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Candy-stripe a cancer ward




- Iggly, jiggly and wiggly.

- Dude, dude, dude, and dude.

And I'm posting this dude cause he's my favourite.

:D ty. I can't do more ghosts just yet cause I'm working on finishing the first gen pokes and those are the only ghosts in the first generation. You can suggest a first gen poke though.
Er, porygon? Or dratini? Or SCYTHER. idk bugs or internetducks or dragons, all of gen1 was great.

Also haunter finally loaded for me and that's even better then gengar <3 I love the mouthy-teeth.
That was the creepiest looking Igglybuff I've ever seen. It's eyes remind me of Squidward's Suicide xD.
Igglybuff is creepy, man. Admit it. Iggly and jiggly just want to eat your souls. Why do you think I went to the wiggles right after the haunters? Because of the creep factor.

In all honesty I kept trying to draw it non-creepy but it wasn't working so I figured, hell, creepy it is. Maybe I'll add a cheshire grin.
That igglybuff is the best thing I've ever seen.

.... I kinda suck at comments but everything else is awesome too. Only crits I can give is that the Gastly's lineart needs to be darker around the face, or the shading needs to be lighter. If the lineart isn't the darkest shade in the picture, it looks off.
Haha thanks. :]

I kinda like lighter linearts... hrr... you're probably right but I still like experimenting, unfortunately.
Hey, experimenting is good! That's how you learn new things and improve. And see, it looks fine on Haunter and Gengar because on them it is the darkest shade. On Gastly I think it's that line of dark red/purple that throws it off.
Yeah, I think you're right. I keep trying to do this thing where the lineart is purposely lighter in areas but I keep failing epically and erk. I'm just gonna stick with what I know for a while. :\
Oh I love these. Colors! So much color! It looks really nice and the colors works together really well. I especially love the red on their gloves, I really like when people do something in one color and make it look like another. (Badly worded sentence, in short, you used only red and pink shades but the gloves still look white) It's something I've been trying to do a lot but never quite got the hang of.
:D Thanks! I figured I had to play with the colours cause their designs are pretty boring. I also love playing with colours, you know, like how you mentioned it. S'hard but I love when I get it right, which is so rare, lul.
Holy crud those colours and that shading and whoa O:
I especially love the texture on Porygon; the spiky crystal-esque shading fits well and makes the whole thing interesting to look at.

How'd you screw up Scizor's lines? D: Are they recoverable in any way?

Anyhow, keep these pretty critters coming! I always check them out even though often I'm a non-commenting jerk :U
:D ty.

It was on the same canvas/layer as scyther and I select-expanded-filled in with colour and didn't realized it filled in over scizor's already finished lines. So. :| feck. Have to redo 'em.
You're welcome C:

Aw man that's nasty. These your-art-is-gone-forever things always happen at the worst times D:
It really does. And it makes me not want to continue at all. :\



I never realized how cute omanyte/star could be. I'm really enjoying the simpler pokemon, so much fun to colour.




Not as fun to colour, but more fun to draw.






Starmie is so boring srsly.

And courtesy of gew...


Nightmare fuel.

And finally finished that scizor.

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