• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Blame Mike and Arylett


No Hablo Espanol.
For having my presence here. Because they're so awesome and I know they're here a lot, I magically teleported here and stuff.

Anyways, I encourage you all to call me George. I'm quite easy to get along with, and I live in the place with poor weather, England. =P Nice to meet you all. =D
Hi, and Welcome to TCoD, where I won't make a joke about eating tea and drinking cod. If you like to RP, I'm your man.
Hi, English? same brother!

I'm a PW fan but I also help run a good sprite shop, if spritings your thing im your man!

Anywayz welcome!

I only joined like 4-5 days ago! we're both new!

P.S: I was about to do the Drink Cod joke but I don't think any of us would benefit from it...
@AmericanBlastiosePerson: Hi. =D

@Phil...I mean Philly: I fail at being English. ;_; I don't like that spot of tea or cod. I do however like crumpets, which makes up for it a little.

@OBJECTION!: =O Phoenix Wright, eh? That is a really epic game. Especially the last case in Justice for All.
=O It's the caffeine addicted Dwagie! This place gets more and more awesome each second. In fact, it's getting too awesome. ;_;

Edit@Philly: Not really. Though I might try out some RP's sometime. =D
Thanks. =D It's sort of a catchphrase of mine. XD When used, people typically reply with Spanish and I have to hide in fear. D=
Oh. Yo lo comprendo. Es muy divertido hablar español a personas que no lo comprenden.

Kidding. It means: Oh, I understand. It's very fun to speak spanish to people who don't understand it.
Welcome! Have a box! :D I am from America :/ boring I want to go to England D: and Norway, and Whales, Ive never been out of the US :(
@Philly: (Here goes.) NO HABLO ESPANOL, SENOR. ;D
@Ice Tiger: Do not come to England. Stay where you are. You'll regret the move to here, most likely. =P
@Tailsy: It'd be so cool if it were called Whales though. XD Thanks.
=O It's the caffeine addicted Dwagie! This place gets more and more awesome each second. In fact, it's getting too awesome. ;_;

Waaaay too awesome for words right? =P Ehehe. I'd give you some complimentary welcome coffee, but then I'd have to kill you for drinking my coffee~
Here, have a mug though~ ((Reading "Not World's #1 Caffeine Addict, But Sorta Close I Guess?"))
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=O I'm actually not having much caffeine now. 2 months ago I was slightly... um, well, suffering hugely bad side effects.
@Philly: (Here goes.) NO HABLO ESPANOL, SENOR. ;D
@Ice Tiger: Do not come to England. Stay where you are. You'll regret the move to here, most likely. =P
@Tailsy: It'd be so cool if it were called Whales though. XD Thanks.

Ha oh the it put a big red line under Wales though :l whats wrong with England?
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