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Bank of TCoD

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That's not emergency reffings though. Just a finished reffed match that I needed to get my money for. I'm cashing in my reffed round after the battles are over. ^^; Sorry if I confused you with that post up there.
That's not emergency reffings though. Just a finished reffed match that I needed to get my money for. I'm cashing in my reffed round after the battles are over. ^^; Sorry if I confused you with that post up there.
Uh, in that case, they should already have been covered in the paychecks you've been getting. You don't cash in battles after they're completed like that.

Sweet asb is back can I join? (I know I am late)
Account approved. Welcome to ASB!
Uh, in that case, they should already have been covered in the paychecks you've been getting. You don't cash in battles after they're completed like that.

Well actually my reffings have only been accounted for once and had yet to be updated since one of my first reffings going from 35 dollars I ended up with after buying my first two Pokemon then getting stuck with 37 even though I have done definitely over 1 reffing.
The first two rounds you linked to were included in one of your November paychecks (#3/4); the third is already recorded for the paychecks that should come out this Saturday (no really I swear don't kill me guys). You do get to pick up the $5, but the other stuff has already been accounted for.
I haven't been here in so long I forgot about how this works xD

In other words, I have a question.

Is the money in your account and your profile seperate?
You only have one bank account, which is in this thread. You have the option of listing the money in your bank account in your profile, but it is unnecessary and is not actual money.
Whatever you have in this thread is accurate, unless the bank staff made some sort of mistake. If the amount in your profile is different, it's because you didn't keep up with it. Whatever's in your profile, aside from Pokémon and inventory information, is whatever extra but unnecessary flavor you want to put in it--it doesn't have any meaning as far as official stuff is concerned.

It's part of why I really don't see the point of noting money in one's profile, but do what you want.
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