Black Yoshi 99: Buddy [M]
Ability: Synchronize
Health: 75%
Energy: 96%
Status: Normal
Mood: Angered greatly
Confusion~Psychic~Future Sight
greategret: Dolly [F]
Ability: Static
Health: 72%
Energy: 21%
Status: -1 Defense (Physical Attacks do 50% more damage)
+1 Sp. Defense (Special Attacks do 50% less damage to Dolly)
Mood: Undecided on how scary this opponent is
Captivate+Swagger~Signal Beam
Round 10
The final choice for Black Yoshi is up and at'em while Dolly is only just feeling the heat! We've resumed our places back on the remote and we are watching a game of Godzilla rumble! Literally. The vibrations of Godzilla getting hit come up every once in a while and I'd say it lowers the accuracy of any attack by about 5%. Well-let's not stall any longer right? Let's get on with the double digit round-#10!
Dolly kicked us off with a combo! She approached Buddy flirtaciously flashing him her wool while breathing a haughty sigh at the Ralts.
I'm so much cuter than you big head! Come on, you know it's true. Say it with me-Dolly is fluffy and cutieful! She apparently thought while he gazed at her gathering telekenetic force through his body feeling condescended and quite turned on. He felt he would give in to her beautiful swagger but thrusted her away feeling anger drive him over passion. Dolly had skidded to a stop on her chest of wool facing the right analog. She did manage to lower some stats and grab his attention in a lustful way but couldn't quite confuse him. Heck, she was lucky she got away without confusion. Dolly staggered to her feet.
Meanwhile, the boy was fighting Mecha-Kinghidora and slamming away at the O button. Oh dear-do avoid that button ladies and Poke' folk.
Dolly had assumed her opponent be dumbstruck by now but he was only partly distracted by her cuteness and had weakened his Special Attack. Buddy advanced on her with a want to be close and his eyes glowed a brighter blue summoning more inner power to him and dragged her ruthlessly till she stopped at his feet. Dolly found his attention was still on her and held back that Signal Beam she was so dying to use.
The controller is shaken rather violently and separates Dolly from her not-so-secret admirer and they land on their backs only to find Godzilla has stomped out the dragon. Woot-woot!
Buddy dusted his legs and held out his hands taking a look into the future for the perfect moment to strike while Dolly grinned to herself and squirmed to her feet. She shook her wool and stomped about excitedly as she gathered energy and released a beam of startling force emitting flashing lights of all sorts at the focusing Ralts who frantically danced about before he slumped down onto his butt and took deep breaths. Dolly bleeted happy she got her revenge and wiggled her rump at him mockingly while a misunderstood blush spread over the pale face of Buddy.
The boy rested the controller on his lap to read and watch a quick movie scene.
Black Yoshi 99: Buddy [M]
Ability: Synchronize
Health: 65%
Energy: 87%
Status: Attacking action 2 of Round 11, -2 Attack, +4 Sp. Attack
Mood: Drawn to Dolly?O_O
greategret: Dolly [F]
Ability: Static
Health: 66%
Energy: 10%
Status: -1 Defense (Physical Attacks do 50% more damage)
+1 Sp. Defense (Special Attacks do 50% less damage to Dolly)
Mood: Impatient with Buddy
KQ's Reff Notes...
-Dolly used Captivate+Swagger: Dollly lowered Buddy's Sp. Attack by 2, Raised Attack by 4
-Buddy used Confusion: Blasted her away before she could confuse him but managed to pick up mixed emotions from Dolly making him lovey dovey; 5%->-1 due to evolu. modifier, +2 due to STAB, -2 due to Captivate, x1/2 due to raised Sp. Defense
-Boy rolled 48: remained playing
-Dolly did nothing since Buddy was still focused on her
-Buddy used Psychic: 9%->-1 due to evolu. modifier, -2 due to captivate, +2 due to STAB, x1/2 due to raised Sp. Defense
-Boy rolled 22: remained playing
-Buddy used Future Sight: Attack coming Action 2 of Round 11
-Dolly used Signal Beam: 7%->-1 due to evolu. modifier, -1 due to reverse STAB, x2 due to weakness
-Boy rolled 55: remained playing
-Black Yoshi attacks 1st
-greategret attacks 2nd
-I reff