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Bad Blood

"Huh?! That was sudden! And it said Taadaaa! It doesn't look like Shura's gonna fight it. Maybe Krabby..." Charlie looked over at Krabby, who was staring out into the sea, "I think I'll just it to translate."
Wilson heard cars pulling up and moving off again behing him. He span round sharply, and Rin turned to see what he was looking at. Someone else had arrived, almost at the same time, and was now standing furthur down the drive.

Rin sniffed the air. She could smell - family? but which one? It was one she'd known for a while, prehaps before they'd left here last time, but it was also a much more recent scent, and it seemed very 'natural' somehow. Gardenia! That meant that the human with them was Camille. Someone else had arrived as well, but they hadn't left the car they arrived in.

Wilson walked back out of the house, and over to the waiting car. Rin had a feeling that Wilson wanted to be sure that whoever was in the car wasn't up to anything. Typical Wilson, but it hadn't got them into too much trouble that they wouldn't have had to deal with anyway.

Wilson walked over to the car and rapped on the window in the front driver's side door.
Altaria had landed on the beach near Sunyshore, and had been recalled by Bakur. The Trainer sent out Wailord and hopped on.

"Nice day to go for a surf, eh?"

"Wailord!" the whale squeaked.
Aria looked over at Firemy. He was cowering behind a tree, practically lighting it on fire. Meanwhile, Rose was dipping her feet in the water nervously. Then, she splashed in the shallows happily. Aria simply let her feet hang in the water.
Todd was sitting down underneath a tree, in the wilderness near Route 123, southwest of Lilycove and south of Mt. Pyre. His Vaporeon, Kochi, was laying by his side, with his head resting on Todd's lap, and Todd had one hand rubbing against his smooth skin, around his shoulders and upper back. One member of the trio was missing, however, but Todd didn't seem worried. "I wonder when Mera will be back..." he spoke softly, not really to anyone in particular, though loud enough for Kochi to hear. The Vaporeon shook his head slightly, but then moments later lifted his head and looked toward the forest. He heard something, and soon enough, Todd heard it too. A gentle, buzzing song... the source of which revealed itself as it soared over the treetops. Todd smiled. "There she is."

Mera descended from her flight as she approached the two of them, landing about 10 feet away. She appeared to be holding something with her mouth, a small Zigzagoon, obviously dead. She then placed the critter in front of Todd and sat down, chirping happily. "Good work, Mera... now we have breakfast!" Todd replied, standing up and petting Mera on her forehead antennae. He picked up the little rodent and carried it over to a pile of sticks, a pile that he and Kochi had collected about a half hour ago. Todd took one of the larger and more sturdy sticks there and impaled it through the rodent's body, allowing him to hold it with the stick. He then turned to the Flygon and asked, "Mera, can you do the honors?" She knew what that meant, as this was something they had done quite often. Mera stood up and blew a small flame over the pile of sticks, starting up a fire. She then laid herself down near the fire, enjoying its heat. Todd sat down and held the rodent over the fire, letting it slowly cook. Kochi kept himself back several feet, preferring not to get up yet, as fire tended to dehydrate him. Todd took a deep breath and looked around at his two Pokémon, smiling. "It's been what, 2 years now, of traveling and living off the wilderness? I think it's made us stronger as a whole. Still, do you think it's time we visited back home?" Although Todd knew they couldn't speak in the human tongue, though he often wished they could, he still knew they could understand him, and he had gotten pretty good at reading their body language, which in many cases is even more important than the spoken language.

(Sorry for taking so long... it took a while to set up this scene in my own mind. It should be quicker from now on. I have a question though... where exactly IS the Eve/Wes family home?)
Wilson turned to see a flareon drag a girl from the car. In the light he could see that it was Haley, who he had only met a couple of times whilst visiting family friends in Viridian City. She was asleep, so Wilson bent down to scoop her up, deciding that she would be better off inside.
Camille watched her older brother, Wilson, the oldest, as he walked past her and at an ordinary seeming taxi. The door opened, and a Flareon tugged at a little girl, eventually getting her out. "What an undignified way to make an entrance.", Camille snidely remarked, and then she continued, "And who is she, anyway?", she asked. The girl looked very unfamiliar. Camille had had baby siblings in the last year before she left the house, so maybe it was one of them.
Gardenia recognized that Glaceon. Not quite directly, but she was familiar nonetheless. Maurice asked, "Whose that?"
"My sister...", Gardenia replied softly. The Flareon somehow felt familiar. Possibly a sibling last seem a seemingly endless amount of time in the past. Island yawned, the whole affair seemed boring to him so far.
Wilson scooped up Haley and looked down at the Flareon.

"You'll have to show me her room ... Aphrodite?" Explained Wilson, setting off towards the house.

Rin wandered off, uninterested in what was happening. It wasn't as if it was important that she was with Wilson or anything. She wandered over to Cammile's pokemon.

"Hello Gardenia," Rin said, "Nice to see you again. Who are your friends?" she asked, indicating with a paw the others."
"Hmm... Same old big brother, I see.", Camille remarked after Wilson walked past.
"These two? Well, that's Maurice.", Gardenia replied, pointing to the Pichu.
"Hello!", Maurice said with the usual youthfulness.
"And that's Island.", Gardenia continued, indicating the Squirtle.
"Oh, hello...", Island trailed off, most likely about to fall asleep.
"What's your name?", Maurice asked.
"Her name is Rin.", Gardenia answered.
"Rin..., are you really Gardenia's sister?!", Maurice asked with a child's curiosity.
"Same young little sister," retorted Wilson, without turning his head or slowing down.

"Yes I'm Garenia's sister," responded Rin, "but we haven't seen each other in a while. It's one of the drawbacks of having different trainers, but at least the opportunity is still there.

So, how have you been lately?" Rin asked to no-one in particular
"Time's come...Wah. Come on, Chee-Chee. Time to go home."
"Espe? Espeon."
"Yes, we do. Wanna help call a taxi?"
"Espeon!" The girls put their hands/paw in the air, calling for a taxi. Didn't take them really long, actually. A few minutes, and there it was. A yellow taxi shining in the sunlight. "Espe." So pretty. The sun makes everything pretty.
"Come on, Cheeto." The girls jumped in the car, telling the driver where to go. They were off. To home.
Aphrodite nodded and tarted for the room that she had at this house. She hadn't been there in a while.
"Life's been going well for us.", Gardenia replied, and then added, with a sigh, "I wish we didn't have to meet under these circumstances, though.", pointing out the lack of trees around.
Camille let out a similiar sigh, and said, "We're going inside.", and she picked up Maurice and did just that. She remembered the inner layout pretty well.
"Bye bye Gardenia's sister!", Maurice cried out to Rin. "See you later, then.", Gardenia added. Camille and Gardenia walked into the house, Island dragging his heels behidn them.
((Raccoons aren't rodents, I don't think.))

Soon, it was time for Aria to return for lunch. Firemy and Rose walked with her as she headed out of Lake Valor and towards Pastoria City. She withdrew Firemy as it began to rain lightly.
Rin sauntered alongside Island, saying nothing. She had done enough talking for now, but she new that she had to keep up the appearence of being social.

Wilson followed the Flareon inside the house, looking around, it appeared no one had registered his arrival. The house seemed desolate, although it was the middle of the night. He followed the pokemon up to the room which apparently belonged to Haley. Wilson laid the girl onto the bed, and the left the room, closing the door most of the way but not quite fully shut, to allow the Flareon to move in and out if it wished.
Charlie soon knew that this Chatot was not very co-operative.
"Please Chatot?"
"NO!" It squawked again.
"Hey er, Krabby! Over here!"
Krabby hesitantly left his spot and went to Charlie.
"Oh you poor Krabby! Your family are going to be worried about you. But, I suppose a catch is a catch," Chatot said, putting it's wing around Krabby.
"Oh. So that's what it is. I'm sorry Krabby, I didn't know,"
However, Krabby knew that he didn't like this Chatot, trying to be that friendly. He pinched the wings draped around him, the Chatot squawked, and they both got into battle stance.
Wilson looked up and down the hall. It seemed to be rather quiet. Everyone could be asleep, but surely someone would have woken up by now - they hadn't exactly been quiet on the way up.

"Hello," he shouted again, "Is there anybody here?"
Aphrodite nudged the door closed. Haley had a lot of Pokemon Food, snacks, a gallon of special Wartortle Falls Water for Pokemon. The little girl stirred.
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