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Business Approval Office

Okay, I'm here to try again and fail utterly again.
Just a note, though, these things are actually held items, except for the Poffin case.

Run by blazheirio889 and Dragon, or Dragon and blazheirio889~[/size]

Near the edge of ASB Central, a huge mix-up of buildings and vendors pushing their carts, people talking and trading items and such, a small, non-descript building opens its' doors for the morning. The building itself doesn't seem like anything special; plain pale brown bricks and a sign over the door, not very fancy.

Dragon's Den Tavern

A look though the window would show some very odd things on display: various shelves of bottles, a glass countertop displaying all sorts of things for who knows what, and quickly churning machines. If one went inside, they would see an odd assortment of things that couldn't possibly be used for battling in any way. The first thing that would catch your eye is a larger, more impressive sign that reiterates the store’s name in a bold blue. Rising up from behind the sign is a dragon, with impossibly silvery scales and glowing blue markings. Its mouth is agape, showing several sharp teeth. After getting over your initial shock of seeing such a vicious serpent in such a humble store, you’d realize it was just a model, held up by thin but strong strings dangling from the ceiling.

To get to the good stuff you'd have to ask the cashier and partial store owner… who happened to be a girl with bird wings looking around the age of thirteen. She would wave to you from the door and point to one wall, if you could stop staring at her wings.

"The good stuff is all over there," she would say. "And of course, everything we sell is one time use only. While you can buy stuff to eat here, the things you can use in battle will have to be take-out, obviously. You can equip whatever you purchase to your Pokemon as a hold item, and it will be consumed in battle if it’s commanded to be used. Everything we sell is made in-store! Stick around a bit and you might catch some Lemonade or Lava Cookies being made; maybe you'll get to sample some!"

The first place the girl would direct your attention to would be a wall with a large fridge and shelves. "This is the wall where we keep our main stock of stuff," she'd say. "Everything takes an action to use, and could be used like 'Flamethrower~use Moomoo Milk~ Flamethrower', for example."

Honey ($4): A clear jar of thick, sweet, honey. Restores 5% health.
Moomoo Milk ($5): A bottle of fresh 2% Miltank milk. Restores 18% energy.
Fresh Water ($7): A plastic bottle of natural spring water. Restores 17% health. The user, having ingested so much water, will take the next action to.. relieve itself.
Soda Pop ($7): A slim bottle of lemon-lime pop. Restores 20% energy. After being pumped with so much energy, the user will become overloaded and use 1% more energy for the next 3 actions.
Lemonade ($8): A can of freshly squeezed lemonade. Restores either 15% health or 20% energy, randomly. Causes moderate confusion upon consumption.
Berry Juice ($3): A small container of freshly ground berry juice. Lessens the effects or removes one major or minor status condition. (from severe to moderate, from moderate to light, mild and light statuses are removed)

New Gateau ($5): A dark purple block of an odd chewy substance, recipe originating from one found in the Old Chateau. Removes one major status effect upon infliction. (burn, paralysis, poison, freeze, sleep)
Lava Cookie ($4): An oddly coloured cookie originating from Lavaridge Town. Removes one minor status effect upon infliction. (confusion, infatuation)
Energy Root ($6): A tough but energy packed root. Restores 20% energy, but causes the user to become resentful towards the Trainer. Deals -1% damage for the next three actions.

The second place the girl would drag you over to would be a table with various jars of jellybeans, or what appear to be jellybeans. "These are gummis, with a recipe taken from a far away place," she would introduce them, seeming reluctant to discuss where they came from. "They're one use and take an action to use, and aren't recommended to be fed to humans. The people stuff is over there."

White Gummi ($4): A plain white gummi tasting of cheap vanilla. Boosts Normal-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Silver Gummi ($4): A hard silver gummi tasting of motor oil. Boosts Steel-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Purple Gummi ($4): A translucent purple gummi tasting of death. Boosts Ghost-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Brown Gummi ($4): A speckled brown gummi tasting of dirt. Boosts Ground-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Yellow Gummi ($4): A bright yellow gummi tasting of static electricity and thunderstorms. Boosts Electric-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Orange Gummi ($4): A moist orange gummi tasting of sweat, tears, and effort. Boosts Fighting-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Black Gummi ($4): A pitch black gummi tasting of shadows and mystery. Boosts Dark-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Pink Gummi ($4): A blotchy pink gummi that leaves a sour taste in your mouth. Boosts Poison-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Blue Gummi ($4): A swirly blue gummi tasting of the ocean. Boosts Water-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Gold Gummi ($4): A shining gold gummi tasting of energy. Boosts Psychic-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Green Gummi ($4): A vibrant green gummi tasting slightly like honey and dead bugs. Boosts Bug-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Grey Gummi ($4): A chunky grey gummi tasting of rocks and gravel. Boosts Rock-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Grass Gummi ($4): A streaked green gummi tasting of freshly cut grass. Boosts Grass-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Clear Gummi ($4): A clear gummi tasting of cold, broken glass. Boosts Ice-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Royal Gummi ($4): A partially blue-purple gummi tasting of bravery, mystery and other inedible things. Boosts Dragon-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Red Gummi ($4): An oddly hot red gummi tasting of magma. Boosts Fire-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Sky Gummi ($4): A blue and white gummi tasting of clouds. Boosts Flying-typed moves by 25%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Mysterious Gummi ($6): A mysterious colour-changing gummi tasting of whatever you want it to. Boosts all typed moves by 10%. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.

The girl would then direct that hypothetical customer towards a corner of the counter where various buns seem to be cooking in small breadmakers, and pats an assortment of empty bins on display under the counter. "We also have some Poffins for sale, over here. If you want some, you'll need to have a Poffin case to put it in, though if you buy a Poffin case you get half off a regular Poffin of your choice with it; that would be $4." The girl would pull out a chair and sit on it, motioning to the Poffin cases. "You can buy a Poffin for each Pokemon you own, and have up to five Poffins."

Poffin Case ($12): A rectangular case with two drawers used to hold Poffin. The drawers are divided into six sections for each flavour and one for mixed flavour Poffins.
Spicy Poffin ($9): A rather spicy Poffin made from the finest Figy berries. When the holder is under 45% health, he/she/it will eat the Poffin and receive a +2 boost to Attack. Takes an action to use and causes either light burns, mild paralysis, light confusion or light sleep.
Dry Poffin ($9): An incredibly dry Poffin made from the ripest Wiki berries. When the holder is under 45% health, he/she/it will eat the Poffin and receive a +2 boost to Special Attack. Takes an action to use and causes either light burns, mild paralysis, light confusion or light sleep.
Sweet Poffin ($9): A painfully sweet Poffin made from the freshest Mago berries. When the holder is under 45% health, he/she/it will eat the Poffin and receive a +2 boost to Speed. Takes an action to use and causes either light burns, mild paralysis, light confusion or light sleep.
Sour Poffin ($9): An almost unnaturally sour Poffin made from the most colourful Iapapa berries. When the holder is under 45% health, he/she/it will eat the Poffin and receive a +2 boost to Defense. Takes an action to use and causes either light burns, mild paralysis, light confusion or light sleep.
Bitter Poffin ($9): A mouth-numbingly bitter Poffin made from the largest and juiciest Aguav berries. When the holder is under 45% health, he/she/it will eat the Poffin and receive a +2 boost to Special Defense. Takes an action to use and causes either light burns, mild paralysis, light confusion or light sleep.

After showing the customer the regular Poffins, the girl would take the cover off of a tray to display a bunch of different Poffins that don't appear to be very normal. "Here're our specialty Poffins," she'd say. "These Poffins aren't included in the offer if you buy a Poffin case, though these are the most interesting ones, in my opinion."

Odd Poffin ($7): A multicoloured Poffin made by substituting Berry Juice for actual Berries. When the holder's health is below 45%, he/she/it may devote an action to eat the Poffin and receive +1 boosts to two different, random stats and a -2 deduction to a different stat that can't be dispelled until recalled.
Burnt Poffin ($7): A dark Poffin that seems to have been burnt on purpose, made from a mix of Berries. When the holder's health is below 45%, he/she/it may devote an action to eat the Poffin and receive a +2 boost to a random stat that can't be dispelled until recalled as well as moderate burns, paralysis or poisoning.

After you had made your purchases, a chipper teenage girl, presumably the other store owner, would come out from the back and fastidiously package each item before stuffing them into a larger bag. As she waves goodbye and thanks you for your patronage, you could swear you saw the merest flicker of glowing blue markings wrapped around her head. The illusion fades after you blink, and you’d shake your head and tell yourself you were imagining things.
No, I mean *actual held items,* as in ones that can be used in the game. Moomoo milk is an item, but a pokémon can't hold it and use it by itself.

No item should be able to restore more than 15% health or energy, and there should be drawbacks/a specific trigger associated with one that powerful. Many of the non-poffin, non-gummy effects are duplicates of effects already held by berries.

Dealing "-1% damage" would actually increase a pokémon's health.

You should probably change the poffin effects to multiplying damage by 1.25, just to make it obvious you don't mean actually adding 25% damage straight.

"You can buy a Poffin for each Pokemon you own, and have up to five Poffins."
So I can buy one poffin for each of my ten pokémon and... have no more than five poffins? I still really don't see the point of the case.

But as I said, the issue is kind of moot...
Well.. I have an idea for a business.. so I guess I'll give this a go and all. :>

Out on the edges of ASB Central, the land opens up from the crowded city environment to open fields of a variety of landscapes. It is here an exceptionally large, fenced in area is set up - the fence seemingly covering plains, hills, water, forests, even craggy parts of an area with volcanic activity - this area seems to have metal fencing and is riddled with signs reading "DO NOT TOUCH." Sitting along the fence in the field area nearest the city is a decently sized beige cottage with purple shutters and a black roof.

Sable's Daycare Centre

Stepping inside the cottage you can immediately tell it's teeming with life. The staff are bustling about holding all manner of younger Pokemon and it smells strongly of wood chips, various feeds and droppings. A Chatot just inside the door signals your arrival with a loud "SQUAWK! VISITORS. VISITORS." which cues one of the staff who doesn't have their hands full to approach you.

"Hiya! Welcome to the daycare centre! You look like you haven't been here before, so feel free to ask about any of our services. If you're picking up or dropping off any of your Pokemon, please head right out back and speak to one of our trainers. The incubator room is right though the door to your left - and all transactions can be made at the counter." You hear something crash in the background. "If you'll excuse me..."

Backyard and Pokemon Area
Walking out back there appear to be innumerable amounts of Pokemon romping about every area of the open space. Some are in pairs and some are alone - others even have all manner of trainers interacting (or chasing after) them. You are approached by a member of staff, wearing their uniform purple smock and bandana; holding a bucket of gods-know-what and covered with all manner of dirt and grime; and they couldn't be happier that way it seems.
"Howdy! Are you interested in our training and daycare services? You're in the right place, our staff are all highly qualified to take the very best care of your partners while you're away!"

Outline of Services
Daycare Main
Trainers may drop off up to two of their Pokemon at the Daycare Centre at any time. These Pokemon will be cared for by the Daycare staff and are ensured to get plenty of activity in with free reign over the huge fenced area. Although not as effective as battling, Pokemon may still become stronger if they spend enough time with a qualified trainer. Although it is free to drop off and pick up normally, trainers will charge fees for their work if they feel they've succeeded in assisting a Pokemon's growth.

-For every two COMPLETED battles a trainer completes while their Pokemon is in the Daycare, that Pokemon will gain one EXP point OR one Happiness point towards evolution. Both battles must be completed in succession while a Pokemon is in daycare. For example, Completing a battle, withdrawing and re-depositing your Pokemon and completing another battle will NOT gain them a point. Proof must be provided of battle completion to redeem this EXP and only battles completed after the point which the Pokemon is deposited are valid.
~~Cost to withdraw a Pokemon is base 10+Rarity●1. For example, an R2 Pokemon who gains an EXP point will cost $12 to withdraw, while an R8 will cost $18. ASB Pokedex specific Pokemon (Those registered in the 'Dex Registry) require special knowledge and will cost a flat $20 per point to withdraw.

Breeding Pen
If desired, a trainer's two Pokemon may be placed together with a certified Breeder; whom will do their best to induce the creation of offspring amongst them. Pokemon must be able to viably breed and will take varying amounts of time to produce results depending on their compatibility. While in the breeding pen, they will gain no EXP for completed battles, but rather progress towards their offspring. One again, they must be consecutive.
The time it takes to produce an egg are as follows;

-Same Egg Group (Same Species) ~ One completed battle
-Same Egg Group (Different Species) ~ Two completed battles
-With Ditto / Other Indeterminate Species ~ Three completed battles

--Pokemon with a rarity of 5 or above will take an additional battle in order to produce an egg. The rarity is determined by the female. (Who also decides the species) For example - a female Zangoose and a male Hippopotas will produce a Zangoose egg in 3 completed battles time. While a female Hippopotas and male Zangoose will produce a Hippopotas egg in 2. Similarly two Zangoose will produce a Zangoose egg in 2.

When battles are redeemed and an Egg is finally produced, the egg may be taken with the original trainer for a cost of *SpeciesRarity●2. For example, said Zangoose egg (R5) would cost $10 to redeem.
Alternately, the Daycare Centre will pay the same cost to the trainer and keep the egg. It will be placed in the Incubator room for adoption.

-Once an egg is produced, both Pokemon will be unable to participate in breeding for a period of one week times their rarity. For example, aforementioned Zangoose will be unable to redeem battles towards breeding again until 5 weeks have passed.

--An egg will enter a trainer's active party as on of their allowed ten. Eggs may not be deposited into the PC or hold items. An egg must recieve care and stimulation and will hatch upon completing one battle and returning to the daycare centre to redeem. A battle MAY be used for both training/breeding and hatching.

The Incubator Room
This is a room where all eggs in need of caring trainers will be kept. They will keep warm and alive indefinitely, but can never hatch without the care of a trainer. When an egg is sold back to the centre it will appear here. Alternately, eggs will be sporadically randomly produced by the staff and placed for adoption. Check back often!
Eggs cost a certain amount of money to adopt, but are always slightly cheaper than their Registration Office counterparts with the added fact of needing to hatch them first.
-- R1: $4 / R2: $6 / R3: $9 / R4: $11 / R5: $13 / R6: $17 / R7: $22 / R8: $25

Hope it's acceptable~
Looks good for the most part. I'm a bit miffed by the weird ● symbols showing up in the prices--is that supposed to be multiplication? It looks that way from the numbers, but why would you note that something is supposed to be multiplied by... one (withdrawal cost for the main daycare)? In any case, if you mean multiplication, use either * or x.

Might want to move the note on how long it takes eggs to hatch to the section on the Incubator Room or restate the information there for people who might just want to buy an egg and not read the breeding section as a result. Are the eggs available from the Incubator random (i.e. you buy a rarity 8 egg and get a random r8 'mon), or is there just a random selection of known pokémon eggs (i.e. you know what an egg will hatch into when you purchase it)? Also, I think that non-indeterminate pokémon ought only to be able to breed with ditto, not anything in the indeterminate group.

I think requiring people to carry an egg in their active squad is a little restrictive; there's nothing *wrong* with it, but I think that it might make people much less inclined to get eggs if they need to commit to that. Also, your prices for training pokémon look a bit high, considering the high time commitment required to get much out of them... you could easily cut the base rate to $5 and the fakemon rate to $10. However, if you want to keep the current prices, your overheads:

$4 + rarity for normal training, $10 for fakemon training
Half total cost for egg redemption
Incubator: R1 $1 / R2: $2 / R3: $4 / R4: $5 / R5: $6 / R6: $9 / R7: $11 / R8: $13

Start-up cost $45.
Ah, yes the symbols were meant to be multiplication, the "x" sign didn't look quite right to me. Replaced those with * - also, the times one was.. well, lack of thinking. Removed that. xP;;

The eggs would have their species known, and the eggs that appear would be randomly selected out of -all- available Registration Office Pokemon. I'd update a list of eggs available, adding a random about once a week I'd say. And any sold back to the daycare will be there noted as such.
Also - can I assume that eggs which I buy back don't have additional overhead to sell in the Incubator Room?

I think I made that ditto portion a bit confusing; basically, anything can breed with ditto, but it takes 3 battles. This includes, and is the only way to breed, genderless Pokemon such as Porygon. I wasn't referring to the Indeterminate egg group since many of them are gendered.

I adjusted the prices as you suggested, 5+Rarity, but also made Fakemon a flat 15 rate. It puts them slightly above an R8 (Since they're always at least R7) and keeps the distinction.

And the idea behind needing to keep an egg in one's party was in the interest of preventing hoarding - since it would be easy to buy and store them up if one had a lot of free money, so hatching should take a bit of a commitment beyond that. Also since, 10 Pokemon slots is flexible. But I suppose you're correct about the time constraints - so I removed that aspect. So this should be good to go? Course, if it costs 45 I still need to save up a bit, but it'll be good to have it ironed out.

Out on the edges of ASB Central, the land opens up from the crowded city environment to open fields of a variety of landscapes. It is here an exceptionally large, fenced in area is set up - the fence seemingly covering plains, hills, water, forests, even craggy parts of an area with volcanic activity - this area seems to have metal fencing and is riddled with signs reading "DO NOT TOUCH." Sitting along the fence in the field area nearest the city is a decently sized beige cottage with purple shutters and a black roof.

Sable's Daycare Centre

Stepping inside the cottage you can immediately tell it's teeming with life. The staff are bustling about holding all manner of younger Pokemon and it smells strongly of wood chips, various feeds and droppings. A Chatot just inside the door signals your arrival with a loud "SQUAWK! VISITORS. VISITORS." which cues one of the staff who doesn't have their hands full to approach you.

"Hiya! Welcome to the daycare centre! You look like you haven't been here before, so feel free to ask about any of our services. If you're picking up or dropping off any of your Pokemon, please head right out back and speak to one of our trainers. The incubator room is right though the door to your left - and all transactions can be made at the counter." You hear something crash in the background. "If you'll excuse me..."

Backyard and Pokemon Area
Walking out back there appear to be innumerable amounts of Pokemon romping about every area of the open space. Some are in pairs and some are alone - others even have all manner of trainers interacting (or chasing after) them. You are approached by a member of staff, wearing their uniform purple smock and bandanna; holding a bucket of gods-know-what and covered with all manner of dirt and grime; and they couldn't be happier that way it seems.
"Howdy! Are you interested in our training and daycare services? You're in the right place, our staff are all highly qualified to take the very best care of your partners while you're away!"

Outline of Services
Daycare Main
Trainers may drop off up to two of their Pokemon at the Daycare Centre at any time. These Pokemon will be cared for by the Daycare staff and are ensured to get plenty of activity in with free reign over the huge fenced area. Although not as effective as battling, Pokemon may still become stronger if they spend enough time with a qualified trainer. Although it is free to drop off and pick up normally, trainers will charge fees for their work if they feel they've succeeded in assisting a Pokemon's growth.

-For every two COMPLETED battles a trainer completes while their Pokemon is in the Daycare, that Pokemon will gain one EXP point OR one Happiness point towards evolution. Both battles must be completed in succession while a Pokemon is in daycare. For example, Completing a battle, withdrawing and re-depositing your Pokemon and completing another battle will NOT gain them a point. Proof must be provided of battle completion to redeem this EXP and only battles completed after the point which the Pokemon is deposited are valid.
~~Cost to withdraw a Pokemon is base 5+Rarity. For example, an R2 Pokemon who gains an EXP point will cost $7 to withdraw, while an R8 will cost $13. ASB Pokedex specific Pokemon (Those registered in the 'Dex Registry) require special knowledge and will cost a flat $15 per point to withdraw.

Breeding Pen
If desired, a trainer's two Pokemon may be placed together with a certified Breeder; whom will do their best to induce the creation of offspring amongst them. Pokemon must be able to viably breed and will take varying amounts of time to produce results depending on their compatibility. While in the breeding pen, they will gain no EXP for completed battles, but rather progress towards their offspring. One again, they must be consecutive.
The time it takes to produce an egg are as follows;

-Same Egg Group (Same Species) ~ One completed battle
-Same Egg Group (Different Species) ~ Two completed battles
-With Ditto ~ Three completed battles

--Pokemon with a rarity of 5 or above will take an additional battle in order to produce an egg. The rarity is determined by the female. (Who also decides the species, unless breeding with ditto in which case the other Pokemon always determines species. Two Ditto may not breed.) For example - a female Zangoose (R5) and a male Hippopotas (R4) will produce a Zangoose egg in 3 completed battles time. While a female Hippopotas and male Zangoose will produce a Hippopotas egg in 2. Similarly two Zangoose will produce a Zangoose egg in 2.

When battles are redeemed and an Egg is finally produced, the egg may be taken with the original trainer for a cost of Rarity*2. For example, said Zangoose egg (R5) would cost $10 to redeem.
Alternately, the Daycare Centre will pay out the same cost to the trainer and keep the egg. It will be placed in the Incubator room for adoption.

-Once an egg is produced, both Pokemon will be unable to participate in breeding for a period of one week times their rarity. For example, aforementioned Zangoose will be unable to redeem battles towards breeding again until 5 weeks have passed.

--An egg will enter a trainer's active party as on of their allowed ten. Eggs may not hold items. An egg must recieve care and stimulation and will hatch upon completing one battle and returning to the daycare centre to redeem. A battle MAY be used for both training/breeding and hatching.

The Incubator Room
This is a room where all eggs in need of caring trainers will be kept. They will keep warm and alive indefinitely, but can never hatch without the care of a trainer. When an egg is sold back to the centre it will appear here. Alternately, eggs will be sporadically randomly produced by the staff and placed for adoption. Check back often!
Eggs cost a certain amount of money to adopt, but are always slightly cheaper than their Registration Office counterparts with the added burden of needing to hatch them first. Eggs are hatched by completing one battle after redeeming a given egg. A battle MAY be used for both training/breeding and hatching.
-- R1: $4 / R2: $6 / R3: $9 / R4: $11 / R5: $13 / R6: $17 / R7: $22 / R8: $25
Last edited:
But could we have an item that restores around 17% energy? Since chills restore about 15% anyways?
L'il Dwagie

Also - can I assume that eggs which I buy back don't have additional overhead to sell in the Incubator Room?
Correct. The cost to buy back is considered your overhead

And the idea behind needing to keep an egg in one's party was in the interest of preventing hoarding - since it would be easy to buy and store them up if one had a lot of free money, so hatching should take a bit of a commitment beyond that. Also since, 10 Pokemon slots is flexible.
Well, I was thinking that you could restrict people to having no more than one egg at a time; forgot to mention it in my initial post, though. If you're not interested in that, though, leaving the "in-party" requirement is fine.

Overheads for the revised training prices are $2 + rarity / 2 for normal pokémon, $7 for fakes.


Most people don't go as high as 15% on chills, and I would really prefer to keep that the maximum amount of energy you can regain in an action. The issue is that chills are often resticted in battle rules, which means that if someone were to bring a pokémon with an energy-restoring berry on it, they get an extra chance to restore energy, putting them at an advantage over the opponent. Items are supposed to confer *some* advantage, but I'd really prefer not to let those people get more than one whole extra chill out of an item, and as I said, I think that 15% is on the high end of what people usually give back for chills.
Run by blazheirio889 and Dragon, or Dragon and blazheirio889~

Near the edge of ASB Central, a huge mix-up of buildings and vendors pushing their carts, people talking and trading items and such, a small, non-descript building opens its' doors for the morning. The building itself doesn't seem like anything special; plain pale brown bricks and a sign over the door, not very fancy.

Dragon's Den Tavern

A look though the window would show some very odd things on display: various shelves of bottles, a glass countertop displaying all sorts of things for who knows what, and quickly churning machines. If one went inside, they would see an odd assortment of things that couldn't possibly be used for battling in any way. The first thing that would catch your eye is a larger, more impressive sign that reiterates the store’s name in a bold blue. Rising up from behind the sign is a dragon, with impossibly silvery scales and glowing blue markings. Its mouth is agape, showing several sharp teeth. After getting over your initial shock of seeing such a vicious serpent in such a humble store, you’d realize it was just a model, held up by thin but strong strings dangling from the ceiling.

To get to the good stuff you'd have to ask the cashier and partial store owner… who happened to be a girl with bird wings looking around the age of thirteen. She would wave to you from the door and point to one wall, if you could stop staring at her wings.

"The good stuff is all over there," she would say. "And of course, everything we sell is one time use only. While you can buy stuff to eat here, the things you can use in battle will have to be take-out, obviously. You can equip whatever you purchase to your Pokemon as a hold item, and it will be consumed in battle if it’s commanded to be used. Everything we sell is made in-store! Stick around a bit and you might catch some Lemonade or Lava Cookies being made; maybe you'll get to sample some!"

The first place the girl would direct your attention to would be a wall with a large fridge and shelves. "This is the wall where we keep our main stock of stuff," she'd say. "Everything takes an action to use, and could be used like 'Flamethrower~use Moomoo Milk~ Flamethrower', for example."

Honey ($4): A clear jar of thick, sweet, honey. Restores 5% health.
Fresh Water ($8): A plastic bottle of natural spring water. Restores 15% health. The user, having ingested so much water, will take the next action to.. relieve itself.
Soda Pop ($7): A slim bottle of lemon-lime pop. Restores 15% energy. After being pumped with so much energy, the user will become overloaded and use 1% more energy for the next 3 actions.
Lemonade ($9): A can of freshly squeezed lemonade. Restores either 15% health or 15% energy, randomly. Causes moderate confusion upon consumption.
Berry Juice ($3): A small container of freshly ground berry juice. Lessens the effects or removes one major or minor status condition. (from severe to moderate, from moderate to light, mild and light statuses are removed)

New Gateau ($5): A dark purple block of an odd chewy substance, recipe originating from one found in the Old Chateau. Removes one major status effect upon infliction. (burn, paralysis, poison, freeze, sleep)
Lava Cookie ($4): An oddly coloured cookie originating from Lavaridge Town. Removes one minor status effect upon infliction. (confusion, infatuation)
Energy Root ($6): A tough but energy packed root. Restores 15% energy, but causes the user to become resentful towards the Trainer. Damage is reduced by 1% for the next three actions.

The second place the girl would drag you over to would be a table with various jars of jellybeans, or what appear to be jellybeans. "These are gummis, with a recipe taken from a far away place," she would introduce them, seeming reluctant to discuss where they came from. "They're one use and take an action to use, and aren't recommended to be fed to humans. The people stuff is over there."

White Gummi ($4): A plain white gummi tasting of cheap vanilla. Multiplies the damage done by Normal-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Silver Gummi ($4): A hard silver gummi tasting of motor oil. Multiplies the damage done by Steel-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Purple Gummi ($4): A translucent purple gummi tasting of death. Multiplies the damage done by Ghost-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Brown Gummi ($4): A speckled brown gummi tasting of dirt. Multiplies the damage done by Ground-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Yellow Gummi ($4): A bright yellow gummi tasting of static electricity and thunderstorms.Multiplies the damage done by Electric-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Orange Gummi ($4): A moist orange gummi tasting of sweat, tears, and effort. Multiplies the damage done by Fighting-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Black Gummi ($4): A pitch black gummi tasting of shadows and mystery. Multiplies the damage done by Dark-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Pink Gummi ($4): A blotchy pink gummi that leaves a sour taste in your mouth. Multiplies the damage done by Poison-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Blue Gummi ($4): A swirly blue gummi tasting of the ocean. Multiplies the damage done by Water-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Gold Gummi ($4): A shining gold gummi tasting of energy. Multiplies the damage done by Psychic-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Green Gummi ($4): A vibrant green gummi tasting slightly like honey and dead bugs. Multiplies the damage done by Bug-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Grey Gummi ($4): A chunky grey gummi tasting of rocks and gravel. Multiplies the damage done by Rock-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Grass Gummi ($4): A streaked green gummi tasting of freshly cut grass. Multiplies the damage done by Grass-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Clear Gummi ($4): A clear gummi tasting of cold, broken glass. Multiplies the damage done by Ice-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Royal Gummi ($4): A partially blue-purple gummi tasting of bravery, mystery and other inedible things. Multiplies the damage done by Dragon-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Red Gummi ($4): An oddly hot red gummi tasting of magma. Multiplies the damage done by Fire-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Sky Gummi ($4): A blue and white gummi tasting of clouds. Multiplies the damage done by Flying-typed moves by 1.25. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.
Mysterious Gummi ($6): A mysterious colour-changing gummi tasting of whatever you want it to. Multiplies the damage done by all moves by 1.1. Will be automatically ingested when under 45% health.

The girl would then direct that hypothetical customer towards a corner of the counter where various buns seem to be cooking in small breadmakers, and pats an assortment of empty bins on display under the counter. "We also have some Poffins for sale, over here. If you want some, you can buy up to five." The girl would pull out a Pofin case and sit on it, motioning to the Poffins. "Well, go on then~"

Spicy Poffin ($9): A rather spicy Poffin made from the finest Figy berries. When the holder is under 45% health, he/she/it will eat the Poffin and receive a +2 boost to Attack. Takes an action to use and causes either light burns, mild paralysis, light confusion or light sleep.
Dry Poffin ($9): An incredibly dry Poffin made from the ripest Wiki berries. When the holder is under 45% health, he/she/it will eat the Poffin and receive a +2 boost to Special Attack. Takes an action to use and causes either light burns, mild paralysis, light confusion or light sleep.
Sweet Poffin ($9): A painfully sweet Poffin made from the freshest Mago berries. When the holder is under 45% health, he/she/it will eat the Poffin and receive a +2 boost to Speed. Takes an action to use and causes either light burns, mild paralysis, light confusion or light sleep.
Sour Poffin ($9): An almost unnaturally sour Poffin made from the most colourful Iapapa berries. When the holder is under 45% health, he/she/it will eat the Poffin and receive a +2 boost to Defense. Takes an action to use and causes either light burns, mild paralysis, light confusion or light sleep.
Bitter Poffin ($9): A mouth-numbingly bitter Poffin made from the largest and juiciest Aguav berries. When the holder is under 45% health, he/she/it will eat the Poffin and receive a +2 boost to Special Defense. Takes an action to use and causes either light burns, mild paralysis, light confusion or light sleep.

After showing the customer the regular Poffins, the girl would take the cover off of a tray to display a bunch of different Poffins that don't appear to be very normal. "Here're our specialty Poffins," she'd say. "These Poffins aren't included in the offer if you buy a Poffin case, though these are the most interesting ones, in my opinion."

Odd Poffin ($7): A multicoloured Poffin made by substituting Berry Juice for actual Berries. When the holder is under 45% health, he/she/it will eat the Poffin and receive +1 boosts to two different, random stats and a -2 deduction to a different stat that can't be dispelled until recalled.
Burnt Poffin ($7): A dark Poffin that seems to have been burnt on purpose, made from a mix of Berries. When the holder is under 45% health, he/she/it will eat the Poffin and receive a +2 boost to a random stat that can't be dispelled until recalled as well as moderate burns, paralysis or poisoning.

After you had made your purchases, a chipper teenage girl, presumably the other store owner, would come out from the back and fastidiously package each item before stuffing them into a larger bag. As she waves goodbye and thanks you for your patronage, you could swear you saw the merest flicker of glowing blue markings wrapped around her head. The illusion fades after you blink, and you’d shake your head and tell yourself you were imagining things.

:< Is this fine now?
:< Is this fine now?
Unfortunately, I'd really prefer to keep items available limited to actual held items at this time.
No. Sorry if I gave the wrong impression, but I was only giving you critique to help you create balanced services for a different business if you did make one because I am not taking new held items into the system at this time.
*headdesk* *headdesk*

Alright, so me an' Blazhy have yet another oh whaaat another crack idea. Would a business that lets you pay to fight epically overpowered Legendaries for experience be plausible? We still have some cracks to fill, but the idea..?
It might be, but I should warn you that businesses offering battles tend to flop pretty quickly when people realize how much of a drain it is to handle all the reffing required to keep one running.
Alright, Dragon and I are working on our new business idea, but we have a question. When we were deciding on prices, we realized that unless the simulator battles were really, really short, there was no way it'd be as profitable as actual reffing. So, when we ref the simulator battles, will we still get paid like they were normal reffings? Slapping that amount of money onto what we already get for the simulator services seems a bit much, though, so Dragon and I talked it over and agreed that we'd be satisfied being paid half the usual amount for reffing the simulator battles.
Paid by whom? The referee headquarters isn't going to pay you for stuff you do for your business.
Sorry if I wasn't clearer, but we wanted to ask if the referee headquarters would pay us for reffing the simulator battles. That's because otherwise we'd have to have some hefty charges in order to make it as profitable as actual reffing. Guess they won't; thanks, anyway.
Okay, Dragon and I have another question (you must be pretty annoyed by now). Our business involves battling Legendaries (but you know that already), and we're planning to type up home stages for each Legendary. We're not done those stages yet, but can we still open the business, and add the home stages later? Assuming the business itself is approvable, of course.
I guess, but... I mean, you would have some generic arena(s) to replace the ones that you're writing up for each individual legendary, right? There would be no real point to opening the business if there was nowhere for people to actually battle, obviously.
Oh, no, we have some of them written up, as well as a basic stage for people to battle in should the exclusive stage be unavailable at the moment. So, I guess it's acceptable? If so, then one of us will post the huge walls of text business stuff tomorrow, or some time close to that.
Heck you know, what I'll give this a try. I need some pay anyway.

In the bustling streets of ASB Central stands a fairly large and tall building towering over most of the smaller others near it. There is a large flashing sign above the main doorways that says "The Hidden Machine Emporium" in big blue letters. When carefully stepping up to the clear glass doors with tiny papers and flyers tapped on it that look like they would be advertising something, they slide open and faint chime rings “Ding-Dong”. You walk inside. The interior is mainly blue and white and it is very clean and orderly. It is astonishingly quiet in there, so that one could hear a pin drop. There are fluorescent lights covering the whole expanse of the ceiling. Way in the corner there is a door that says “Employees Only” where they produce new ideas. There is one main desk with a single cheery looking shop clerk manning it. You walk up to him and he says

"Greetings! This is the Hidden Machine Emporium, or the H.M. emporium for short! Here we dedicate ourselves to helping out the trainer community with our genius designs, the H.M.'s. We specialize in producing these H.M's that you normally could not buy anywhere else. These are the latest H.M’s we have to offer"

Even though these are not TMs, but HMs, they can still be only used once on a pokemon, then they break. One pokemon is not allowed to know more than one HM from this store.

HM no. 1 Cut (5$ / 2$)

HM no. 2 Fly (5$ / 2$)

HM no. 3 Surf (6$ / 3$)

HM no. 4 Strength (7$ / 3$)

HM no. 5 Whirlpool (7$ / 4$)

HM no. 6 Rock Smash (8$ / 4$)

HM no. 7 Waterfall (9$ / 4$)

HM no. 8 Rock Climb (9$ / 5$)

On the opposite wall of the room, there is yet another desk, but this one is much smaller than the first, again with only one clerk manning it, but this one looks fairly sad. A couple lights are burnt out and a few are flickering, creating a dim setting for this desk.

“Welcome to the HM Emporium.” The sad clerk said “These are where we keep all the obsolete HMs. So browse our selection of three HMs” He says sarcastically

HM no. 5 Flash (10$ / 5$)

HM no. 5 Defog (10$ / 5$)

HM no. 8 Dive (10$ / 5$)
Pokémon already know all of their HM moves by default. I don't know what the point of buying them would be.
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