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Karkat Vantas

Virile God-Snake Tower of Masculinity
...couldn't think of a decent title. Meh.

I'm Kam. If you're wondering, I'm male (A lot of people seem to think I'm female. Makes sense, seeing as in Japanese my name would actually be considered feminine.) and I'm here to sprite. I haven't checked this site out in a while.

Oh yeah, and Ampharos is cool.

Oh hell yeah, another potential spriter on tCoD! Welcome, I'm Kai, and you'll mainly see me around the artwork forum and its sub-forums.
Welcome to TCoD. The place where dreams are made of...xD

I like your sig.

TAKE THAT! -disappears-
Hello, my name is Zoltea, I am the friendly Jolteon who can tell you almost anything about the pokemon world that isn't even in the games.
Hello; bonjour; ciao; Γεια σας; こんにちは; kumusta; hola; hallo; hei; 餵; hej; merhaba; xin chào; derkenshnob; ellohay; and "hello" in all other languages which I have yet to translate.

RELEASE THE BOGUS, DUDE! ;D (Cookies to anyone who knows what I'm referencing)
Anyway, hiya, nice to meetcha. I'm Skroy. And I agree, Ampharos is cool.
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