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Bulbatwig and Friends' Sprite Safari!

Can you do the Pikachu adoptable (if I can have 2)i requested accidentally while you were closed?I'll duplicate the form.And i changed some,too

Species:Pikachu(hatch into Pichu)
Special features(Odd colours, added parts, etc.) - keep in mind that they will probably change as the adoptable grows! :A pink bow on it's right ear,pink eyes,and her cheeks are a dark pink(pretty much just a lighter clor than normal)But on Pichu,cheeks are normal,and on Raichu,the yellow cheeks are darker,and the bow is on her tail.
Background:Something electric-like(like a thunderstorm!)
Last edited:
Name: Bara
Species: Gastly line
Special features(Odd colours, added parts, etc.) - keep in mind that they will probably change as the adoptable grows! : Completly black with no eyes, just a white open mouth.
Background: A graveyard
It's fine, DR (If I may call you that?)! I like a challenge every now and then :)
...Oh, good Lord, ZC, you have a bazillion customers...

I'll be nice and not request.

Everybody else, be patient because ZC still has school and all that. He'll get to your stuff tomorrow.

(Glad to be of asistance. -^.^-)
Why thank you Flora. :)

Yeah, i still have two days left of school (Tomorrow I'll be late home because we're spending the day at Paignton Zoo and the bus journey takes ages so I won't be back 'til 5:30 GMT, so please be patient.
AAAAH! Something's gone terribly wrong and I can't open up the editable file for Light... I'll try and fix it, but the background image will probably change a little.
You should take advantage of the Requests Closed prefix, then. Once your requests are done, obviously.

I'm intrested in all those adoptables going around, actually...

Maybe not. I'll request after the traffic has cleared off...
S/he'll hatch at some point. It's not fixed, but it will happen pretty soon.

I'll most probably be on the requests later when I'm back from my last-day-of-school (WOOHOO!) zoo trip.

The things on the side of its head are from Mudkip...

Any comments on Abscythe?
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