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Bulbatwig and Friends' Sprite Safari!


Can it stay a Drifloon? I don't really like Drifblim that much. *wince*

I'm sorry if I'm being troublesome. Thanks for making the candy bar and adoptable. :)
Um, hey, did you do the Empoleon and other bars I have waited for since PAGE 2-3?

Oh, sorry. I must have forgot. Thing is, I get lots of requests, so I sometimes get confused.

Oh, and Mewtwo, Requests are closed?


Voila. Again, very sorry for the big wait....

EDIT: Nooo! I only just remembered you wanted special text, didn't you.... I'll try and fix that...
Right, I found the correct Kanji but... there's quite a lot. I'm currently working out how to fit it onto a bar....
Okay, finished. I haven't yet added it to the store because... well, you'll see.


I suck at scratch shading.... and it just looks so crowded... But it does save 'Fuwa fuwa' on the first line, 'Balloon' on the second and 'Fuwante' on the bottom.
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