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Candy-stripe a cancer ward

Yeah I think I'm not gonna bother with the Sugimori thing, it's just a pain in the ass and overall I'm not crazy about his style anyhow so. :[ It doesn't help me progress as an artist so I don't know why I bother.

You should totally get corel painter and try working on backgrounds, it's the funnest thing everrr. :D The program's confusing at first and yeah I just use like, 3 kinds of brushes but it's fun.

This image refused to be uploaded absolutely anywhere. :| Which is ironic since I drew it because I was already pissed. Pfeh.
Mmk, I figured a good way to uh, get comments, because yeah that's what artists want right. :v Soo basically if you want critique on your art, post and I'll do my best to crit/redline. However you must in exchange comment on my art. :D obviously I am banking on the fact people want crit but well here's hoping okay

WELL. I have drawn lately. I'm starting a digital art course today, which is the reason I've been working in corel painter so much recently - they use both photoshop and corel, so I had to familiarize myself with the program at least a little. (Also with human anatomy. :[ boo.) WELL. Okay. So here's art. It's mostly big art so, links.

- Igenous from Negrek's fic Clouded Sky. I <| (that's cake) magmar and Igneous is awesome.

- Chris Colfer on a llama. Holding a can of diet coke in a button-down blue shirt. Singing Don't Cry For Me Argentina. This is me obsessing, yeah. But I'm pretty sure this is my best drawing/painting thing whatever so far, aside from the background, which I clearly could have done better with. :| Buuuut it looks like him! Eee. <| *pride*

And pixels...

This started off as uh, a cat-thing and turned into a mustelid-fossa-like thing. Not that I mind, really, it was mostly done because I was bored and felt an urge to pixel. Sooo... yeah. The colour are too harsh for my liking but I'm getting better. :\

Annnd last form of the komodo dragon line, improving the sugimori style because I had to. :[ NO MORE.
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I AM HERE I AM COMMENTING Seriously, your pictures are *amazing* please don't stop posting or anything D:

The first one on this page, the, uh, giant wolf-flying-snakey-thing? It looks fantastic. I really love the background for it, and I like how the furriness continues down its back while it's still lizardy underneath. Most of its bottom half reminds me of one of the bosses on Redident Evil 5, but that could just be because I spent all of last night playing it.
I totally took "I drew this because I was already pissed" to mean you drew this while drunk, and I was about to be incredibly impressed at your drunk-drawing skills. XD

Is the reindeer one a picture of the season-changing deer-thing from the 5th gen? I haven't been playing too close attention to all the new ones and keep forgetting what they look like. The pose is cool (I love all the cool poses you do in general, especially with... horsey-type animals), I like the blue outline, and the fuzziness on its... very 70's-looking legwarmer-thingies.

The Magmar is SO CUTE I love his stubby arms and legs and beak and the whole picture is all warm and snuggly and I especially like the firey colouring you used for his... head-thingies. The beak, I think, is a little asymmetrical in relation to the eyes and face? But it's a lovely, lovely pic and Magmar don't get enough love :3

The Argentina pic is hilarious and awesome and I don't even get it and I still want to set it as my desktop wallaper. The llama is hilarious - I especially love its hooves and mouth - and the only nitpick I have with Chris is the colouring of his mouth looks a little funny. Like he sort of has an orange in his mouth? I'm rubbish at this critting thing.
I do love his eyebrows, though X3

I've just reread this comment and it had reminded me why I shouldn't reply to anything while half-asleep. I apologise for its complete incoherency, particularly for the overuse of the words "thing" and "thingy".
Oh, Dannichu, have I ever mentioned I love you? Because I do. :[ And I don't throw those l-words around lightly! Auhg. You are epic-ness in human form. (I assume you are human-formed.)

Oh, you can be sure I was drunk, what with my affection for alcohol. Oh I just love me some alcohol... can't get enough of it. Sometimes I wonder if I /should/ get drunk or high or something and see what comes out of it, drawing-wise, would be interesting, I think. But no, I'm pretty straight-edge, aside from prescription drugs. :v But! Thankyouuu. Sometimes I just uh, start drawing and see what comes out. :D

It is the weather-changing deer with a completely unpronounceable name. It's the winter form, which in the sprite is much fuzzier and cuter than I've managed to draw. :[ But I do like what you've termed the 70's legwarmers. xD And I <3 magmar so much you don't even know, it used to be my favourite pokemon. Eehee. That was when there was only 1st gen... oh... so long ago.

I suckkk at mouths and human faces in general. ; ; Ahgg I'll improve, slowly. Oh well. Watch Glee and then obsess over the actors and you'll get the pic! Or I'll explain it, that works.
See, Chris Colfer acts Kurt, and I love him, okay. So I obsess. And uh, Chris loves the colour blue, thus the colour-scheme for the pic. He also loves blue button-down shirts (actually he wears little else), sunglasses, diet coke, llamas (he says he was like a llama in high school - llamas don't fit in, are they goats, camels, horses, what? that's what he was like, he didn't fit in); he wants to sing Don't Cry For Me Argentina on Glee because it's the only female powerhouse ballad he hadn't done yet, annnd... yep! :D I'm a bit of a creepy stalker... yeahhh.
Have I mentioned I really adore your use of colour (in both your pixel art and digital paintings)? You have all those crazy colours mixed up in a way that makes them look just beautiful.
Your paintings are also really smoooooth (I'm looking at you, Magmar) and just guh you need to tell me how to do that and if the program you're using has anything to do with it (Corel Painter, was it?).

Your winter-Mebukijika has a gorgeous deer butt :D The blue sketch colour looks a tad weird (maybe purple/violet'd fit better) but it doesn't matter that much since it obviously is more of a sketch and less of a full-fledged drawing.

I think I already said this, but the Magmar piece has amazing colours, and I applaud you for making snow look clean without making it extra-blue :O
The shading is just tasty and there is very little to complain about. If I have to say something negative-ish, I'd say the tail+flame could maybe have a smoother curve, right now the flame looks a tad stiff.

There are a few anatomical problems with your Chris, mainly in the shoulder/upper arm area (more shoulders/longer arms? idk). The biggest problem with the mouth is the shading; right now it makes it look like it's some sort of a pink blob. Turn the shading around a bit like this or something:

I don't know what the person looks like, but I think his chin could be longer? Dunno, it might make the lower portion of the face look more natural.

Your cat-mustelid-animal-pixel thing is pretty fancy (again with the tasty colours !). I'm not sure how to criticize it since my pixelart is so different and I have very little experience on these more detailed and colourful pixels.
The way the tail curves is a bit awkward; maybe mess around with the outline on the lower part?

The sugi-style komodo kind of shows that the style isn't really the right one for you, since your art looks better with that full shading and wacky colours you usually use. It's not bad; it just looks a lot flatter and less lively than your other work. The wings have some weird going on too; the shapes aren't quite symmetrical.
The creature's quite cute, though C:

Okay what did I actually type that much? I seriously hope at least one sentence there is even remotely useful :D

Keep on artsin'! I like to check out your work even if I don't have the time/motivation to comment all the time.
; ; Equinoxe I love you toooo you and Danni are like my bffs okayyyy. I will attempt to teach you my colours - see you just grab colours and splash them on the drawing and then, uh, well, yes that's pretty much it. COLOURS GO WELL IN DRAWINGS so you put them... in... them. :D?...

Anyyyhow I don't think I'll fix the magmar-flame because I find flames to be a) a pain in the ass and b) a pain in the ass. :[ I might have to focus on that, in the future, but at the moment it isn't what I'm interested in improving on since, well, I don't draw it much... yeah. BUT uh. Right. I do think I'll try to fix Chris's face though, and the chest-arm area will have to do until I figure out how exactly human chests/arms work. I had the same problem with quadrupeds for the longest time. :[ And I'll possibly fix the mustelid-cat-thing's tail unless I'm too lazy... but it's definitely funky-looking... baw.

I'm gonna redraw that entire line though in a more pleasing style, because I don't like, you know, how they look atm. Grah. Possibly I'll pixel them, actually, that sounds fun... :o

Anyhooow sorry I'm not posting art, I have art but it's not on this computer and not online D: ahh. Wait, I might have old art I can post? Errh... Okay, here's some old crap.

- Horse drawn for no reason other than I wanted to draw a horse. For some reason, since I've learned to handle their anatomy, they've become really fun to draw. (Not that I'm any sort of expert, but they're certainly easier than before.)

- Leopard? and lion, characters belonging to uh, people on dA, art trades from a few months ago... Er, sketch trades, actually.

- Dragon and horse-dragon-thing. Sorry for giant watermark things :[ I don't have the original files anymore...

EDIT: Oh, and corel can help achieve a super-soft look, or any other look really, it has over a bazillion brushes. But you can do the same thing with photoshop, with more patience, haha. Photoshop can do pretty much anything if you have the patience for it, corel just does it faster. :]

EDIT AGAIN: Oooh, new arts. :D I can't stop drawinggg.


I love dinosaurs but I don't know any of them so I just draw vaguely dinosaurian things. :|
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Eeee you are most welcome and I love you too! (I'm mostly human-formed. Deformed-human-formed, if you will)

Ah, I'll drink-draw occasionally (I'm not a wild-party person, but will drink if I'm in the mood), and while my art doesn't get massively bad, it goes incredibly weird and I usually end up with pages and pages of Dragonair-snail hybrids doing wacky things.

Magmar is fun to draw - you should do them more often! It's the bird/human/FIRE combination that does it XD

The Chris story is adorable~ And I'm so, so glad I'm not the only one who obsesses over actors like that. >>

Anyways, the dragon-thing looks badass and you should definitely draw it properly sometime :D Are the bits on its legs and head feathery, leafy or spiky? I love its wings <3

The greys, whites and pink on the snow leapoard/tiger/general big-cat-thing look wonderful; it's a shame this one doesn't have a background, because with your epic use of colours (as Equinoxe pointed out), it'd look even more cool.

And the lion is just cuuuute. I love how it's all compact and small-looking (the crouching helps this, and his tail is all tiny!), but he still looks all muscly and super-powerful. Like, if he were a Pokemon, he'd have really good attack and defense.

Heee! That new dinosaur-thingy is adorable! I love its teeny-tiny arms! And the head-spikes~ Was that one drawn using traditional art or digitally? I love dinosaurs but don't know that much about them, so I stick with the ones everyone knows, and I still manage to mess those up most of the time X3
The dino is digital :D I only do digital, so if you're ever confused, just assume it's digital, hee. I think I will finish that dragon-thing - the things on its head/back/legs are spikes that were meant to look crystal-ish when coloured. (Idk how I remember that...) Oh, and I definitely obsess over actors... probably a bit too much... >>;;
; ; Equinoxe I love you toooo you and Danni are like my bffs okayyyy.
D'awwwwwwww man you're so nice ;u;
also that was the best colour tutorial ever :'D

You draw big cats so much better, mine always end up looking like weird bears. The white leopard-cat looks a bit short but it's not insanely distracting. P:

You NEED to draw it properly :U It's pretty dang cool and interesting and whoah

The little dinosaur-thing is cute, I like the traditional-ish effect you got going on in there :P

Oh, and corel can help achieve a super-soft look, or any other look really, it has over a bazillion brushes. But you can do the same thing with photoshop, with more patience, haha. Photoshop can do pretty much anything if you have the patience for it, corel just does it faster. :]
Thanks for the info. I'm not the most patient kind of person, so this sounds interesting :D Besides experimenting with different programs is cool (too bad my current laptop is poop, probably gotta wait 'till I get a new one before 'legally' acquiring new fancy programs).
Pfff legally acquiring things! Stealing is totally the way to go. :D

Anddd present for Dannichus:


I didn't know what to draw for you and then I realized... well... yep. Sherlock. :P I'm sort of half-satisfied with this, but there's nothing I can do to fix what's bothering me, so here it is. Hope you like, anyhow. :D
Chris Colfer on a llama. Holding a can of diet coke in a button-down blue shirt. Singing Don't Cry For Me Argentina.

I only just now realized who you are and I'm the biggest idiot ever because in hindsight it was totally obvious even despite the fact this is the first time I've visited your art thread :'(

I'm jealous of your colors and your fur detail (especially the pixel art) is super scrumptious. And I love your lizardy critters! I really want myself a Nibite now. :< I'll def poke into this thread more often. I feel ashaaamed.
I only just now realized who you are and I'm the biggest idiot ever because in hindsight it was totally obvious even despite the fact this is the first time I've visited your art thread :'(

I'm jealous of your colors and your fur detail (especially the pixel art) is super scrumptious. And I love your lizardy critters! I really want myself a Nibite now. :< I'll def poke into this thread more often. I feel ashaaamed.

I'm actually a ninja so I cannot blame you for not realizing who I am. (Okay more accurately there is no reason to remember me so.)

And Equinoxe gave me the idea to take progress shots, sooo. I already had the lines done at that point, but.



This part was done on another layer.

Shading below it, then merged layers.




Anddd then the next prog shot is the finished image, lol.
Whoosh that komodo dragon definitely looks much better in your own style.
Thanks for getting those progress shots; it's nice to see your way of working :O

Your way of shading is really organic and smooth, and that, coupled with the harmonic colour choices and lighting makes the whole image atmospheric even without a background.
The only critique I have is mostly outline-centered. The dragon's left knee (our right) looks a bit too light; maybe the outline could be a bit darker around the thigh to make it stick out less. The tail tip area has a similar problem, but in its case the outlines are perhaps too dark; it doesn't look as 'finished' as, let's say, the chest area of the dragon.

I really wanna see more of your pixels, they're really inspiring (I feel like trying out some pixel-artin' again !). Keep up the good work! C:
Hmm, you know, you're right. :[ I should probably go back and change that but epic-lazy means I probably won't. Now that I look at it I also want to lighten the head but ahg. I want to move on to the next art. Dx Thanks though! <|

And next art already done. :[ *no life*

1 2 3 4 5


The sketch was done at least half a year ago... I was getting sick of it sitting in my folder untouched. Sooo. Yeah. 'tis Anthony. :D Anyhow, I'm aware of anatomy flaws in this one, but like I said it's a really old sketch - I fixed most of it but some of it got away. O vell.


Kusari said draw ditto. Another friend said draw tyranitar. Yep.
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Eeee it is GLORIOUS thank you SO MUCH :DDDD

*saves* *sets as background* *legally marries*
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