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aw heck, you’re probably right, but part of me still wants to believe w!herbe would still have an easier time justifying 2 roleblockers than coming up with a fake role for a dead personthat's probably NAI isn't it? w!herbe would know that emmy would come back with something making it clear she got [mafia] roleblocked (unless you're saying he just blames it on a hypothetical town roleblocker or something like that)
bad if you're wolf, harmless if you're not:o is pocketing a good or bad connotation in this context
i'm looking at a blu/keldeo vote myselfherbe what are your lynch thoughts for the day tbh. i guess i should start thinking more about that but i don't wanna
lol i think you're feeling more pacifistic than i am toDaydon’t want to press too hard until keldeo gets back tho
def not needed yet hahaha!Aww geez :< EoD isn't for quite a while yet, right? Just wondering when a roleclaim would be sufficient
you don't know what [redacted] is do younot sure i get why everyone’s townreading herbe but i feelabout him
didn’t mewtini ask doctor to go on her last nighthmm
if herbe was mafia he would know mewtini's role and via that would probably either block mewtini and kill emmy or vice versa, unless herbe and mewtini are both mafia, which I find unlikely