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Backwards Mafia [D7]

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Re: Backwards Mafia [D5]

October 1st, 2011

I suppose it was bound to happen in the end. I could find no way of convincing Inspector Bittern to release me from protective custody, and I've long since given up on finding a way to quiet my demons. They filled my head with their yelling until I could no longer think; they drove me to agitation and fits of anger, so that I could not gain the trust of the officers who watched me; and they kept me awake through long nights with their howling, so in the end I could no longer care about what I did, as long as it silenced them. The gods help me, but I wept when I killed him, and it was not for sorrow, but relief.

If I do as I say, it will all stop, they whisper to me. They are my only guidance, the only hope any of us has of defeating the organization. There is nothing I can do by sitting cooped up under the police's supervision, and it is clear that they have no chance of actually solving their case. What good is allying myself with them? What good is sitting around doing nothing, when by my actions alone the organization can be broken? When one is delirious with fatigue and defenseless against the constant hum of their words, their reasoning begins, horribly, to seem correct. More seductive, though, is their insistence that only deaths will end it. If I kill when they say to kill, if I trust to them and my own knowledge of the lore, then I will be able to hunt them down and put an end to them. And then, nothing. It will all be over. I will be at peace, and I will have done a great service to the world.

I know that it won't end, but desperation will make men forget much. It does not end but only gets worse, and all that keeps me marching along is the lack of any other option save, perhaps, taking my own life. But I know what lies at the other end of that thought, and such is my cowardice that I would rather do murder than face it.

They'll find him at the next shift change, and then they'll come looking for me. I have nowhere to go. They know all my likely haunts. For now, I've stopped at the library to sleep and write, but soon it will close and I will be on my own in the chill night. If only the spirits had as much inclination to guide me in the practical matters of staying alive as they do in directing me to kill people.

If I'm lucky, they'll think that the organization was responsible, that they compromised the safe house, killed the guard, and made off with me. Or perhaps killed me then and there and took the body with them. Or perhaps I escaped. In any case, the best I can hope for is that my deed will be put down to the organization, rather than myself.

Is that not how it should be? Is it fair to call me the perpetrator at all? I did no more than wield the knife. After all, it's not as though I wanted to kill the man. Who could think that I ever wanted this? That I wanted to know what it feels like for the knife to glance off bone when you're stabbing a man to death? That I wanted to have to watch a man drown in his own blood, cursing me with the remains of his last breath? That I wanted to harm anyone at all, that I had any hatred deep enough to goad me to kill?

But oh, I did, once. There was a time that I did. And, perhaps, it has been my penance to receive exactly what I desired.

Glace is dead. He was not mafia.

Forty-eight hours for night actions.
Re: Backwards Mafia [N5]

October 5th, 2011

The nights grow colder, and it would be difficult sleeping even were it not for the constant nagging of the spirits. The city's sprawling, half-abandoned industrial center has given me refuge, although most of the most desirable spots have already been claimed by squatters.

I've kept on the move as much as possible, although I might consider staying here for another night. It was once an executive's office, I think, and though crusted with grime, the glass in the windows is still intact. This gives it some little more warmth than it might otherwise have, and the ruins of the bookshelves, now housing no more than mossy hillocks of decomposing glue and paper, give it the aura, almost of home. The further moss consuming the carpet is a raggedy sort of cushion, albeit a damp one. Like as not this is the best I can hope to find for as long as I am forced out of my home.

During the day, I go out in search of food and information. Either can be scavenged from dumpsters, but it's far from a satisfying endeavor. By now, of course, the public knows a little bit of what is going on, but what is reported in the paper is still heavily censored, stripped down to the barest minimum of information and near as misleading as it is informative. There have been no new deaths reported, and if anything new has come to light over those that have already been recorded, no mention is made of it. With the voices in my head in loud disarray, there is nothing to guide me; I am reduced to being a drifter, pouncing on whatever scrap of news I can find, but ultimately chasing at nothing but empty shadows.

No one has died.

Forty-eight hours for discussion.
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Re: Backwards Mafia [D6]

Seems the Mafia is falling behind...hm...*strokes chin* Any idea who's been away for a while?
Re: Backwards Mafia [D6]

Seems the Mafia is falling behind...hm...*strokes chin* Any idea who's been away for a while?

Do you mean you think the reason nobody died is that the mafia didn't send in a target to kill? The don would have died instead if that had happened, though. I'm not sure, but I don't think that'd even be affected by heals or anything; it seems more like a modkill. I think we can probably assume that the mafia did send in a target, then, and it failed due to docsave or alien activation. (Negrek: if the mafia don didn't send in a night action, would e die and be replaced regardless of whether or not e was being protected that night?)

Hmm. We still haven't heard anything from the two civilians who died on nights three and four. I wonder if they've got a reason for keeping their deaths to themselves, or if the mafia's been going after inactives for some reason. If the two ghosts had been any other role, I guess it could've been more likely that maybe they'd decide to just stop posting after they died (though I don't think being dead is a reason to stop talking); however, the only weapons that a civilian has are the ability to discuss and the ability to vote, with the first being considerably more important, so dying wouldn't change very much. I'd assume that if a civilian chose not to post after being killed, e probably wouldn't have been one to post much before dying, either. (Then again, this would not be true in the case of Light Yagami, but I think he was saying that that's more because he's not very interested in the playing anymore?)

If the mafia's been going after inactives, though, it doesn't seem very likely that the reason for the no death last night was a lucky doctor, which might leave active alien as the more likely possibility in that case. However, it could be that the civilians who died aren't inactive but have just decided not to tell us about it; the target last night could've been someone who's been here and got healed (or activated), or the mafia and a doctor could've both decided to target bulbasaur, since he has claimed at least to have a role, if not an incredibly useful one. The mafia did decide to go after our last claimed exorcist (RK), after all.

(Of course, the mafia could just be going after people without a specific strategy in mind, but I wrote this whole post before considering that >:( Oh well.)
Re: Backwards Mafia [D6]

(Negrek: if the mafia don didn't send in a night action, would e die and be replaced regardless of whether or not e was being protected that night?)

Yes. It's essentially an inactivity-kill, and I don't let those get blocked.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D6]

I'd assume that if a civilian chose not to post after being killed, e probably wouldn't have been one to post much before dying, either. (Then again, this would not be true in the case of Light Yagami, but I think he was saying that that's more because he's not very interested in the playing anymore?)

Eh, I don't really care if I die anymore. I'll still participate, but I really don't know what to do in this game other than bandwagon and add two cents to the big monologues people put out.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D6]

I also agree that the lack of death tonight is due to a lucky doc save (somehow I doubt that there's more than one alien, though eh, I guess it's hard to put anything past Negrek). I'm still not fond of inactive players, but I don't think they're necessarily any more likely to be mafia just because all of us survived the night.

I take it there's no new information, then, otherwise someone would've posted by now... hm. bulbasaur, out of curiosity, have you been attempting to exorcise anyone? Obviously you haven't hit anyone yet if you have, and I guess I wouldn't bother if it was me, but I'm wondering, and I'm curious as to who you've targeted, if anyone. Intellectually, I suppose, since there's so little else to do right now. :|


(Inactives, I still want to hear from you! I'm not giving up and just letting you guys drag the game down, you know.)
Re: Backwards Mafia [D6]

Eh, no, probably not a good idea at this point. It's possible that the dead civilians who haven't reported back are inactive, but if they're already both dead and inactive then exorcising them isn't doing any particular good. And I guess, as Eifie mentioned, it's possible that the dead civs are active and just not saying that they're dead, for whatever reason. I'm not really sure what the use in that is, though...? I mean, I don't think it exactly narrows down the mafia's targets since they already know who they hit, so the only ones the silent civs are fooling are... the other innocents. :V Dunno. Unless they've thought of some other clever reason to keep quiet that hasn't yet occurred to me.

Meh. I don't like being reduced to just making conversation. >| Not cool.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D6]

Hey I'm dead. Not a lot else to say, which is why I haven't been contributing, sorry. I'm the one who died on night 4, I think.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D6]

The usual "twenty-four hours to pick someone to kill." blah blah you have one abstain remaining blah
Re: Backwards Mafia [D6]

.... You do realize that I can't vote right? And that I can't nominate two people at once?
Re: Backwards Mafia [D6]

How is that random if you've had some sort of agenda against me this whole game and Light has already said he's not paying attention?

Offer some sort of argument if you want to lynch me, because right now you're the only one who does; otherwise we either take Light up on his sacrifice or clear out another inactive or something.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D6]

Well, think of it this way; Light is probably one of the only ones that actually *seem* innocent. Would a mafia call for their death day after day, and insist they're not paying attention so it doesn't matter? Not unless they have a huge faith in the town, which you guys seem to be breaking. A live townine is a live townie, and those are what people need to beat the mafia.

Hawke, vote for yourself; it'll prove your death and since no mafia have "died" you'll be confirmed innocent. Personally, I think this should be done with most of the "dead" people. Skimming through the "Who Posted" thing, I think WQ is one of the more mafia-ish players--but of course that's just suspicion. There's also Flower Doll, but she's always inactive so now my "slow poster now she's mafia" paranoia has mostly gone away.
Re: Backwards Mafia [D6]

Hey I'm dead. Not a lot else to say, which is why I haven't been contributing, sorry. I'm the one who died on night 4, I think.

Was it the night that RK was exorcised, or the night after?

Well, think of it this way; Light is probably one of the only ones that actually *seem* innocent. Would a mafia call for their death day after day, and insist they're not paying attention so it doesn't matter? Not unless they have a huge faith in the town, which you guys seem to be breaking. A live townine is a live townie, and those are what people need to beat the mafia.

Hawke, vote for yourself; it'll prove your death and since no mafia have "died" you'll be confirmed innocent. Personally, I think this should be done with most of the "dead" people. Skimming through the "Who Posted" thing, I think WQ is one of the more mafia-ish players--but of course that's just suspicion. There's also Flower Doll, but she's always inactive so now my "slow poster now she's mafia" paranoia has mostly gone away.

I agree; Light Yagami seems pretty not-mafia to me. If we've got to go for someone who's not going to participate just for the purpose of lynching someone, I'd rather go for someone like Flower Doll over someone who I'm very much expecting to flip innocent.

Hawke's already proven herself to be dead, hasn't she? On day four (scroll down from there), Hawke voted for Kratos and Kratos voted to abstain. I'm pretty sure those were the only votes. The town ended up abstaining, so Hawke's vote must not have counted.

Could you elaborate on why you're suspicious of Windswept Questant?
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