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Bulbatwig and Friends' Sprite Safari!

Sorry Metallic Deoxys. If you just tell me the request aagin, I'll put you on the queue ASAP.
Oh, sorry, Castform. It's just that my computer died before you posted that, and when I clicked first unread, it took me to page 8. You posted it on page 7. I wonder why? Ugh, I hope you manage to clear out all these requests.
The requests are the easiest parts. It's editing the adoptables regularly that's hard.

I've finished editing all the adoptables now, but they won't upload for some reason. I'll try and sort it out.
Now they're all uploaded. Woot! I can finally move on to the requests.

And a note to those of you whose adoptables have fully hatched - it will take longer for them to evolve than it did for them to hatch.
i posted it before you closed the requests plus its called A SPRITE SHOP!
so yea thats my reply

No, you didn't. I just read the edit history and Castform closed the shop for requests before you posted. There's no need to be rude.
Sorry for the delay, whoever requested this...

Special features(Odd colours, added parts, etc.) - keep in mind that they will probably change as the adoptable grows! :little flower(any color and on head please)
Background:flower field
please and thank you!

I won't be here until next Friday, so please don't swamp me with requests while I'm gone!
Oh yes I likes the splice. I was hoping for it to be blue, though.

Adoptable please!

Name: Zsasha
Species: Tyrogue (evolves into Hitmonlee)
Special features: Orange legs please.
Background: Inside a cave.

I won't be here until next Friday, so please don't swamp me with requests while I'm gone!

Oh, THAT'S why you vanished! *grumbles something along the lines of "better not get punished before next Friday"*

So as not to make this post go to waste...

Turtwig/Shinx splice please?

I'm back now. So yeah. Requesty-questy-quests. Hmmm. Hooray!

Jingle jingle.
I note that you don't have an Umbreon candy bar.

So I'll request that.

I would like an adoptable, but I see that there is a line...
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