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Bad Blood

Wilson heard the door shut behind him, but his attention was on the fact that no-one had apparently responded to the fact that he had just entered the house without invite or warning and was now wondering around without any of the permanent residents having a clue he was there.

Sighing, he set of to find Rin.
"I am not surprised that nobody else seems here.", Camille told Wilson as she walked past him, "You know how this house was.", she remarked, with some disdain. Camille and her Pokemon walked through the halls, but suddenly Gardenia stopped. "What's wrong...?", Island asked.
"This is it, I think.", Gardenia replied as she tugged at the hem of Camille's dress and pointed at the door next to her.
"Hm? What's in there?", Camille asked as she opened the door. It was her room, where she had slept all those years ago, more importantly, where she would try to escape all the madness.
"But some still live here, and the door was unlocked when I arrived. Either they give no thought to security or they are up and about somewhere. Or both."

Wilson walked off, aiming for the staircase which ran into the wing of the house. Rin followed behind. She knew where they were going, of course. Wilson had had his room in this wing since he had begun to talk to people, and had been able to express his desire for solitude.
Before Charlie could say anything, the two Pokémon jumped at each other, and starting fighting, claws vs wings.
"Krabby! Use Bubble instead!"
Krabby didn't listen. So Charlie sat and watched the battle commence. Suddenly, Krabby used it's Vice Grip attack, and hit the Chatot on the head. Chatot stumbled around, then hit the floor with a thud.
"Nice going Krabby!" Charlie was delighted his Pokémon had won his first (sort of) battle.
Krabby scuttled on top of the Chatot, in a victory stance.
Aphrodite opened Haley's bag with her teeth. She dragged a bag of Lemon-flavored Pokemon food. She ripped it open.
Wilson slowly turned the handle of the door to his room. He pushed the door slowly, and it glided without a sound on the hinges. He looked inside. The room was dark, but the moon shone through the open window, and the light from the hall flooded around him, showing up the room as being in the same shade of green as when he had left it - apart from a little fading.

He pushed the door open further, and he saw a large trunk sitting at the foot of the bed. His trunk. He felt inside his shirt to check the key was still there. He left it alone and looked at the bed. It had been made, and was, alone of all the furniture, totally devoid of dust. Someone had kept it ready for his return.

Nice of them, reflected Rin.

Wilson walked up to the bed, dropped his bag on the floor, pulled off his coat and jacket, kicked off his boots, and dropped onto the bed, sitting at the head, silent and unmoving, deep in his own thoughts.

Typical, thought Rin, leaping up onto the far side of the bed and curling up into a ball.
"!!" Shura growled and knocked the Krabby off of Chatot and stood in front of it in a defencive pose. "I promised Charlie wouldn't catch you, unless you want him to catch you!" She turned and looked at her trainer with eyes that said "Please don't."

"Don't worry. I think it's better for me to be caught than lay here in this state and getting eaten by Mightyenas..." The Chatot coughed in human language.

"..." Shura stepped aside so that Charlie could catch him.
"Well. That was odd. I won't catch you, I'll take you to a Pokémon Center," Charlie said, returning Krabby and picking up Chatot. He ran back to Sunyshore.
After Surfing for awhile, Bakur came across a Tentacruel.

"Altaria!" he shouted, releasing the bird again. "Use Dragon Pulse!"

Altaria opened her mouth and sent out a beam of energy, striking the Tentacruel.

"Wanna catch it?" he asked Wailord.


The Tentacruel shot a BubbleBeam at Wailord as Bakur threw a Great Ball.

The ball didn't even shake. The jellyfish used Barrier. Bakur threw another Great Ball.

It shook once. After it opened, he threw one more.

It shook twice, but broke again.

"Let's leave," said Bakur, steering Wailord away.
Aria was near Pastoria City when an Absol jumped from the grass. "Absol!" It growled.

"Firemy, help me catch this!" Aria said. Firemy nodded, and jumped into the battle.

"Firemy, Fire Fang!"

The Charmander jumped at the Absol, biting it with burning fangs. The Absol leaped back, and appeared to limp, for its shoulder had been burned. However, it retaliated with Pursuit. Luckily, Firemy was strong, but still damaged.

"Okay, Firemy, try Metal Claw."

The red lizard slashed the wild Absol with steel-hard claws, its flame-tipped tail swinging wildly.

"That should be good," Aria said. She threw a Pokeball, and the white dog was sucked inside. Then the red-and-white sphere burst open, revealing the Absol, which used Razor Wind on Firemy.

Aria took this chance to throw another Poke Ball. The Poke Ball shook once, then broke.

This time, Aria threw a Great Ball. The ball shook one time, twice... three times... and clicked.

"Yes!" Aria cried, picking up her newly-caught Dark-type. Somehow, she could tell it was male. As she released it, she said, "Your name will be... Blade."

He nodded, as if to agree passionately.
Katie ran outside, finally catching up with Sonia. She hugged Kiki and grinned.
"Now what? Can we go?"
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