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Bulbatwig and Friends' Sprite Safari!

So when does Drifty hatch? It's been 2 weeks since you've completed him. I'm not really sure how long custom adoptables take to hatch...
Sorry, I've just been very busy and stuff recently, plus I'll be away for tomorrow and the weekend, so... yeah, sorry again.
it shows that you're waiting patiently for something when you don't post about it.

And I find it perfectly fine if I have to wait. We all have more important stuff in actual life to deal with except for me because I don't have a life :DD
(waits patiently for Flowers to come,Shockers to crack and Tigrera to hatch)

He's doing you a service. Stop nagging.

Nice sprites, ZC. (:

I'll have to remind myself to post here when you're open. I keep forgetting. ^^;
Yes. Sorry guys, I wasn't here over the weekdn and I'm under a lot of pressure from requests and editing eggs and lots of other things such as making a website <I didn't say that.
you know those little avatars that mewtwo has named shockers and tigrera?
could you make me one of those please?
HAVE YOU EVEN BOTHERED TO READ ANYTHING ELSE IN THIS THREAD? Requests. Are. CLOSED. And I can't just make you one, I need details about it, preferably in the format of he form in the first post.

*Runs into a corner muttering*
Can you make me a...

Just kidding! *shot*

Anyway, I'm really excited about your nonexistent website. I look forward to never going to it someday. Don't be streessed. It's not as if you really are working on a website. ;)
Man, Light hasn't gotten even the slightest crack...why? Well, you are very busy, but, I was one of the first ones and almost everyone else's has at least one crack...
Didn't you see my other post ages ago? I lost Light's editable file. Sorry. I'll try and re-make it after I've updated all the others, which I'm doing right now.
Excuse me, ZC. I requested a sprite and I'm not on the waiting list. This isn't really a problem, it's just that you might have missed my request. You don't have to do it now, just... when you have time, which will be in awhile.
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