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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Bulbatwig and Friends' Sprite Safari!

Yeah... Actually, I'll try and make it up to you. I'll re-make it, already hatched. Sound alright?
In other news...


EDIT @Bakuphoon - Of course they will. as I said, however, it takes longer for them to evolve then it does for eggs to crack and hatch.
Then it's all righty then :]
New random sprite type:


Cards. Hooray. These are not requestable.


MH: Maximum Health, like HP in the games.
ME: Maximum Energy, like PP in the games.
Red number: The damage the move causes.
Green number: The energy the move uses.
W: Weaknesses, as in what the Pokémon is weaker against.
S: Strengths, as in what the Pokémon is strong against.
Colours in squares: These indicate the weakness/strength types. The numbers next to the weakness types show how much damage is taken off of the move, while the numbers next to the strength types shows how much damage is added.
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In other news, ChaosTres will be please to know that I've re-made his adoptable, Light. the new one should have replaced every instance of the old, broken one.
*Prods thread title*

But I suppose I can try when requests are open.
hey u no those cards u made
can i have 1
with agumon and lucareo on it

JK. Man, I love annoying people like that.
I guessed 'twas a joke. Perfect impersonation of the average noob =P
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