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Bulbatwig and Friends' Sprite Safari!


It says it's chocolate flavour, but in fact it's 100% Bidoof feces - *shot*

I had to scratch the ribbon, but I think it turned out really well.
does it hatch into Pichu?
EDIT:You made a typo in my Shockerz adoptable!(hint:It's my username)
In case you hadn;t noticed, it's fixed ;]

So. Requests are open again.
Name: Chalk
Species: Torchic (Evolving into Blaziken)
Special features: Instead of being orange and yellow, It's a Light grey and white.
Background: Some sort of white Marble.

And aswell, if possible:

Name: Bloodlust
Species: Poochyena
Special features: He's two tones of red, instead of black.
Background: A Purple mist
I loves adoptables!
Species: Oddish(ends up as Bellossom)
Special features: Oddish/Gloom are a purple instead of blue-ish in body color,and Bellossom is pink instead of green in body color,and her flowers are purple.The leaves are red and white.
Oh, they're cracks! That means he's going to hatch soon! ^_^

I have one last thing I want to ask of you. If you don't want to do it, that's fine.

Can you make the feather on Drifty look like this:
, but blue?
Name: Pralsa
Species: Lapras
Special features: An ovular black stone where the horn would usually be, just to make it different :3
Background: Uh... uh... The ocean? Yeah, let's stick with that :DD

By the way, you're awesome at spriting.
@Ambipom: I can see where this is going. Sure.

@DR: Both, I think.

s_l: I'll do it ASAP, and thanks :)
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