asked. I shook my head, and she didn't pursue the matter. "I remember they used to call you in to consult on all kinds of news stories. What was it that you studied? It was something to do with history, wasn't it?"

"Only as much as history is a part of everything else, I suppose. Religious studies."

The officer nodded and watched in silence for a few minutes as I flipped back through my notes. "I guess you never thought you'd end up using it for something like this, did you?"

I shrugged. "When you became a police officer, did you think you would be doing something like this?" She nodded, and that was the last we spoke before she left.

No one has died. There may be up to one more abstain vote before randlynching occurs.

Forty-eight hours for night actions.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

September 27th, 2011

Times grow difficult again. I am restless; the police are restless; and the spirits are restless, filling my head with their impatient conversation. They demand action, and though I must deny them, it is difficult to argue with the voices in your own head. This is especially true if one is attempting to look normal and untroubled for the benefit of the police. As much as anything else, the knowledge that I am being watched over, even if with benevolent intent, is vexing. How long will I be able to control myself before I do something drastic and, most likely, am forced to still more extreme measures to cover it up?

The officers assigned to my guard come and go, more frustrated all the while. Now and again they bring me news of the investigation, but far more often they simply don't wish to talk about it. It goes poorly, I think. The only time they seem at all excited is when they bring me some evidence, news of a recent murder, and wait as I analyze it. They're hoping for some sort of revelation, for me to somehow connect the dots and bring everything to a close by staring at the latest stack of photos. Again and again, they are disappointed--as, I must admit to myself now and again, am I.

The most recent deaths are the most puzzling. There appears to be nothing to connect them, nothing save that the victims are so ordinary. So far as I or any of the police can tell, their deaths follow no pattern. But what good could such random murders possibly do the organization? They sow terror and despair, to be sure, but I'm certain they aim much higher than that. I can't understand their strategy, and with the headaches and lack of sleep brought on by the restless ghosts in my head, it's unlikely that I'll hit on it soon. But what else can I do but try? If there's any way to thward the organization's aims, whatever those ultimately might be, it is up to me to find it. It's the only purpose in life that I have left.

A civilian is dead. Forty-eight hours for discussion.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

So, the other exorcist must have failed. What now? Are you guys going start random lynching? Chances are you might get a 'dead' person anyways.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

I'm surprised I'm still alive, even though it's not that surprising considering the number of experienced players here!

Anyhow. After lurking through the list of who posted, I've concluded the most suspicious inactives out of here are bulbasaur and Light Yagami; neither of them voted for Butterfree and I could easily imagine them both being active enough to send in actions without posting. From what I remember, HighMoon (chosen by complete post count, not when players last posted) tends to lurk more in mafia and the same goes for Glace. Of course, these are only the inactives; it's likely that some of the more active players are mafia instead. However, we have more to lose by lynching them. So. (I don't know why this needs mentioning, considering the general experience and knowledge of most everyone in the game.)

... I really overuse parentheses, don't I.
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Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

Well. How can I say this. I'm an exorcist (and exorcised RK-10 to confirm that he was in fact the dead exorcist; looking back, that was useless). I'm pretty useless anyway, but I assume that there won't be any more exorcists, so I guess I'm pretty much guaranteed a win unless the town lynches me while I'm a ghost, so I'm the best person to vote off, probably. I didn't vote for Butterfree because my vote would have been useless by the time I'd posted, btw.
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